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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. also TBQH does the consent even matter if Nagash is going to abuse and torture those souls anyway? it seems like becoming a Stormcast is the better choice since you can protect your family and city/culture in some way instead of being enslaved to Nagash.
  2. hey uhh what if Edassa is the one that falls? if Hammerhal is under attack this feels like where the third might be
  3. hoping this means we see updated maps of more of the Realms? i'm not really a stickler over precise land maps, but even something akin to the 1e fantasy maps they did would be wonderful
  4. it's still a flaw in the magical process though. i do agree that Stormcast more-explicitly knowing the cost of their immortality makes them more interesting, and it's more of a lie of omission/the honor isn't so exciting. what was also so exciting for me is the way these veterans are described, they've been allowed to rest in retirement homes (monasteries) before things became so dire that they had to be called back.
  5. I'm not a fan of how the Ruination elites' shoulderpads are looking more like Marine-pads than other Thunderstrike, but overall I'm happy with the trailer and the Chamber opening. Hallowed Knights are my favorite, silver looks better than all gold armor, so I'M READY!!! my guess is that these "normal looking" Stormcast are the elites that still look Human, and the other Ruination kits are going to devolve further into the worst parts of the Flaw.
  6. a better way of saying this might be "i appreciate his personal artstyle, but Warhammer relying on it for all of their IPs is a crutch they can only hold onto for so long"
  7. it does not matter when in the edition you join, the rules for buying battletomes remain the same at all times: do you want it for the art, the painting guides, and the lore? then buy it. if you only want it for the rules, don't bother. Book prices have been steadily going up while QC has been going down, on top of too many day 1 (or month 3) FAQs being needed.
  8. looks like my guess might've been right!! now to hope this isn't cult of the wheel, but something else Azyrite
  9. that's if the Q&A even ends up online... we never got a rundown of AOS's session for last year's Warhammerfest I think it was
  10. really hoping they get the resources to expand the game a bit, because it does deserve better
  11. you made me check if my glasses were still on my face 😂
  12. i think a trailer for 4e is guaranteed. if the whole box isn't shown, i'm expecting new liberator and new clanrats/stormvermin being revealed first
  13. okay then I hope it's Cities aelves!! 😭 we need them
  14. it's him (Konrad) edit: it does look like ichor more than blood, but the positioning feels dead-on
  15. Vigilors are the skirmishers and scouts who would be providing targets for the siegebow-esque Judicators. vigilors even give a +1 to hit units they've attacked, it's the perfect synergy they will look better--i think the helmets are fine and look like an anvil unit, but the bodies are going to be much sleeker than the video game. the reason they look so awkward in RoR is because they're using the same (chunky) skeleton rig as the classic liberators
  16. it REALLY looks like death magic is part of the Ruination Chamber... I am once again spitballing that "Sigmar Lied" is from Nagash
  17. not really a fan of either of these IPs but i know that's reductive... both of them have transplanar threats, DND has the alignment system that literally damns entire species into Good or Evil. and IIRC for MTG, a lot of their high-cost cards could level cities pretty easily if not continents.
  18. good news: you can always tell when something is a marine bad news: ...you can always tell when something is a marine
  19. "madness, grief, and ruin" maybe Madness is Khorne then? Aqshy-Shyish-GHR realms being smashed together?
  20. this is why i think him and Vandus are coming post-4e-launch in a matchup box. good way of introducing new Ruination and BOK with narrative stuff imho. it just doesn't seem right splitting their releases up unless Khul's ascension is what gets Vandus sent to the Ruination Chamber? but like you said, why would 2 new Chaos heroes be squished together?
  21. the lady stormcast on 2e will finally be vindicated!
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