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Everything posted by chord

  1. 22 hours ago, xking said: But it will have some of that? I want to know, what Hammerhal Aqsha is like? and how is it different from Hammerhal Ghyra?. What does it 's factories manufacture?, What does the city grow for food?,
  2. I would say the details people are thinking about themselves. (see above post there its mentioned that we "need" vs would like) They could create the details if they wanted them vs having them created for them. At the end of the day, we should all just be happy we are getting an AOS RPG mundane details or no mundane details. 😀
  3. There exists a world where some DM's prefer details and others prefer broad strokes. But to imply that we "NEED" lots of minor details is not true. Just that some prefer it. So for speaking for myself and others who don't need all the crazy mundane details We would be fine if AOS RPG does not have the mundane details.
  4. Nah I've run plenty an RPG without worrying about the mundane details. Players have always been happy. GM's tend to care more then the players.
  5. I dunno personally not interested in mundane lore about crops, jobs, etc. I like the high fantasy approach myself.
  6. Just kitbashing or proxying? (they have different CA's)
  7. What are people doing for the Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline? Selling the other two dracolines? (I really dislike boxes like this where I'm left with a not max unit)
  8. I don't have a problem with this being wholly within 24". Ghouls are taken in such large quantities (else they are pretty useless) so if it was wholly within 12" you would almost never get to use it. I will say I do think powercreep happens as a way to sell stuff.
  9. 2. So granted its not that many losses but several are already getting into skaven talk mode for the new battletome
  10. Really?!? I've had to put a rule up, I refuse to play anyone that speaks like that during games. I'll take a loss first before have to endure it
  11. Well if you stay out of pile in range, and the unit you are shooting is already engaged in combat that unit that is being shot can't get to the judicators unless they retreat. Of course after that unit is wiped yeah they are pretty hosed
  12. Has anyone tried dropping in a unit of crossbow judicators behind an engaged enemy and just shooting the daylights out of them in the back? If you don't move them you can get a lot of shots off.
  13. Enforcing paint schemes would be a terrible idea! Remember most stormcast players had armies way before stormhost rules
  14. I totally agree on LCoD should make them battle line. I feel this is an oversight as the chamber was released prior to GHB and should be corrected. Good idea on the Zephyros General making hunters battle line...I like it! The Exorcist should be 100 and even then not sure he's worth it. The Veritant has always been overpriced for their abilities. Maybe increase the ranges vs lowering points? I also agree that there are too few CA's.
  15. I'd rather Liberators to 3+ to hit with hammer and 3+ to wound with warblade.
  16. I agree that turned me off from them as well. Really dislike how it translated into gameplay as well
  17. Interesting, I'm not surprised the Seraphon still sell well. It almost makes me wonder who would think they wouldn't. Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs riding Dinosaurs! The start collecting box grabs so much attention with the kick a** carnosaur on it.
  18. I agree GW doesn't want to make SCE too good cause people will complain. I'm not talking about broken like the Warrior Brotherhood etc.
  19. It could have been adjusted , change to wholly within or a larger buffer from enemies. As it stands now its not even worth considering.
  20. Original Hammerstrike where I can drop the paladins in, or still just a bonus?
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