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Everything posted by MrFarson

  1. Well since I've last posted I've started a whole new job that has cut down my hobby time drastically. I managed to sit down today and get some building done on two large chaps.
  2. Those pt increases seem a bit rough on an already weak faction that's been further weakened by the new edition.
  3. They're from printable scenery, blood trees I think the file is called.
  4. So the terrain bug has got me all feverish with 3.0 coming up and I feel the need to build a themed-ish set of terrain. The general concept is simple enough, dark and unpleasant terrain to represent the swampy nastiness these new orruk / gobbos are from. In addition to that I have a whole host of destruction which needs painting and a whole gloomspite army to rebase. Without further ado I've got myself a big ole hill to fight over alongside a few pieces of wyldwood size scatter terrain. All the tall elements of terrain are removable and in addition I've got a number of railway trees that spike directly into the terrain to make it a bit more foilagey. Next on the build list is a few sets of ruins and the other bits to make a full set of mausoleum.
  5. Played against a double catapult bonereapers list the other day and came out on top. Ran a grot heavy list with the battleplan being battle for the pass.Took an early lead and bullied my opponent with a purple sun for most the game. My opponent had the honour of being the first person to kill a 60 grot blob and ended up clearing 120 of them through the course of the game. I got a very jammy unit replen for both units when I needed it and essentially held three objective the entire game. After playing gloomspite as a tourney list since launch its definitely a grind to get a win now
  6. Controversial opinion I don't think we should see any new factions introduced for aos apart from destruction factions this edition. I counted up the releases for destruction as a whole last night and they've had 20 main game kits since aos released. They are also the only grand alliance in the game which hasn't had a full new re design released like lumineth, bone reapers hedonites etc I have a gloomspite army but primarily play chaos factions so this isn't coming from a I only play destruction where are my models. At the minimum they need a second wave of iron jawz, a proper bonesplittaz wave and a gloomspite or ogor wave
  7. They deal about the same amount of damage over a turn as stabbaz with spears. Most opponents don't bother sending anything against units of 20 of them so you can late game hand of gork them onto objectives at full strength usually
  8. Took this today to a tournie and went 2-0-1 I managed to off three keepers in one game across a turn and a half which is was pretty amused by Squig 2.0 (Age of Sigmar) [1,970pts] **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Destruction - Gloomspite Gitz) [1,970pts] Leader [650pts] Fungoid Cave-Shaman [90pts] Selections: 4. The Hand of Gork Fungoid Cave-Shaman [90pts] Selections: 5. Squig Lure Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig [110pts] Loonboss on Mangler Squigs [280pts] Selections: 2. Fight Another Day, 4. Doppelganger Cloak, General - Loonboss with Squig Madcap Shaman [80pts] Selections: 2. Itchy Nuisance Battleline [540pts] Shootas [120pts] Selections: 20 Shootas [120pts] Squig Herd [210pts] Selections: 3x 5 Squigs & Squig Herder [210pts] Squig Herd [210pts] Selections: 3x 5 Squigs & Squig Herder [210pts] Battalion [740pts] Battalion: Squig Rider Stampede [740pts] Boingrot Bounders [300pts] Selections: 3x 5 Boingrot Bounderz [300pts] Boingrot Bounders [300pts] Selections: 3x 5 Boingrot Bounderz [300pts] Allegiance Allegiance Gloomspite Gitz Game Options Game Type Selections: 2000 Points - Battlehost Realm of Origin Realm of Origin Selections: Origin: Ulgu Malign Sorcery [40pts] Endless Spell: Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron [40pts]
  9. Played a 2000pt squigalanche list last night vs the new Slaanesh. We rolled battle for the pass and I gave my opponent first turn to allow him to move into my charge. Resounding victory! Highlights include 30 boingrots mortal wounding a warlord keeper to death before it got to do anything A mangler deleting a unit of deamonttes and contortium by itself in one round The same mangler after being dropped to two wounds piling into a summoned keeper and killing it before it could fight from bite attacks alone Hand of gorking a unit of stabbas onto the rear objective winning me the game The same mangler dying and in its death throws killing the last character my opponent had
  10. Had my first game with gloomspitez last night vs a Khorne list. We played duality of death which was a pretty bad match up for me due to my list only having two heroes and my opponent being able to summon heralds via blood tide points. The game itself was surprisingly close all things considered with my big unit of squigs eating valykria, a unit of blood reavers and skull reapers Sadly my grots were unable to kill a lone bloodstoker off of the objective over three turns and as a result I couldn't get my shaman onto it before he died. Lunar squigs ended up being completely worthless to me as everything was engaged by the time the bad moon was affecting them My list was as follows for 1000pts Fungoid Cave-Shaman Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig Selections: 2. Fight Another Day, 5. The Clammy Cowl, General - Loonboss with Squig Battleline [480pts] Shootas Selections: 20 Shootas Squig Herd Selections: 4x 5 Squigs Squig Herder Squig Herd Selections: 5 Squigs & Squig Herder Other [300pts] Boingrot Bounders Selections: 3x 5 Boingrot Bounderz
  11. Hey everyone, noticed I own a massive amount of squigs so I wanted to try a squig based list. How does this look? ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Destruction - Gloomspite Gitz) [1,950pts] ++ + Leader + Skragrott, the Loonking [220pts] + Battleline + Stabbas [130pts]: 20 Stabbas + Battalion + Super Battalion: Squigalanche [1,600pts] . Battalion: Squig Rider Stampede . . Boingrot Bounders: 3x 5 Boingrot Bounderz . . Boingrot Bounders: 3x 5 Boingrot Bounderz . Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig: General - Loonboss with Squig . Mangler Squigs . Squig Herd: 3x 5 Squigs & Squig Herder . Squig Herd: 3x 5 Squigs & Squig Herder + Allegiance + Allegiance . Gloomspite Gitz ++ Total: [1,950pts] ++ I'm debating adding in the malevolent maelstrom if the points drop is true as a 10pt for unbinding bomb seems really good.
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