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Everything posted by Ser_namron

  1. Finally based some artillery. Cannons and organ guns are no more, but I'm still gonna use these as proxies. http://imgur.com/a/sIT9Aio
  2. ooooh ya, 30 is not necessary for the full pain to be brought, but that discount is what makes them worth it imo. 20 blocks are still pretty killable too, and my entire list kinda revolves around them doing work with the aura of glory and the wardenking command trait. Its kind of backup reassurance. I could drop some hammerers and take some ranged liked irondrakes/ freeguild gunners, i dont think that'd be a bad choice. But i love hammerers with 4Atk - 2(rr1)/3(rr1)/-2/1 with 6s to hit proccing MW in ADDITION to normal damage. Its soooo killy lol. I kinda gave up on my dispossesed when CoS came out and they gutted warriors/thunderers/cannons/ organ guns which was the bulk of my army. But now i just proxy the warriors for ironbreakers, and i use the 2h variant as hammerers. I definitely glossed over how solid the duardin still are though, and CoS in general ( i bought the tome, said meh, and let my friends use it for the non duardin bits)
  3. Behold, my KO-less, practically ranged-less Tempest eye Dwarfs. Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar- City: Tempest's EyeWarden King (110)- General- Command Trait: Aetherguard Captain- Artefact: Seerstone AmuletCelestial Hurricanum With Celestial Battlemage (280)Luminark of Hysh With White Battlemage (270)Runelord (90)- City Role: General's AdjutantRunelord (90)30 x Ironbreakers (330)30 x Hammerers (360)30 x Hammerers (360)10 x Longbeards (110)- Ancestral Weapons & Shields- City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 137 I swing my hammahs and i block with muh shields.
  4. Agreed, theirs not a ton of wriggle room once you get the necessities. Gimme dat list lol. I've probably played around 8-10 games with Ko so far, trying all the sky ports out. Barak thyrng is really fun, but like you mention above, by the time i take what i really need, the points i have left are not ideal, even more so with the 1 in 4 which means your bringing quite a few units to unlock Duardin. Ive probably got a 50/50 win rate against all kinds of armies including Gitz/Deepkin/ BoK/ OBR . Im in a lucky position where my play group has like every army and we all play at least once or twice a week. So ive been trying some stuff out. WLV spell in a bottle seems pretty awesome, but if it gets dispelled ( like it did in my game) it feels like a waste. 100%. I think the ironclad is WAY to pricey. Look at katakros and tell me hes worth less than the ironclad. I think thunderers should go down too. im pretty happy with balloon prices, but i wouldnt hate to see them go down lol. Admiral should also go down, they wanted him to be better than he is, and hes just not.
  5. List building in KO has been kinda frustrating ill admit. The point costs of units dont line up very well and im often left with 10-60 points on the table with nothing to use them on. But i think the battalions in this tome are really solid, nothing like a must take IE. Changehost. And honestly the CP/Artifact/ Endrinwork ( dont forget this, its huge) /lower drop is all pretty massive in our army. The artifacts we have are fantastic, as are the endrinworks. And being able to have a lower drop against your enemy can help ensure the chance at a double turn, which in KO is HUGE. The abiltiies they give are viable if you build around them, but i think the other benefits are where we profit. Plus escort wing is diiiiiirty, reroll 1s on the whole battalion against 1 unit a shooting phase, that can make the difference.
  6. And i appreciate ya, i think pointing this out is a benefit to everyone. But i dont think this applies to the barak Thyrng. Your talking about allying in units, we're talking about a sky port that allows you to take 1/4 Duardin units. Their is no mention of allying in those Duardin in the sky port text, only that you can bring 1/4. IF they said it counted as allies i would agree with you, but as it reads in the tome there is no mention of allies, so IMO i think your arguing apples and oranges.
  7. now THATS a fleet lol. You're gonna be able to make some real fun lists! I think your first list has a nice amount of bodies, 2 unbinds, and some aerial/ ground support.I think its worth testing out for sure. I personally would drop 1 of the navigators for a unit of 6 riggers. Personally im also not a fan of wardens, and i think theirs better sky ports. Zilfin takes frigates as battleline, you could build something real fun with all yours. Also, i would invest in a battalion, we have 3 really solid choices that are pretty easy to build into. Escort wing is my favorite.
  8. Well i think things like this do need to be discussed and looked at. GW is horrendous in so many ways, chief among them being rules writing and inconsistency in wording. I dont think anyone is trying to squeeze the fun out of it, they just see it and want to point out that its inconsistent with other rules. Even more so if its something that is oppressive or powerful ( i dont think Barak thryng falls under that example though). But ya, i am going to play it as i have been for Barak Thyrng.
