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Everything posted by Obeisance

  1. OBR stonks, they only go up. No longer restricted by number of command abilities. Can't use the generic ones, but at least you can use bludgeon and shield wall again.
  2. I'm thinking of running SB for a team event. Kastelli with Arkhan, Vengorian with Fragment, Manfred and like 3*20 zombies. Basically just netlisting from a team event recently. Question is.. what do you do about Gotrek? In my experience playing OBR, he kills Nagash if he doesn't have Drain on him and you don't get priority. Debuff him and hope for the best? Moveblock him with Manfred?
  3. I've actually since added Spell Mirrors to my army specifically for that reason. Any big threat is going to be eating a turn 1 Drain.
  4. All the lists I'm doing well are Kraken/Breaker/3 minis. Plus either a second Kraken or Stomper. Usually Taker. A combination of Amulet of Destiny, Glowy Lantern and Krakenskin Sandals. Occasionally you see four fatbois, but it's usually 3 minis.
  5. What do you guys think of Mir Kainan's Reapers? The guest on THW sings their praises. I've picked them up but I'm yet to play them. I'm messing with lists still. Trading out the only Leige nets me Mir Kainan's Reapers and enough battleline choices to put my Morteks in Hunters in the Heartland. Giving up Endless Duty seems kinda meh though.
  6. What do you prefer: a) Gatebreaker, Krakeneater, Krakeneater, 3 Mancrushers b) Gatebreaker, Krakeneater, Warstomper, 3 Mancrushers I assume you want three big ones and three little ones?
  7. Do you get much use out of Ageless Cunning/The Bait? You're in LoN for Unbending Will and Morbeg's Claw? Any reason you not running Vyrkos?
  8. I love that Soulblight is doing well with a lot of really diverse builds. I should just put OBR out of my head and play some games with the book already. @Belmail how did you go scoring primary/secondaries with the list? Your list is basically chaff and anvils with a single hammer? I see you played into Archaeon once and won- I assume you just played the mission and fed him dudes?
  9. I literally was just looking at your list in that tournament, @Belmail Congrats on being the top Soulblight player. (16/100) It's crazy that FEC won that- super interesting list.
  10. Thanks for posting that link, I actually like the idea of running Blood Knights and Skeletons over Zombies.
  11. Yeah, I'm gonna paint up Nagash for one of my armies. Luckily my team are meta chasers so I can just borrow whatever I need. I'm gonna play some games with SB Nagash and see how I feel, ... One of the biggest issues I think we're going to have is that it's a 6 player per team event (event is October 30) and we've got 9 teams already) and we can't replicate grand strategies or warscrolls across the team. One player gets Prized Sorcery, one player gets Gotrek. I think my team has DOK, BCR, Kharadron, Seraphon, Tzeentch Archaeon and myself with either OBR or SB. Everyone wants Prized Sorcery or Beast Master. At least in OBR I can take Pillar of Faith as Nagash is a Priest there.
  12. Yeah, I was like- these Nagash lists don't have a huge amount of damage output. There isn't really any amazing nukes in his lores aside from maybe double-casting Harvest on a 9. I actually like the idea of running min Skeletons over Zombies. Less ****** to paint. ... I'm at this weird place where I'm bouncing around with my list for a team event. OBR with Nagash: Either a Kavalos or Mortek core. Vs Any kind of Soulblight. Vyrkos dudespam or Nagash monster mash. I think the OBR is better for teams, but I hate playing it. So much I can't do. It's kind of why I post so much.. I'm constantly looking for a silver bullet answer of what I want to take. I played there games last week and didn't enjoy OBR except teleporting Nagash.
  13. There was a Soulblight Nagash list on Tsports this weekend. He took Kastelli in a list that seems weird for it. Think it was for Fragment of the Keep? I don't think I see any general traits that fit, though Nagash probably was it. This was the dude's list:
  14. I've been playing Nagash in OBR and I'm getting my face kicked in. How is he in Soulblight? Tell me about how you're using him/what cool stuff you're doing?
  15. Yeah. I'm playing into strong players/lists and getting crushed. I've played OBR since release, but I've just started playing Nagash-OBR. Usually I'm a competent general, this is a shift in the way I play. I'm just over-analysing and it seems bad. My buddies want me to play this list for teams.. I don't want to be a stone dragging us to the depths. lol. I took a 9 Stormfiend list into a tournament last month and went 2-1 in my 2nd to 5th games of AOS3- a very point and click army though. Can anyone reccomend any articles/videos of running Nagash in OBR? I'm not giving up yet.
  16. So I had a game vs Lumeneth and fit trashed by fast moving kangaroo cavalry and characters I can't catch. Played into Kroak with Skink spam and 9 salamanders. Game was going well but I ran out of units and got attritioned out by summing. The army doesn't fight super well. It doesn't shoot. It can take a little more damage than most. It's not super fast. It's all about Nagash and if a smart player screens him out, there's only so much I can do. I know I'm playing against the best players in my area, but I'm still like.. can I actually compete with this army? I don't think I've been 0-5 with OBR before. The last two team events I was 3-0 for both. I'm not sure I like 970pts of eggs. I'm a basket.
  17. Well, I'm 0-3 Gotrek vs Nagash. Little orange ****** made a 10" charge around my Shriekier move blocking him. Rerolled into triple sixes and I didn't get priority. I think I'm just going to have to avoid engaging him at all costs. ... How are you guys finding Harbingers? I'm finding them super fragile and they can't be rezzed. My list atm: Nagash, Leige, 2*5 Deathriders, 10 Morteks, 2 Harbingers, Burning Head and Shrieker. I'm thinking of traditing the Harbingers for 10 more Morteks and a Spell Mirror to abuse Hand of Dust. What's in your Nagash list?
  18. Yeah, that's what has happened with Nagash so far. I've played him twice, teleported into the opponent's army and he died. I need to be more selective/go for flanks/juicy targets. Use the Head to change flanks/grab objectives. And stay out of 9" of priests.
  19. And that's my Deathriders done. Boom. Burning Head, Nagash and Harbingers to go. I'm currently learning to play this list for a team event in a couple months. Got a game tonight Lumeneth, game tomorrow night vs Seraphon. You guys think the Burning Head/Shrieker are 100% necessary? I could take an extra unit..
  20. How are you finding Vyrkos Blood Knights?
  21. Vyrkos, Kastelli and Night. Tell me what your prefer to run? Against magic-heavy armies, do you even get spells off?
  22. I put together ten this weekend. There's more than enough great weapons/spare heads/etc.
  23. Duh? I know. It's just functionally similar against attacks with any rend.
  24. Well.. standing in the shower, I remember that Finest Hour is a thing. In my game, Nagash went down to a lot of mortals and high volume of -2 rend guns. He'd have probably gotten another turn if I had remembered it instead of trying to heal.
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