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Posts posted by Fuxxx

  1. Funnily enough all people in my surroundings seem to think stormcast are overpowered. Last time they were played before I got mine were at the start of the first generals handbook :D

    I'm a bit intimidated by the Cauldron of Blood though. Seems to be very potent in melee. Deposing of it quickly seems quite difficult.. 

  2. We started a painting challenge in my local group, where we have to paint 1500P over 5 months and then play against the other players. While I'm not concerned to play a tournament ready list, I'm a bit scared I might be overwhelmed by better armies than Srormcast. Reading through rules of Tzeentsch, Overlords and Daughters of Khaine my choices seem to be pretty underwhelming. Any advice especially on dealing with Daughters? Or is it just me over thinking things and thinking my army is underpowered?


  3. Can anyone explain to me the design differences between a Knight-Incantor and an Evocator? As far as I've understood it, the difference only seems to be the spirit flasks, so if I'd take the corresponding hand off one of the Soul Wars Incantor and put a blade or like the summoning hand from the non ETB kit there, there'd practically be no reason not to use her as an Evocator, right? 

    I know, most opponents probably wouldn't care even if I used her as is, but I've accumulated 5 of them, some of which I'd still like to use as the hero option, so I want to establish some differences to make them recognizable. So, long story short: Is a Knight-Incantor just a more experienced Evocator with some bottles around?

  4. Just painted 20 old metal night goblins in under 3,5 hours... Without the green. I got the paints now but they're at my parents place... Did anyone try different greens for Greenskins? I saw warpstone glow once but I'm not sure if it's too deep/dark. I know it's a bright colour but with a darker base tone if you know what I mean... What are you using for your Gobbos?

  5. Not having Greenskins in makes me kind of sad, I have thousands of points. Still, the combination looks good. Maybe we'll still see some new models? There is a savage orruk riding a gore grunta on the cover...


    I converted some black orcs with savage orruk weapons to use as allies. They'll feel right at home in this soup tome...

  6. Well I only had a problem with stuff from GW I ordered from Wayland. I contacted Gw directly (a sprue was missing) and they were really helpful. But with the contrast paints there seems to be a problem out there. I ordered with my FLGS when they came out and just now got my second batch of paints. They still haven't received a single black contrast paint. They just got some of the paints (and since I know them and trust them a great deal I believe them when they say they ordered early enough). I guess GW just focussed on their own stores with those colours. I was really pissed about that, all the hype is gone for me. Well I guess they sorted out their production problems and I get them soon. 

    But yeah, I rarely had problems with gw themselves and their service is great.

  7. Now knowing that you need the cards to get the rules for any Warbands is pretty disappointing somehow. They're not that expensive, but needing them for 3 Warbands is annoying. A book would be more substantial. But I'm not here to whine, I can still play Vanguard if need be. And if this game is great or not, in any case the terrain looks great and I definitely want it, even if I like those two Warbands the least. And the monsters are sweet.

  8. Other than the models (which I actually like in a cheesy way) there's one thing bothering me. The fluff.  Warhammer community tells us they were wise philosopher kings (sounds nice) and then destroys that by telling us they had an unnecessary and tragic downfall. Don't call it unnecessary. I want to know more than just they had to give in to chaos because death came knocking on their door (literally). I think the short form of the article doesn't give the potential of the story justice, I hope it gets expanded. Intrigues me far more than "those guys tame beasts" and "those guys make weapons. They want to be the very best in it, like no one ever was"...

  9. I'm lurking in this forum for far too long... 

    I heard several times that matte varnish wouldn't be as resistant as the glossy one, all though I can't really speak for that, I use a matte varnish meant for cars - applied in a thin coat and haven't had any rub off since. Well... I hope it works for contrast as well. I'm especially worried about the durability of the paints on metal minis. 

    Did anyone try zenithal with the new sprays on already black primed minis? I have tons of already primed Greenskins and with my German reseller only having 4 of the 14 colours I ordered in stock, I'll have to wait for a few weeks or however long gw takes to produce more paint to try it out...

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