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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. 1 minute ago, Scurvydog said:

    Going to a turny and thinking of bringing my SC now.

    I love the extra points available in the list, but really conflicted on what might be the best synergy:


    You just want to bring a LCoSD ? That's ballsy :D

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, scrubyandwells said:

    That's a pretty interesting list, @Maturin!

    Never realized you could take multiple Shockbolt Bows in a unit, probably because they were painful enough — at least in recent years — at 5 for 160. :)

    Had also completely forgotten about Warrior Brotherhood, since it wasn't in the 2018 SCE BT.

    You're welcome mate ^^. 1 every 5 can take a special weapon.

    Don't forget to give the Thunderstormoftheslayingdeath arbalest to a regular dude in the Xbows unit, but do  give the Skybolt bow to the prime in a bow one!

  3. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Deathly Aura
    - Artefact: Soulthief
    Knight-Azyros (100)
    - Mystic Light (Artefact): Lantern of the Tempest
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (100)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Judicators (160)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 1x Thunderbolt Crossbows
    20 x Judicators (640)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 4x Shockbolt Bows
    9 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (270)
    - 3x Stormsurge Tridents
    5 x Protectors (180)
    - 2x Starsoul Maces
    5 x Protectors (180)
    - 2x Starsoul Maces
    Warrior Brotherhood (180)

    Total: 2130 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 139

    Clocks in at 1970 points when all reductions applied.
    1 drop army, but you're not forced to drop them altogether, you can have some of them starting on the table.
    If you're not facing a 1 drop army, you could :
    - give your opponent first turn. Depending on what he's got on the table and if he can make a T1 charge or not, you can just leave the judicators and prosecutors on the table. He moves, you shoot him in your hero phase with the two units. then you drop accordingly your melee units.
    - you take first turn, you drop everything on his face at an advantageous position, trying to apply maximum pressure with shooting. You don't charge but protect your shooters from threats. He's going to charge you afterwards anyway if he can.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Juicy said:

    no need to panic you can just do 1 after save but cant stack that to 2 after saves. This isnt really a problem for us like it is a problem for skaven/death and mayb nurgle

    Are you sure about that ? I'm not a native speaker but the way it's worded seems to say : You got 1 roll of dice with reroll allowed (like Sigmarite shields) but that's it. If you roll with your armour save you can't use another one.

    Unless armour saves are not an ability and then you have still normal save + 1 ability.

  5. One of the numerous thing that I liked about WFB was the armour save you could take, then followed up by the magical or whatever save.
    It makes sense. First layer of protection defeated, well, you've got another one.

    I found that in AOS and I was particularily glad about it.

    Now they just went full 40K. Except for the models who are incredible for those made for AOS, it makes me wonder what's the point of not playing 40k again, since the system have more and more in common.

  6. 2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    After the point reductions, here's a first attempt at the low-magic version of Starcast -IF the possibility of allying LRL is confirmed, I have seen a leak with an alliance table for Destruction so they may include changes on this aspect.

    LCoSD 500
    Templar 420
    Castellant 120
    3xLibs 270
    Light of Eltharion 220
    Prime 300
    Incantor 120

    Total: 1950 (you can either swap one unit of libs for bow judicators or include a unit of aetherwings)

    Again, if the alliance with LRL is possible, you can also swap the incantor for the archers, but I feel the inclusion of the autounbind scroll is still very useful.


    Without the ethereal amulet, I'm not really comfortable with the Templar. Sure, you could shine the light on him, but then the castellant hasn't got it.
    The prime could fit in a piece of terrain in a pinch to get +1 save, but not the drake.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Borsuk said:

    I couldn’t agree more, maybe it will be changed with new tome (someday when it is released), let’s just be happy with this little spark of joy. 

    "Little spark of joy".
    That's the problem. Collectively our position as players can be metaphorically seen as an abusive relationship or a stockholm syndrome at best.
    GW produces magnificient models. That's true. But when it comes to the games they sell, they regularily abuse us, by constantly changing parameters, most of the time for bad. They just did it by removing Malign Sorceries artifacts for instance. It used to make us able to use outdated battalions and warscrolls, even against armies who beneficiated from the Power creep. And now Poof gone.
    So we have to enjoy, as you say "those little positive moments" we have, otherwise, we'll end up not playing anymore, selling everything we have or worse, burning all of our collection like the guy who burned his whole Dark Elf army when WFB was destroyed. Sometimes I think it would be better if people massively stopped playing/buying. But this hobby is an addiction, so despite the constant slaps, we're still here.

    It's a shame. I really wish GW would hire people playing in tournaments (if they didn't) or hire people with a sound mind who speak said mind.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  8. It's good that the Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber can now be played under 2000.
    But the real problem is that not only does it happen 2 years later after the BT has been published, but that it's also the only big format one to be available.
    There should be in all BT, several battalions that can be played at a 2000 points limits, since it's the official one used in tourneys,

  9. 19 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    I like seeing Concussors down to 220 and desolators and tempestors went down to 190, however the gap got shorter and I really prefer concussors if the points allow, their deny pilein on 6 to hit in itself is a really handy tool.

    Yeah good stuff. Something people don't care about despite its effectiveness is thé etherwings. At40 points, its almost free. They won me several games

  10. 13 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    ok so, points for SCE have leaked @ chumphammer on twitter. Changes for Starcast after a fast read:

    Liberators at 90pts

    Incantor 120 (exorcist 90 lol )

    Celestant prime 300

    Its great for thé Prime. Libs sucks anyway. WE néed New warscrolls for libs. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Juicy said:

    I cant agree more. With the judgement sword gone we miss a hero/monster killer. And protectors are a lot but not monster killers. That ability has never worked for me in so many matches i forget the number. I did try it with 10 and 15 and the starsoul maces are doing oke but the 6 to hit hardly passes the wound and armour save roll.

    You're right. Even at 140 points they're still toi expensive xD

  12. 12 minutes ago, Borsuk said:

    @Maturin ow, i love skyborne slayers. It is great battalion. Thanks for suggestions.

    Can you guys suggest any good 1500 list against tzeentch. Friend have bunch of horrors and flamers accompanied by Lord of change. You know, fun stuff. I was thinking about skyborne battalion accompanied by celestant prime, but then I have no magic defence.

    It's no big deal if you killed his LoC T1 :D . Skyborne will soon be nerfed to oblivion because of the artifacts change. So you either can play AnvilStrike, Shooty list with 4 balistas + Lordinator or Starcast. For Starcast, you know where to look :)

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