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Posts posted by Pennydude

  1. 3 hours ago, States said:

    Anyone run Drycha in their lists? How is the list?

    I made a pretty thorough rundown of my typical Gnarlroot list on The Honest Wargamer: https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/the-trees-are-buzzing/

    This would be my default list that I'd take to just about everywhere.  Is it the best list we have?  Probably not.  To me, it's consistent at everything.  It is light on bodies and I fully acknowledge that.

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, Grimmlock619 said:

    That IS dirty.. I like it. That list looks fun also! My only worry would be not getting another Wyldwood on the floor do give Durthu more Umph! further down the field.  Unless you take an Acorn. 

    Yea, Acorn of the Ages was definitely on my mind.  The idea would be to deploy the initial Wyldwood as far up the field as I can and then use an Acorn/Verdant Blessing to make a launchpad.

    In that particular game, Durthu was surrounded by Ogors and up against a piece of terrain.  He charged me with several units and stomped his big unit of Ironguts.  Durthu survived the one attack, got to activate and attack back, and then did his 6" move up and over the terrain piece to separate him from everyone else.  On my next turn, I then moved and charged his lone hero on a back objective (GHB 2019 Scorched Earth), killed the hero, and burned the objective.  Probably the trickiest thing I've done to date.

    If I were to incorporate a TLA, I'd move to 3x3 Kurnoths and 20/10/10 Dryads.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Grimmlock619 said:

    Yeah, its risky. Thats why I'm hoping at 5 drops, I could stand a chance to get first turn. As long as I don't run into Seraphon with boardwide unbinds, I (hopefully) should be ok. I do like the idea of an Arch-Rev. Thanks!

    Your low drop list reminded me of a 3-drop list I want to try at some point.  There's almost no magic but am totally okay with it.  Unsure on all the artefacts right now but I have plenty of time to figure that out.

    Harvestboon Glade

    Spirit of Durthu (General, 300)
    Arch-Revenant (100)
    Branchwraith (80)

    30 Dryads (270)
    10 Dryads (100)
    10 Dryads (100)

    6 Kurnoth Hunters w/Scythes (380)
    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/Swords (190, could be swapped to Bows)
    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/Swords (190, could be swapped to Bows)

    Free Spirit battalion (140)
    Forest Folk battalion (140)

    1990/2000pts, 132 wounds

    I'm aware that the Arch-Rev's aura can be duplicative on the charge but other than that, it's still a good hero.  I'd probably try giving Durthu the Etherblossom because once he's in combat, he can do his 6" free move out of combat over enemy models and even terrain.  Did that in a friendly game and it was DIRTY.

    • Like 1
  4. I think that list has some good teeth. I’ve been wanting to try a gladeless build for a while now, just haven’t done it yet.

    About the only thing I would like to test different would be to try an Arch-Revenant over either both the Command Point and Spiteswarm Hive or go to 20 Dryads and drop the command point.  I know it may be blasphemous but with a lot of armies having extremely potent magic, I’d want to not rely on the Hive getting on the board.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Alessio said:

    On the app the Hunters with swords do MW in addiction on 6s to WOUND.

    On the warscroll they do MW in addiction on 6s to HIT.

    I Couldn't find FAQ clarifying that.

    What is the truht? :)

    6 on the WOUND roll deals 1MW in addition.

  6. You'll need to change your Tree-Revs to Spite Revs in order to use the Outcast battalion.  Thing with the Spites is while they can be really blendy, a stiff breeze will kill them.   You can't really go wrong with your leaders.  You'll want the spell Throne of Vines and the artefact Spiritsong Stave on the Branchwraith if you want to better consistently summon Dryads.   The endless spells for Sylvaneth are neat too with Spiteswarm Hive being in most lists.  If you want to go heavy on the Spites and bravery debuff, you can also run the Vengeful Skullroot.  

    Remember, bodies on objectives win games.  May not hurt to run 5 battleline units in 20-30 Dryads, 3x5 Spites and 1x5 (or 10) Tree-Revs and go from there.  If you want go to more Kurnoth heavy, I'd also run an Arch-Revenant.  

    For the glades, there's a few that are really good and it honestly just depends on your preference.  Dreadwood has been the go-to for tournaments but Winterleaf, Gnarlroot (my personal fav), and Harvestboon are all good.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

    Guys when i m positioning awakened wildwood battletome says that i have to touch tips of 3 pieces. I have seen in many games people that dont touch each tips, is that not allowed in a tournament? Its helps a lot to place them!

