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Everything posted by KriticalKhan

  1. In the spirit of I-need-to-waste-time-until-the-reveal-tomorrow, everyone post -One thing you WANT to be revealed tomorrow -One thing you EXPECT to be revealed -One thing you DON'T want to be revealed
  2. Not sure if I like Lauka Vai because of the concept of a twisted monstrosity desperately clinging to the last vestiges of its former nobility and honor is a compelling concept or if it's because she's hot
  3. Not really. They're elves and some of them are blind, but that's about where the similarities end.
  4. People are taking "Bretonnian Stormcast" far, far too literally. Remember leaks for Idoneth that described them as "Spartan Cthulhu elves"? People were expecting fishmen and lovecraftian abominations when the closest thing we got to that were -regular fish and -helmets on, like, three units that can be described as "vaguely Corinthian" You have to remember that leaked descriptions are second and third hand sources filtered through the specific world views and wants of the person seeing them then reduced down to multi-sentence snippets that barely go longer than the average paragraph. Stormcast already have cavalry, but they already had that, sword and board infantry, and ranged guys with the Warrior Chambers, and guess what they got more of when the Sacrosanct models released? Who says GW won't do that again? And that's assuming "Bretonnian Stormcast" means mounted units when it could be as simple as more knightly helmets or tabards and kite shields. As others have said, they might not even be Stormcast, just mistaken for them. It's fun to theorize about leaked information, but there's no reason to invent problems to get angry about.
  5. Considering they showed off a trailer for that mobile game, we might actually see something this week.
  6. The only model that wasn't leaked or reasoned to exist before hand is the vampire gilf, and there's not much to talk about there. The whole thing was just confirming what we already knew (and in the case of Soulblight, really should have known a month ago)
  7. I don't really have anything definitive to say about this, but those are similar-ish design cues with the drippy stuff, no?
  8. Did anything say if Kragnos would get a unified-Destruction allegiance or if he'd only be an ally and we'd have to use the GA Destruction abilities to run everything together?
  9. "GW! Destruction needs new models that aren't just ogres and greenskins!" *releases Kragnos* "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT"
  10. I've got an army of some old 3rd-6th edition greenskins; if we really end up getting a proper revival/reimagining that lets me field them with actual rules then I am going to be very, very happy. But I'm not getting my hopes up, and all I'm letting myself expect is a reveal of Kragnos and Soulblight.
  11. It's got to be an entire army of orc Yoofs, personifying eternal teenage hormonal rage
  12. And I'm trying to say that you don't need an arbitrary system that limits who can ally with who to represent that. An Ally Matrix would accomplish everything that GAs do without requiring unique rules to bypass them like we have with mercenary factions right now The Imperium doesn't work as a comparison since it's a distinct, recognized governing body in-universe. No one is AoS says that they "fight for Grand Alliance: Order." The closest you get are those who believe in Sigmar's old Pantheon, but half the members of Order were never even a part of it. Rules-wise, the whole system is outdated and practically abandoned by GW; it's a vestigial aspect of AoS' earlier days and better off left there.
  13. That's the same argument people use to justify stuff like Eldar not getting any updates because "Xenos are supported, just look at Necrons!" An update for Ogres does nothing for Orcs, and because of the system you get people complaining about Order being "bloated" when half the factions in it can't even interact with each other or Destruction being "under supported" as if adding a new army under that tag is going to fix the lack of updates the others get. It's useful as what it is and what you said: an easy way of grouping armies so that people can tell what "sides" they're on, but it hasn't been anything else since the GHB dropped and GW stopped updating GA books. We already have an entire narrative event about them being fractured and lessened in focus, and multiple armies have rules that let them cross over between GAs as allies and mercenaries. The entire system isn't nearly as relevant as it used to be, and if GW wanted to, they could scrap the entire concept without fundamentally changing anything.
  14. Removing GAs doesn't get rid of factions having allies, it just opens up more possibilities. Grand Alliances are 99% just a TT mechanic that's somewhat reflected in the lore, if the gameplay is open to more potential alliances and enemies, then the lore will reflect that since that's how GW creates their content.
  15. Surely you understand that most people saying that were non-elf players doomposting, right? The announcement for BR only mentioned elven gods and framed the entire release around them, then the first two books announced were centered around... wait for it... elven gods. The only thing I don't understand is how ironic shitposting about hating elves has managed to become genuine and spill over to actual, genuine dislike for the REAL PEOPLE who play those armies. I don't know if you're being sarcastic in your comment, but it's a phenomena I've seen expressed without humor before and it baffles me to no end how serious people can be about their toy soldier games.
  16. I can't remember if they're from Cursed City's announcement or release, but I'm leaning towards the latter. The only reason I consider them credible is how unlikely it would be to guess a vampire centaur named character as a centerpiece. That's a screenshot of a recap of leaks that are older. I remember the original post, but I never bothered saving it because it was made around the same time a bunch of other people were "leaking" stuff.
  17. This is a repost of leaks that were first posted around the time Cursed City dropped Based on that White Dwarf page and Grave Guard apparently sticking around, they look to be the most accurate SBGL leaks we have
  18. Why are you counting rules for Mawtribes but not Warclans, and then the Underworlds band as a release for Mawtribes, but then acting like the THREE that Warclans have got don't count?
  19. If we assume that AoS 3.0 is this summer and that The Old World is till multiple years away, then there's really no logical reason for them to announce anything for it right now. Even if we take TWWH III into account, cross-promotion won't mean anything if the thing you're promoting isn't going to be released for several years after the fact. If it's something as small as concept art or another community post, why advertise it with its own slot and day? I'm not saying it's guaranteed to be AoS 3.0 (I've heard some rumors about a big Horus Heresy update coming which it could be related to, but I don't follow that) but I'm almost certain it won't be The Old World. And especially not an entire day dedicated to a single 3rd party video game.
  20. I've seen BR Kragnos. Alarielle files for divorce with Kurnous and marries Kragnos as the Realm's biggest rebound The main conflict centers over alimony debates and whether or not the Sylvaneth will accept Kragnos as their new step-dad. It's really touching stuff.
  21. Is this a RUMOR rumor or one of those "someone saw a ******-post on 4chan and posted it somewhere else" rumors?
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