  9. Amendment- Take help where you can get it 1 in 4 units in your army can be a DUARDIN unit that does not have the KO keyword. Those units gain the BARAK-THRYNG keyword. They cannot be army general and do not count towards the number of battleline units in the army. Seems pretty clear to me that this is outside of allies rules. As long as it has a Duardin keyword, you can take them as 1 in 4 for a KO army, even without the KO keyword.
  10. i tend to throw them in front to screen. They cant survive a charge usually, but it saves your ships, and if any are left they can still hitch a ride out of combat. Plus if you have saws, your opponent might think twice about charging in. I usually drop 12" out with the gunhauler ( for the carbines) and then set the riggers up in front 10-11" away. then they can still unload rivet guns as well. Also, if you bring the ironclad and "the last word" endrinwork, you get to unload your main gun when a unit finishes a charge within 3" so your screen of riggers should be within 3" so that can trigger.
  11. The healing is solid, and is more of a bonus with how you end up running riggers ( units of 3-6 hitching onto sky vessels and screening them) . Combod with the Endrinmaster command trait to reroll the repair rolls, you can get a solid 3-9 wounds healed every turn on a ship with 1". And it happens in hero phase so they can still fly high after repairs. I prefer to run my riggers entirely with saws/rivet guns except taking a drilllauncher for 1 every 3. The other special weapons have a place if your tailoring a list to charge in ( skyhook) or if your planning on facing something that retreats alot ( grapplehook for things like Skaven that can retreat and charge) . Overall theirs alot of ways to build them and it depends on how you wanna play them. Personally i like the saws/ rivet guns because the rivet guns do work, and having a saw for when you get charged is much needed melee in our army. You'll find out after a few games that melee is a ****** show for KO, but the saws can get in reliable damage. I've been LOVING escort wing. I run 3 gunhaulers in Urbaz skyport for battleline. I dont think Wardens are worth it. The riggers have better melee damage i believe unless you run the port that buffs wardens on charge. riggers have better ranged weapons and the repair is a cherry on top. I'm still unsold on the ironclad personally. seems you really need to load it up with thunderers to make it worth its cost IMO. I've had good luck using the frigate and having more points for other things. I've only played a few games with it though.
  12. Barak thyrng is mad fun. Had a runefather on magmadroth take on a Deepkin turtle and solo him, a gunhauler loaded with 3 riggers and 5 thunderers take out a block of eels, and a warden king with a nice block of 30 hammerers going at it in the middle of the board with ArkCo providing support. I love the flavor and being able to bring all kinds of dwarfs is the best. Highly recommend.
  13. This is a bit confusing lol. Gunhaulers can't garrison anyone unless they have the endrinwork for 5 models, and you can only take that once. So its already impossible. And you also cant split a unit, because then they arent in coherency and you'll have to choose which half stays and which half gets removed. even if you had 2 frigates than can hold 10 each, if the unit splits and doesnt get back to within 1" of another model from that unit by the end of the turn, you lose the models in the split units. Deployment after FAQ states we can garrison a unit inside a ship ( that can be garrisoned inside of) at the saem time if its in the same battalion, or as a seperate drop after the ship has been dropped. You also drop a whole unit at the same time, you cant drop 5/10 company as your 3rd drop, and then the other 5/10 as your fourth. Hopefully thats what you were asking lol.
  14. Any pics or a link to something similar? Sounds like it could be great
  15. Does anyone have any insight on that winning KO list from the recent Age of leapmar tournament? It so different than what I've been running id love to know how they played it. Also, WIP of my gunhauler. Anyone know a good way to add some frost theme to the model without ruining it? I dont really wanna just start splattering Valhalla blizzard over it. I'd like it to look a bit more weathered. This is what I got messing around with the base effect directly on another ship. Not sure if I can just do little patches like this on the ship. Might look real goofy.
  16. I wonder if your magnets are too stronk for their own good? I have had no problems with the magnets coming off just being held in place with superglue. I think your way is better, but im a lazy ******, so ima stick to superglue lol.
  17. i havent had any problems so far, but yours probably also look nicer than mine with a drilled hole lol. I have been magnetizing all their weapons with the drill though, so if need be ill switch! So far so good though.