    Yes, they need to form a circle but do the best you can on the tips.  Something I'm planning on doing is filling in the undersides of the bases with green stuff to give them some weight.  Hopefully it would help keep them in place better.

    • Like 1
  8. 47 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

    Guys i got a discussion about throne of vines spell. I red that this buff stacks. It means if i cast that turn 1. At turn 3 i got +6 to cast? Am i right? Thx all!

    Correct.  RAW, the buff stacks.  


    49 minutes ago, simakover said:

    Any, im think. Also want but hamadreth cause looks awesome

    I love me some Drycha and try to fit her in about every list of mine.  I find that she's really good in Gnarlroot since she can reroll 1s to hit by herself since she's a wizard.  The fact that she dropped 20pts to 300 was just gravy and honestly pushes Durthu out of any list I make.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm still a fan of using Lords of the Clan every once in a while.  Still gives you 2 beefy caster heroes, a support monster to either go with Kurnoths/battleline or be a distraction, ability to teleport for free when near woods, lower drops, extra artefact, extra command point, and 3 stomps.  Just having the threat of the stomp has made my opponents second guess some combat choices.

    • Like 3
  10. 23 minutes ago, Kaylethia said:

    Has anyone tried how our old-school woods generation via TLA (I'm thinking bring two, and they can't slag both?) and the artefact? Giving us two extra non-magically sourced woods, although the risk is that you can't really keep them in reserve until later.

    I think we could pivot away from a magic-reliant build, without playing MSU 24 bow Hunters, if needed.

    You can only use the TLA's ability once per game total regardless of the number of TLAs you bring.   Hell, you can have all 4 of your monsters be TLAs but you will only get one free woods out of it.

  11. I know I haven't posted in a while but still following!  Even as someone that loves Drycha and owns 21 Kurnoths, if the points rumors are true, it's a slap in the face to what the actual problems are with the army.  Like others said, the issue wasn't the points (except for Alarielle, not even close to being worth 600).  It's some of the warscrolls, abilities, and allegiance traits.  Hard to use the one major allegiance ability when you can't get woods down.  I'd love to see the following:

    Some tweak to make it easier to teleport thru the woods such as wholly within 9" or even be able to set up less than 9" away from the enemy (like 6").
    Treelord variants stomping on a 3+.
    Dryads getting the -1 to hit when wholly within X" of a Treelord variant.
    I would say let us see through our own woods but that could put Bow spam over the edge.


    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, Obeisance said:


    My wife and I are playing in a doubles tournament.. later.. when the world stops trying to kill us. I'll be running Bonereapers.

    She really likes Sylvaneth, but doesn't play AOS. I actually know <0 about the faction. I'm thinking of buying 1000pts worth of stuff and painting it for her to use. I mean, I've probably got the time.

    The Start Collecting is a Treelord, Branchwych and 16 Dryads (why not 20 ffs?) and like 500pts.

    If you were going to play 1000pts at a decent competitive level, what would you run? What subfaction?

    My doubles list is super cheeky but I partnered up with Beastclaw Raiders for a small tournament and we went 3-0 to win beating Khorne/Seraphon, the other BCR/Sylvaneth, and Stormcast/Cities (Hallowheart).

    Heartwood Glade
    Branchwraith (80)
    -General, Throne of Vines spell, Horn of the Consort artefact

    3x Kurnoth Hunters w/Bows (200)
    3x Kurnoth Hunters w/Bows (200)
    3x Kurnoth Hunters w/Bows (200)

    20x Dryads (200)
    5x Tree-Revenants (80)

    Balewind Vortex (40)

    1000pts, 75 wounds

    The idea is that you get 18 shots at a 35" threat range that can re-roll all hit rolls.  My partner would run up the board while I provided covering fire and some bodies on objectives.   Even though Bows aren't great in combat, they can take and hold objectives just like the others.  Had to run a group of them up the board to help hold an objective and because of that, we had more models on the center objective (Shifting Objectives).   Against Khorne/Seraphon, we took down a Bloodthirster on the first turn.  Against Hallowheart/SCE, I brought the Hurricanum down to 2 wounds (bad deployment on my end, couldn't shoot with everyone) but that neutered their entire game.  The other Sylvaneth player literally brought the same list as me except for their endless spell (Vengeful Skullroot).  I was planning on running my exact list in the 4-person team event at Adepticon before it got canceled.

