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Everything posted by Indecisive

  1. IDK really could've used a hero on eel, then that'd be decent. No more walking baldies. As for units, I'd expect with the meme crab popularity that IDK will get more crabs down the line. That or an elite infantry battleline option to round out the roster. Fyreslayers, is euthanasia an option?
  2. Hard to be worse than Fyreslayers, I rarely see any enthusiasm for them. Yeah, tougher to paint as well for most people between skin and faces. Is basically a mini-faction pulled out of a WHFB faction too. Hard to be any more niche.
  3. what are the remaining pending releases? (confirmed) GSC and Custodes Codex probably same day Tau Codex + mini WHU Ogor Pirates What else? So far that is enough to fill January, but February onwards is a mystery. And AoS is a big ???
  4. I do wish GW went a bit more in-depth with these, with categories. Can't really do it ourselves as no one else would have the reach a WarCom poll would have.
  5. stormcast books never really felt inspired that, and the obvious intent to keep them plain as starters as well as a stupid number of warscrolls of redundant units means it'll always be disappointing somehow a bunch of units don't even merit being separate
  6. pretty sure we already know there is a skaven underworlds warband coming, I think there was the random post that seems right on the money about this season's warbands
  7. On the bright side, the memeKrab means AoS might actually take first place for once
  8. Blackstone Escalation added new playable characters too, I could see that happening here. Skimming rumour engines, some possible heroes.
  9. Warhammer Youtube seems to imply the balance update is this week
  10. check out your game store for the best answer, but this isn't like 40k with space marine mirror matches out the wazoo
  11. fyreslayers vs idoneth and that's about it, yeah
  12. Eh, the 3.0 battletomes so far haven't really amazed me. Just the Ironjawz section so far of the OWC book I very much like. Nurgle I'm unsure of how iffy I am on it.
  13. Most assuredly https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/12/25/christmas-preview-hedonites-habits-and-hekatarii/
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/12/14/metawatch-following-2000-games-across-the-2021-us-open-grand-tournament-series/ Wonder if we'll see this more
  15. sadness about how the nurgle preview was a blip between gsc/custodes and tau previews despite being the same hero+book release aside, the tau preview was insightful they've really tried to lean into heavier flavour with rules this edition, blandness was common feedback early 8th edition or so maggotkin seems to follow the above trio and goes against the sce/owc design weirdly enough
  16. to be fair, it is easier to get hyped since the 40k plans till 2023 or so were leaked what was it 6 months ago? no such 1.5 year roadmap was leaked for aos so it's a lot harder to muster similar excitement that and aos had a big year, well, 2/3s of the year with 5 big faction releases in that 2/3s
  17. The first codexes of 2022 are technically Custodes/GSC. But between those being previewed and the Darkstrider silhouette, they probably mean the Tau Codex.
  18. -Disease Points -Contagion Points -Command Points Amazing, 3 points to track and the latter has the same acronym. Also, one hero has a bank of rerolls to track ability. Truly a faction for those that love tallying.
  19. you knew what you signed up for when you picked the faction of elf-pattern baldness, rogaine won't help
  20. GW axed unique battalions with the new edition and then started adding them again. The inconsistency of battletomes is modus operandi at this point
  21. the vast majority are just half-assed wishlists, but the anonymity + ease of slipping real rumours amongst the ****** makes it a good place for leaks, there have been some legit leaks from that site over the years but not frequent that, and it can be fun to keep tabs on promising ones out of sheer hope edit: I do not understand this word filter, why is "assed" fine but not "c(rap)"
  22. We're so desperate that we keep combing through 4chan rumours, come on Valrak, any drop in a desert is an oasis
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