  18. Ya the stardrake is a huge point sink, and def comes up short against alot of matchups ( hell even a block of blood sisters with mindrazor can end it). but against a pure WE attack, and the way my buddy kits his out with 1+ reroll 1s, reflecting wounds on 4+ healing on 6s, the weight of attacks really works against it. Honestly i've had very few problems with OBR so far in my 3 games against them. I've been on a realllll hot streak with my FNP saves lately though lol. And the hero phase activate from SQ bypasses their reroll saves which is HUGE. i'll say this, i used mine very poorly in all 3 matchups, and i would still say they were all stars throughout the day. I mean holy ****** for 150 pts you get soooooooo much potential. the bases are the same size as the cauldron so you can straight up deny objectives and flanks with them. And since they dont benefit from anything DoK you can throw them on their own and still have them at full potential. and ooooh boy is it nice having a range threat in DoK. Its damn near impossible to hero hunt i've found with DoK. but for 150 pts you get to potentially do 6 d3 mortals, thats worth it in and of itself, not to mention the rest of the profile. I want another 3 tbh lol.
  19. Magnets work really well, i did it to all my balloons. 1 on their pack where the stand usually cradles, and 1 on the end of your broken stand/ non broken stand. Easy peasy.
  20. I went 2-1 and placed, which was nice. 1st match and my only loss was against my buddies SCE star drake list that is literally an impossible matchup ( we have played many games together and practice games for this tourney in particular) so im feeling good about the list. 1st match- SCE-Places of power from core book ( tourney used core book instead of GHB19) He brought meteor, and a star drake and some vangaurd raptors(?)/leaders/ draco mounts or something idk lol, SCE have too many models. He took priority turn 1, grabbed 2 objectives, one with the drake, and loaded the other with some other mounted units. got my hag queen with cathecism on turn 1 with AOE damage ( i deployed very poorly for that meteor but its pretty impossible to avoid in DoK where everything is stacked by shrine). and ended turn. That was already game. I know his list very well, and i had to move past the drake to do anything, which just wasnt going to happen after he had moved. For those of you who havent fought the star drake fully loaded with the shard fist pelt, its straight up retarded against our army. 1+ save, rerolls 1, 4+ do mortals, 6+ heals 1 wound. So throwing a blob of WE into him results in dead WE models, and a healed dragon. You need to either throw the avatar on cauldron at him with mind razor, or bring sneks with mind razor. But that being said, the battleplan was extremely in his favor, heroes within 3" capping objectives and its all central to the board leaving him plenty of range to be in his auras and on 2 points. I Couldve played and given it a run, but i've faced it enough to know the tools at my disposal werent going to cut it. Conceded top of turn 2. 2nd match was against PE OBR- mortek gaurds, boneshapers/ bone masons/ 6 stalkers- Battle plan was starfall or w/e where top of round 2 the meteors drop on each side. I hunkered down and let him come to me so i could have turn 3 hit rerolls. so turn 1/2 were me just staying out of range of his charge. My meteor dropped center of my zone, which was perfect because i had my entire army there ready to go left or right. He made the charge, came in HARD with some stalkers at -3 rend 3 or 4 damage. But my rolls were on fire, and i reflected plenty of mortals with heart piercer shield, and then took 8 wounds out of 22 from 5+ FNP with rerolls from blessing of khaine. I murdered the stalkers and the 20 blob mortek that had charged mewith some hero phase activates and regular combat. I failed to get mindrazor off, but the weight of attacks was more than enough and my opponents rolls were not great. I think this one swung heavily in my favor with some dice luck. 3rd match- BoC- Gavespawn(?) . Lots of bestigors/gors/raiders - battle for the pass was the battle plan. i split myself on 2 points, and just held for his charges after he popped some bestigors outside 9" of my flank. We were even on point til turn 3 where he got priority and charged 30 bestigors at me with +3 attacks each from a chaos spawn, and +1 form the charge. He hit a 30 blob of WE with 115 bestigor attacks lol. i rolled 20 6s on my armor saves, literally killing his unit. and i only took 23 damage from his 87 wounds. Thats right, i killed his unit on their charge lol. On my turn i dropped some heartrenders on his back objective that he had killed all the gors off with his herdstone. that was gonna give me a 4 pt lead and the match had 15 minutes left, so we called it. That was my first tourney so im happy with the results. The army is so good against alot of matchups, but SCE has always destroyed me. It was my first time using scourge runner chariots, and for their points, holy ****** its a steal. Great screening unit, excellent hero sniping, and very fast.