  13. 8 minutes ago, bigmoerk said:

    Frage: Darf man dryads beschwören und dann teleportieren? Ich dachte, sie können nicht normal bewegt werden, sondern aufladen 

    Yes, Dryads that are summoned can charge in the same turn because charging happens in a separate phase.

  14. 20 minutes ago, SylvanHunter said:

    @Lanoss that's definitely the confusing part of the rule. I'm not sure what their motivation was for wording it so strange, but since it specifically says alter the characteristic I believe it's intended to not be considered a run. I also feel if it were an auto 6 it would be less expensive, the battalion is 140 points (on top of at least 800 points in models) which leads me to believe it's a bit stronger than that considering the value of the other battalion rules. I really hope this is included in the FAQ soon.

    And see, I think it's pretty clear that you only get the auto-6 if you run with the unit.  You declare whether the unit will run or not when you move with it during the Movement Phase.  Normally if you declare that a unit is running, you roll the die and add that much to the move characteristic of the unit. If the unit declared to run is a part of the Free Spirit battalion, you don't roll the die and instead just add 6" to the move characteristic.  It's still a run.

  15. 6 hours ago, IndigoGirls said:

    I used bow hunters in my old book list and they've only gotten better so this does not surprise me. I'm also not surprised they were an MVP unit for you. However my problems with bow hunters are...

    1. their consistency, aka extremely variable

    2. once they're locked into combat their effectiveness is greatly reduced

    Of the above points, 1 is the deal breaker for me. Points of failure include 2 attacks per model (very low) hitting on 3s, mostly 4s, or 5s (based on lookout sir and leader differences). You will miss a lot of shots. Wounds on 3s is fine, -1 rend is fantastic, but d3 damage is not where I want to be. Given how few shots will actually wound, you can easily roll 1 damage. Many times you won't connect and even if you do the damage is unpredictable.

    Sadly bow hunters don't put out a lot of damage so they aren't great for deleting units or removing screens (unless they're gunning down a small 1 wound squad). They don't receive buffs well (other than re roll 1s, which doesn't increase max output and due to the low number of attacks doesn't re roll that many dice so it doesn't help even their damage curve much either).

    BUT when the stars align they feel like absolute beasts because they have high max potential. I'm happy to see people use them because they are my favorite kurnoth sculpts but Im still not sold on them outside of skewed lists in team tournaments. In friendly games, I use them. At a 5 game tournament, Id leave them on the shelf (edit: or just bring them and realize certain games they'll fail you. Honestly just have fun. Obnoxious attitude in my original post).

    I completely understand that hitting on 4s (5s with Look Out) isn't the greatest.  I acknowledge the fact that their damage output can be swingy but my argument is more about the threat of their range.  Having a unit or two with a 35" threat range and re-rolling 1s to hit will give your opponent something to think about.  If they decide to get something in their face, I'm fine with that because that unit isn't capping points or killing more important models.  They may not move heroes up to give bonuses.  If they have a big, nasty monster on the field, you can put some shots into it to knock it down a bracket or two before engaging it in melee. 

    I've had to run Bows onto objectives for model count and while they won't kill anything in melee, they are still Kurnoth Hunters with a 4+ rerolling save and 5 wounds each.  They will tie up a smaller unit or two for quite some time.  

    I'm not saying that everyone should be bringing them in every single list.  I will say the vast majority of my list going forward will start with 2x3 Bows but not all of them will.  Kurnoth Bows still bring something to the table and should not be forgotten.  

    I own 9 Bows, 6 Scythes, and 6 Swords so I'm not limited on my options.  All three versions have performed very well for me.

  16. I recently ran a Winterleaf list against Big Waaagh! in Shifting Objectives and was able to easily defeat him after a concede in round 3.  List was:

    Durthu (Ghyrstrike)
    B-Wraith (Regrowth)
    B-Wraith (Throne)
    Arch-Rev (General, Frozen Kernal)
    6 Scythes
    3 Bows
    3 Bows
    3x5 Spite Rev
    Outcast Battalion
    Spiteswarm Hive

    Opponent had first turn and killed the regular Durthu on turn one after a buffed up unit of Boyz got teleported, made the charge, and I failed the stomp.  The 6 Bows picked off his General (Wurrgog Prophet), Spitehive got the 6 Scythes and GS Durthu into combat in the middle of the board and killed a bunch.  One unit of Spite Revs killed 2 Boyz (out of 10) and got 3 more to run due to the battalion! I got priority in Turn 2 and killed his Megaboss on Maw Krusha with 5 buffed Scythes (Call to Battle, Frozen Kernal), Spite Revs retreated onto the point on the left, move other Spites onto the right objective to outnumber the pigs.  Bows picked off more pigs to help that side.  

