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Everything posted by Indecisive

  1. So... How about the Sylvaneth stuff guys? Flute Spirit sure is uh, interestingly pointed.
  2. looked at the article from today, still funny seeing him surrounded by greenskins looks more like they are fighting him than being lead by him
  3. Interesting stuff with command abilities on the new Slaanesh minis. Sure feels like a big change is in store. As well as wording, "issue a command".
  4. Bonesplitters to one side, Ironjawz to another, then in the background newguys. Guess this does look like a Kragnos leading the new Warclans faction picture. Implies that the far background minis aren't gargants or those finecast ogor models.
  5. So, seems like the theme is one Stormcast box hero per weekday. So 5 SCE heroes in the box then? Got one that looks like a mage, and one that looks like a Lord Celestant from the animation. Guess we might see a mounted one silhouette tomorrow or Friday. That's been the trend for the boxsets. Also got the bald, spear hero.
  6. I like broad, meaty armies with choices. Gitz and Soulblight I like for the choices, you may not like every part of the faction but there is a better chance you'll like some part. Rather than hoping for GW to push out over 40 armies so each minifaction gets blown up it's nicer to have something immediately. Ideally, then, the faction gets some more options down the line to flesh out what people liked the most. Like more Spiderfang if hypothetically Gitz players were crazy about Spiderfang. Also, related. When will Sylvaneth be reunited? I mean just look at these guys and their helmets.
  7. lol, enjoy your antisocial battering ram, literally
  8. Oh, and I saw people discuss his mortal wounds output and drawbacks. But Bellows of Rage is genuinely funny. It doesn't effect just enemy units. It effects anything other than Kragnos. Meaning, if your opponent goes first and inflicts damage to him in their shooting and hero phase, the ability goes off twice and you'll do 2D3 mortals to all your units around him and destroy your defensible terrain. Obviously, you'll keep him away from your terrain and units when deploying, but wait, he has an aura buff so you want people near him. It'll be a comedy of allies forming rings around Kragnos to stay within 12'' but further than 6'' away. Hehe...
  9. Reading through the balance discussion, yeah, Kraggy definitely has some hard downsides and doesn't offer much to an army or that much presence to threaten an entire board. But I do wish people would consider asymmetrical balance more often when reading people's concerns. If you've got no ranged for example in your faction, you have to try and brawl with him. He's almost immune to magic. His save is high so if you're in a faction without access to high rend or mortal spam you're in for a bad time. It sort of becomes a NPE discussion. Sometimes something doesn't effect everyone equally, if some faction gets hardcountered or has no answer for something, they aren't wrong to complain a bit. Sort of a general thing, where one thing isn't so bad if you consider all possible opponents, but a subsection of the opponents are really hardpressed to do something. The negative experience of bad match-ups. If you've got tarpits ready, you can bog him down easily what with his move and no fly. If you've got mortal spam, ideally at range. You may not 100-0 him fast enough to save some units, but you can weaken him to render him impotent. Problems begin if you show up without those options.
  10. They might have been making the decision on how many books one year ago, hm... One year ago, I wonder what event from a year ago we are probably seeing the consequences of in action.
  11. I've got to say though, people being surprised that chaos isn't a bunch of lookers and easy on the eyes is kind of amusing to me. I mean, have you looked at chaos warriors? Fellas aren't popping up on the cover of GQ no matter how many times Archaon blows the world up. Might be more accurate to say, there is a reason the helmet stays on no matter what.
  12. I'm more so not fond of GW's love of the sidecut. Then again, it's the same company with a weird adoration for the top knot so I'll never see eye-to-eye with them on hairstyles.
  13. To be honest, GW does owe a bit to Berserk. Don't know how you can look at Ferrus and Fulgrim, their appearance and relation without thinking Guts and Griffith.
  14. If the business with nails and jabbing trophies on nails holds, cruel certainly isn't a bad choice of words. Or Krool I suppose. Kroolboy Swamplords.
  15. There are a few rumour engines that we can retroactively think of as being strong contenders for the new guys. The new guys seem to have a bit of a thing for nails, what with that mask thing having nail teeth, and some sort of cut off tongue being nailed into place there. Nails Trophies, like that tongue. And more things with nails. And a hook too!
  16. Since more people are making content off the mysterious rumours from reddit, I think that is the source, it's worth pointing out that whether Stormcast get their alleged "sleek dragon cavalry and flying cavalry" will be a good litmus to judge the entirety of the rumour very quick. They, if they exist, will be revealed soon enough and have been referred to with enough specificity that a shot in the dark is very unlikely.
  17. I think it's a fair concern that a surprising number of people will probably have. Normally your book gets replaced by something with the exact same name so you know what is going on. If you are a bit out of the loop, or don't extensively follow warhammer online you'd be confused as to what book to stick with.
  18. Some synergies in the book seem really crazy. Not too sure about how people were so tepid on it earlier. Skeleton Warrior spam appears to have fallen by the wayside, but Blood Knight, Grave Guard, Dire Wolf lists really seem to have promise and maybe even the usually jokey monster mash option.
  19. GSC SC came out February 2020, months before the 9th edition ramp-up. Safe to say the Soulblight SC means nothing concrete. If the 40k formula holds, new value boxset with battletome/codex, then Soulblight SC would be around for 3 years before getting replaced anyway.
  20. I mean, just look at the mounted Wight King Lady Annika too, I think I saw someone find art resembling her from decades back. Soulblight really feels like Vampire Counts 2, Vykros has a feel resembling Kislev. But you also get things out there like Avengorii. GW seems to be turning the dial back and forth settling on some blend of how things were with how the new stuff is. Same with Lumineth, you can see, now with the full release, where High Elves start and something new begins.
  21. soulblight book looks to be a bit over the place, I see some considerable buff chaining as well as really good and straightforward bloodlines (vykros), and some stinkers like unusable without errata CAs(wight kings) and just bad (black knights)
  22. yeah, when we've got small greenskins and large greenskins, medium greenskins doesn't top the wanted list something to make kragnos fit in well, that'll be tough tbh
  23. Yeah, reading through all the exciting speculation people have then comparing it to the rumour of medium-sized green people is a bit deflating. I'm assuming there is some big hook or twist to stop them from overlapping with the rest of the greentide.
  24. Sacrosanct was completely different. They lead in with new stuff immediately, wizards and artillery was fresh design space. Even though Sequitors eclipsed Liberators, well debatable now, as a whole the chamber has a very distinct feel.
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