  21. Awesome man, thanks for the insight. I've had Morathi on the shelf for a long time because it seems like a model that can be used to great effect if you know what your doing, otherwise it becomes to large of a point sink without a ton of offensive power. Whats the consensus on secondary prayers? I take blessing of khaine-> catchecism--> then its either sacrament or rejuvenating crimson. Sacrament can be clutch on turn 2, but sometimes it just whiffs or is kinda useless after turn 2. rejuvination isnt amazing, but its nice to heal back some wounds on the shrines or other leaders. Martyr is also pretty great, but i havent got to use that since the point increase ( oooooh how i miss 60pt hags lol)
  22. The OBR nexus terrain is a sleeper threat, def pay attention to that IMO. -1 to hit or no run with 1d6 charge can reallllly ****** things up. Hell, even -1 to cast is mean when mindrazors on a 7. Personally i go for Iron circlet 100% of the time over mind razor for exactly what you said. Mindrazor is a buff we can make do without for a turn, but blessing of Khaine is what keeps us alive. Doesnt stop me from rolling 1s and 2s all day for it though >.< The 1 hag is what would really concern me. Anyone who knows DoK is going to try and take that lone Hag out, then your really in a bad spot with bshock and no reroll wounds. Especially with DoT being a thing, flamers will straight up remove that cauldron if you get caught 18" away. Doubling on mindrazor seems like a bit of a waste to me, but i can def see the value in redundancy as well. Plus like you said, realm spells are available. Im curious how you use Morathi, keep her as a caster for the majority or do you throw her into monster mode to bog down people asap? really wish her Command action wasn't general only!
  23. But i only have 10 of them, so its not like their gonna get much value in combat, their more of a objective capping unit or a screen/ harasser. I do see their utility, i just dont think it outweighs 3 scourgerunner. With 3 scourgerunners i can at least threaten some serious mortal wounds with 6 shots doing d3 mortals on 6s and screen just as well. I would love to run 30 blocks of SoS instead of WE , but my models are the old metal ones from 98' and they have no whips or shields. I did buy 20 whips to try and convert them, but that requires alot of modding lol. Might be worth doing it for the future though.
  24. 1500 vangaurd tourney this weekend. Thinking about a last minute tweak, would love soem expert opinions before i go buy an avilgaurd SC for the scourge chariot i need lol. Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine- Temple: Hagg NarSlaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (330)Bloodwrack Medusa (140)Hag Queen (90)Hag Queen (90)30 x Witch Aelves (300)- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers30 x Witch Aelves (300)- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)3 x Scourgerunner Chariots (150)- AlliesTotal: 1490 / 1500Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 150 / 200Wounds: 112 So i dropped the SoS/Shrine/ extra CP and took a Medusa on foot, 3x scourge runner chariots/ 5 heartrenders. It just felt like the shrine was really only good for those extra wounds, but it makes keeping everything close to the cauldron harder. SoS seem usefull, but in the majority of my practice games they were left babysitting something or as a sacrificial screen. Seems like chariots/ heart renders are cheap screens if needed and the extra shooting is very welcome for some hero sniping potential. Solid changes or am i missing something crucial?
  25. Oh i didnt know this was a thing, i'd love that to be a standard but unless the TO says so the thing gets to be put down anywhere...because GW REALLLLLLLLLLLY wanted to sell some plastic. Going on a bit of a rant here lol, but that thing is so ****** overpowered for a free terrian piece its criminal. Goes down BEFORE terrain, so normal restrictions dont apply ( 3" from terrain 1" from objectives) Requires NO interaction from your army. has 4 AMAZING abilities. -1 to hit a unit WITHIN 18" on a 4+ ( might be 2+) / cant run and only charge 1 d6 to a unit Wholly within 18" on a 4+ / 36" range 1 MW on a 2+ / give a caster -1 unbind/cast/dispell WITHIN 36" on a ****** 2+ . Literally any of those abilities alone would have made it a great terrain piece, but nah give them all 4, on the largest terrain feature in the game, with mostly WITHIN ranges up to 36 ****** inches. And lets talk about the flavor ( because im tilted lol). In lore, they build these things as they prepare for a siege on a city, they dont just exist and people put buuildings around them. But nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GW didnt want OBR to play by the regular mechanics of the game like every other army, best set this ****** thing up before terrain. Seriously this thing is borderline criminal. At the VERY LEAST they should need a hero to operate the damn thing. And to bring it back to DOK, 3/4 of those abilities can reallllllly ****** you over ( the 1 MW could ****** you for sure, but we got some noice saves). Rant over >:D
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