    I know that Kurnoth Bow Hunters are not looked at a ton on here but they should never be underestimated.  They were the MVP due to general sniping and just board control with their threat range.  They don't necessarily need the Heartwood artefact to make them good (it makes them insane though), just the re-roll 1s is enough.   At this point, I don't know if I'd take a list that doesn't include at least 6 Bows.

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, IndigoGirls said:

    Personally, I'd drop the Arch-Rev since you get re roll 1s on the charge and his CA is the same as Harvestboons. Just sort of a redundant model for you and you don't have that many hunters. You could take a balewind to make the branchwraith a bit more of a threat? Or just beef up some spites? Minor changes. I find 30 Dryads hard to work with so I'd probably drop them to 20. The list seems fine though, my Harvestboon experience is equally light.

    Yea I've been going back and forth on the Arch-Rev (had it in the sidebar at one point) but I think the command ability to use on the Scythes can be useful or fly up when they get dug into combat.   Dryad count is another thing too, I like having more models on the objective since they are pretty durable.  They certainly aren't there to kill a lot but they are a big tarpit.  Balewind is a nice suggestion though and I do have one painted.  

  18. I still think the army is a blast to play even if it's more fair than others.  I'm going to a unique event called Holy Wars this weekend with custom terrain rules and scenarios and a 1000pt sideboard to swap stuff in between games.  Here's what I plan on taking, just haven't decided on everything yet.  I'm looking at Harvestboon because having a Durthu as the general with a Thermalrider Cloak is a lot of fun for combat moving shenanigans.  I used it in a practice game against Ogors and the free movement out of combat (and over terrain thanks to the TRC) won me the game.  I'm open to suggestions though.  If I get cold feet, I'll run Gnarlroot since it's what I'm most comfortable with.

    Thoughts or other suggestions?

    Harvestboon Glade 

    Spirit of Durthu (general, Seek New Fruit, Thermalrider Cloak)
    Treelord Ancient

    30 Dryads
    5 Spite-Revs
    5 Tree-Revs

    6 Kurnoth with Scythes
    Household Battalion
    Spiteswarm Hive


    Drycha Hamadreth
    5 Spite-Rev
    5 Spite-Rev
    Outcast Battalion (to combine with the 5 SR in main list)
    3 Kurnoth with Swords
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh
    Soulsnare Shackles
    Vengeful Skullroot
    Aethervoid Pendulum
    Command Point


  19. 50 minutes ago, Landohammer said:


    Looks fun but if you wanted to maximize the cheesiness you should drop some characters for more Sword Kurnoth Hunters.

    A lot of folks bring TLA for the guaranteed forest, but I have found that a Branchwraith with Throne and Spritsong Stave push out forests a lot more efficiently.


    I think if I was going to a traditional event, I'd agree with you 100%.  Holy Wars is an event where the terrain is like a 3rd player and will slowly kill both side's armies.  I just love the flexibility the TLA brings and not just because of the free forest.  I tend to abuse the command ability.  Learned against Ogors that the stomp is invaluable as well.

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

    Absolutely. I 100% agree. Drycha is an absolute powerhouse, and played a crucial part in all of my wins. She is just so reliable, its hard to leave her at home.

    So I am going to be honest with you: Hunters in winterleaf are probably overpowered. There isn't much in the game that can withstand 6 of them, especially if you factor in Arch Revenant buffs, magic, and Frozen Kernel. Consider that every 6 to hit is a potential FIVE wounds. I was able to get 5 in combat normally, and the Arch revenant was usually nearby too. They absolutely murdered everything they touched and were hands down my MVP of the tourney.

    One thing of note, is that this tournament included Realm Spells, so I had access to the Realm of Fire spells, most notably "Stoke Rage" which casts on a 6 and gives a unit +1 to charge, and +1 to wound. The synergy of that spell with our army can't be understated.

