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Everything posted by Mebig

  1. I know that I am not an active writer on the forms but a long time lurker. I just gave this to Games Workshop. With the lazy rules and overly prices models you (Games Workshop) should be ashamed. 0 Wargear options, 0 Mega Gargant Customization, 0 Batallions, 0 EFFORT! You (Games Workshop) advertised that the mega gargants were going to be the Biggest!!! yet they are under 7 inches tall. You are charging $195 USD for this and it pales in comparison to other big kits for the 2X price hike. I know there are extra bits but really... Whomever approved this design concept needs to be reprimanded. If I get any response I will post it.
  2. I hear you. My wallet is going to be out $500 USD at least. (I currently own only 3 Gargants from my times in the old world) Big Bois come with a Big Boi price.
  3. A book from GW that I may actually buy!
  4. Oh god, I wholeheartedly agree that it would be a travesty if they got the gits treatment. (the poor gobos didn't deserve it) Maybe, their allegiance ability will be the thing that increases their resilience. That way they could be powerhouses for whomever brings them but, have good reason to go all chonky boys.
  5. Hi All, Remember these are each 25% of your army. In my opinion, they will have to be significantly better than that to see any play. I would expect them to be able to kill a 30 wound unit with a 4+ save and no after save on an average roll. (and assuming top profile) and they will also need to be able to survive a round or two in combat. I would put them in them in the ballpark of 30 wounds with a or 5+ save or 25 wounds with a 4+ save. Hopefully they'll also have a mechanic with a built in -1 to wound them so they might live through 1 round of fighting. This is pure speculation but, GW will need rules to make sure everyone wants to buy the kit. Especially, since everyone can use one.
  6. You should be very proud of your accomplishments. Everything looks great! (orc butts ftw!)
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