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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. 7 hours ago, NorthernNurgling said:

    I agree but I'm not sure why do we all keep talking about an initial release? I can't think of a single AoS army that got released in waves apart from Stormcast. And if that was the model for updating an army, why have we not seen 2nd wave release for Idoneth, or DoK or Fyreslayers etc? I worry that GW has accidentally over-promised with all their teasers and drip-feeding and that a lot of players (including myself) will just feel deflated if that picture is indeed the entire roster in the battletome. 

    others probably have reasons beyond this, but IMO at this point we may see a staggered release because of how F'd up global supply chains are going to be. GW is completely closed as well which they then have to decide to either delay an entire release, or stagger it

  2. I'd like to implore everyone to send GW an email about Stormcast's current warscroll and balance issues: aosfaq@gwplc.com

    I talked about the need for more synergy, better warscrolls for older units, and possibly 3 wounds for regular troops. I also linked PJetski's revamp project to ask them to read through it for ideas and to better understand the current problems


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  3. 44 minutes ago, Kokoshi said:

    Unfortunately the preview showed us a full picture with every teased/announced unit so far, such as the one we see in Battletomes  (at the end of the "miniature" part of the tome). These twin-page pictures usually contain most of the army range, baring 1-2 more units...

    it does look like there could be more units on both sides of the picture, though I'm not sure if there'll be any more heroes depending on placement. While this is already a big release, having only a single-kit elite unit feels meh if this week's reveals are only going to be a hero and...something

    • Like 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, Ian Wallsh said:

    Respectfully, everyone is entitled to their own opinion..... 

    they are, but i'm tired of any changes to what is completely malleable, fictional lore getting such pushback because it doesn't remind people of what they were reading/watching/playing 10+ years ago. we went from this thread being a discussion to half the posts complaining that these somehow aren't "real aelves"

    Europe and the US don't consider cows anything special, that's not the entire world's attitude about cows. India seems them as graceful, beautiful creatures worthy of reverence. Oxen have always been a symbol of strength and resilience to agricultural peoples, including in the Mediterranean and Europe. It's not farfetched to think that a group of aelves could find grace and poise through oxen. the idea that these ethereal beings have come to revere rudimentary animals of their realm, as a way of healing the rift between them and the spirits that reside in it, is REALLY good as a lore aspect--and yet people can't get past "cow and hammers" to see what this actually means for these new aelves.

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  5. 18 hours ago, Freejack02 said:

    Hammers on Aelves just looks wrong, no other way to put it. I'm excited, but combined with how bad I think the Teclis sculpt looks I'm not going to get my hopes up on loving the rest of the aesthetic... 

    it really doesn't, the models overall look great aside from the helmets. y'all need to get over this hump of fantasy aesthetics being ~required~ to fit into what dead authors used in their own works decades ago. breathing new life into fantasy aesthetics is how you actually move your brand forward

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  6. On 3/26/2020 at 12:43 AM, jhamslam said:

    So ive heard this from GW people, judges at LVO, even local GW store owners. They do read that stuff.

    Like it has to be in volume enough though, its how they "see" what to nerf or buff.

    Go look at every faq, they do tell you where to post feedback or errata questions and the like, i dont remember the exact one, but ill be sending this to them tomorrow morning, ill edit this post to add the email link for them

    so what's this email then? can we organize a Stormcast board email zap 😅

  7. 7 hours ago, Mcthew said:

    So, if this wasnt an aelf range, would this still be cool?

    I mean, I know it's rude but I cant stop staring at those cows above the Stoneguards' heads. Maybe that's the unit's ability: "Hypnotised by Cow!"

    a lot of people on the facebook post are super salty this isn't the aelf faction they SPECIFICALLY WANTED, so your theory holds water. My personal issue is I like the aesthetic chances they took but jfc they need more input on helmets

  8. The current situation + this new article about Kislev Ice Guard (which look more like AOS to me than anything WFB) has me thinking: what is GW planning on doing? Should the Old World even be something they pour tons of resources into now? How many 30k models are applicable to 40k? Even before the pandemic problems, higher production wasn't going to remain stable or sustainable for long. It makes me a bit worried for what GW will be able to actually do for all of their games in the future.

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  9. 9 hours ago, NauticalSoup said:

    The humble Liberator is always my go-to for a bad unit. They're understatted, their shields suck, they have no banners or drummers, they have terrible bravery, their weapons hit like a wet noodle and they are totally barren of useful warscroll abilities. And SCE is still required to shove in 15 of the goobers because they're the only moderately affordable battleline. They also have no reach weapons despite their heug bases, which means that as soon as you go above minimum size they'll struggle to pile in and fight (not that they'd do much damage even if they could).

    You're left with an overpriced minimum size screening unit that punches down and melts to even the most pathetic overtures of aggression. They're a tax on any SCE list and while any unit can serve as a speed bump, they're a particularly expensive and unimpressive speed bump even by speed bump standards.

    I actually wonder if after more than a year of battletome releases anyone still has to suffer a battleline is awful as the Liberator. 

    came here to say this, third post in aw yea

  10. Most if not all countries are adopting this strategy. We need to heed the warnings of having no non-essential contact. I have good healthcare in the US (for once) and even I'm still very anxious because I work with older folks. It's confirmed younger people can spread covid19 asymptomatically. Don't do anything you don't need to.

  11. Sons of Behemat wouldn't be Destruction anyway; they come from a civilization of giants. I would rather have another Order army of actually fleshed out giants, than yet another iteration of "big stupid giants" that do nothing but smash and squish things

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  12. 2 hours ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I just like how the helmet fits a Bronze Age aesthetic while in keeping with the Greco-Roman style of the troops and riders.


    i love how they are mixing this style with eastern stuff too. It really is a mash up of armies from ‘enlightened philosophie’ countries like ancient China and Greece!

    I had a feeling they were going with inspiration from the mashup of cultures that Alexander's Successor Kingdoms were, and it's nice to see some more Eastern influence too!

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Sleepa said:

    I don't think there's any doubt a new book is on the way, but if they pull another Soul Wars, only give us a new chamber with new models, and maybe some points updates; I'm straight up retiring my SC, and throwing them up for sale.

    Let us know what you have if you do LOL

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    There's also the fact that our impression of something changes between a photograph (be it 2D, 3D or however) and actual contact and interaction with it. 

    Beastgrave did this. I wasn't impressed with the Kurnothi poses until I saw them in person (and plastic)

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  15. 54 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    he whole "Pointy Elves" marketing led me to belive on tall winged helmets of old and man.

    horned helmets are pointy though tbf

    54 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    The horns look ridiculous, the plumes on the infantry make no sense (hope they never fight with the wind behind then, lancers are gona eat those plumes) and archer helmets are meh.

    plenty of historical armies fought with plumes. the archer armor is actually weirdly realistic in the grand scheme of AOS, and much more sensical than the strange metal frames (that also could have feathers!) the old HE archers had

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  16. I can't say I'm surprised, so I guess I'll reiterate: everyone loves calling elves some form of inhuman, until that's actually reflected aesthetically and then it's "this doesn't look right!!"

    The other thing is we haven't seen a 360 degree image or even separate angle shots so... wait for those until making final judgement.

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