    This really makes me reassess Skaeth's wild hunt. Being able to give my Hunters (or even Spites!) +1 to wound really seems powerful.



    Okay I'll test out Winterleaf for my Holy Wars glade.  Here's what I'm thinking of running if I were to run Gnarlroot:

    Treelord Ancient
    Spirit of Durthu

    10 Dryads
    10 Dryads
    10 Dryads
    6 Scythe Kurnoths

    Forest Folk Battalion
    Spiteswarm Hive

    My 1000pt sidebar (which can be used to sub units in/out) is currently:

    20 Dryads (to bump one up to 30 if need be)
    3 Sword Kurnoth
    3 Sword Kurnoth
    3 Bow Kurnoth
    3 Bow Kurnoth

    I also get to take an extra artefact with me.  I've considered moving a Branchwych bomb package into the sidebar by taking out 3 Swords and adding B-Wych, Balewind, and Spellportal.  Lots of things to test out.

  21. @Landohammer love the Treevocators!  

    I've found out that you kinda need to go in hard on Bow Kurnoths to have a shooting phase.  My lists either have monsters shooting for 9 Bows shooting.  Drycha is just so good at what she does.   My recent list only had a TLA and 2 Durthu (revising to be TLA, one Durthu, and Drycha in Harvestboon).

    How were the exploding hits with your Kurnoths?  Most of my lists revolve around Gnarlroot because I like the consistency of that glade.  I haven't really tried Winterleaf out.

  22. 10 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Just got back from a one day tournament and I figured I would give a quick recap. List summary below.

    Game 1 vs STD. Knife to the Heart

    My opponent out-dropped me but curiously chose to take turn 1, so his first turn was a bit of a waste. I summoned a forest right in his face and teleported 6 Kurnoth with swords and made the charge into his 10 man unit of Chaos knights. I popped Call to Battle and killed the entire unit. Unfortunately for him he had moved most of his units to the flanks so he didn't have enough bodies to defend his objective. I scored the double turn into turn 3 and pushed onto his objective for the auto-win. Major victory!

    Game 2 vs Tzeentch (Conflaguration). Places of Arcane Power.

    This game was weird. I outdropped him and so he spent first turn just kinda plodding forward cautiously as a moving castle. I used my turn to run Drycha, Archie, and Wraith on to the objectives. However he used Kairos to make my Wraith's run into a 1, so I ended up short on that one. Clever move!

    He then used his flamers and pink horrors to just shoot me up and ultimately tabled me. HOWEVER, I had scored so many objective points on turns 1-3 that he was unable to catch up so I scored another Major Victory! 

    Game 3 vs Daughters of Khaine. 

    This list was brutal, with like 4 hags, and 4 maxed out units of infantry. However I was able to do another forest-teleport-Hunter alpha strike and combined with the Frozen Kernal and Call to Battle, I eliminated one of his hordes. I then scored the double turn and pushed the Hunters into another horde, and did a lot more damage. 

    Unfortunately, his battleshock immunity and rerollable FNPs let him keep that unit alive and combined with a double turn of his own began to eat my army. Fortunately I was up on BPs significantly. But on round 5 I was overly tired and made a critical mistake of skipping my movement phase. He capitalized by making a long bomb run+charge and stole the game. Major Loss


    I went 2-1 overall and tied for 3rd out of 13. Had a blast. 



    Outcast Battallion


    -Arch Rev (Kernel)

    -Branchwraith (Stave)

    -20 Spites

    -10 Spites

    -5 Spites

    -6 Hunters with Swords

    -6 Hunters with Scythes

    -5 Evocators


    How did the Evocators do?  I'm always curious to know about how different allies perform. 

    I'm putting together a 2000pt list with a 1000pt sideboard for Holy Wars and am looking for other options.  Haven't decided what glade I want to be but I recently tried a Harvestboon list using Durthu with a Thermalrider Cloak as my general.  That little trick won me the game against Ogors in Scorched Earth.

  23. 3 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    How are people using Tree Revenants?

     I was playing around with a ‘theme’ of trees with swords (ie every model in the list had a sword, so Durthu, Kurnoths and Tree Revenants) but I found the Revenants disappointing. They have bad saves, 1 wound, not much damage, and have elite unit pricing (points and money)

    I’ve typically ran one minimum unit to capture objectives or threaten a hero later in the game. Can also be used now to ambush OBR catapults if they aren’t screened properly.

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