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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. 6 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    The worm cities also appear in a flashback in the Yndrasta book where they were part of the army fighting Doombreed. 

    were there also Cities-on-Worms? because she fights alongside worm-people who live in cities (which I really would love to see), but I'm about 1/3rd done the book.

    41 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    They have multiple sales channels. And nobody I know buys directly from GW webstore.

    the few times I've gotten Warhammer gifts, the person bought from the webstore. which makes a lot of sense!


  2. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    I didn't think about it in that way, but yeah, it would make a lot of sense. Use this edition as a "reset" to establish the game closer to its "final form" and then put the marketing machine to work in all kind of ways.

    finally got my  hands on some Dawnbringer books and was shocked at how little new artwork there was. Plenty of awesome dioramas by the studio team, a lot of which had older (WHF) models in them.

    Soulbound has also been delaying some releases if I remember @Baron Klatz saying so. Champions of Chaos and the Ancient Empires supplement come to mind.

    These plus the way 4e is being marketed as #NEWAOS #AOSREFORGED is making me think/hope that AOS is going to get a deluge of new art that it deserves.

    • Like 5
  3. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    If the 4th edition is successful and we keep growing, at some point we will get more love over HH, which seems to be receiving more than us (novels, shorts and all that kind of stuff) even being a specialist game.

    yeah... I'm starting to wonder if this lull is because of 4e being a "reforged edition" of AOS? like redoing more aesthetics/factions than we think, so there's been less art or books of things that will get a new look soon.

  4. 1 hour ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++

    Just a nudge folks, but things went off the wibbly wobbly path of the Rumour Topic yesterday about retcons and the moderators had to cast moderator spells to get things back on track. Lets get back to rumours ;) 

    my apologies, after I hit post it became clear i was about 10 pages too late!

    • Haha 1
  5. On 4/24/2024 at 8:53 AM, Ejecutor said:

    It is curious that the Order option was Yndrasta. I heard that is a bit boring. For the other three, I only heard nice words. Especially from Godeater’s Son.

    I would only call it "boring" if you're expecting a battle ****** type of novel? It's an extremely interesting and insightful character novel--for BOTH Yndrasta and the human tribe it follows. I actually appreciate that it's a slower BL novel. Very true to form for a novel about hunting 😂

    On 4/24/2024 at 9:42 AM, Gitzdee said:

    I do hope this signals a Spiderfang refresh. That would be very much needed, the whole subfaction is only 3 kits and 1 gets removed. I can see the Arachnarok staying. I could see Spider Riders updated along with a brand new hero (a named hero would also be very welcome) and maybe a new unit to round out the subfaction. A unit of half transformed spidergitz or some kind of web shooting unit. This could also be a great new home for the Spider Incarnate.

    i would LOVE to see creepy crawly Spider Gitz come back with an AOS vengeance. here's hoping.

    • Like 4
  6. On 4/24/2024 at 3:37 AM, Grungnisson said:

    Counterpoint: If Amazon's show is any good, it will bring to 40K a wave of healthier, new community.

    to keep this relevant: I really hope if the 40k show does decent, it will cement AOS as a heroic, nobledark high fantasy. GW can't be ignoring the sheer amount of money that DND makes as essentially the same type of setting.


  7. On 4/24/2024 at 2:34 AM, Ejecutor said:

    Which has been the biggest retcon so far?

    Space marines used to be the cops in Necromunda/hive cities IIRC. They are now the figurehead of both the in-universe Imperium and IRL 40k.

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    • Confused 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:


    Idk if it's a real thing either. 

    I think the general feeling of the "slap" was how it was handled. 

    I've seen a little bit of that. i'll repost my edit: you're allowed to be disappointed, sad, angry, whatever at decisions made in a narrative you care about. but GW has constantly done this throughout their history, just like Tolkien did with LOTR and basically everyone else does with their own IPs. in the grand scheme of lore changes, this is truly nothing but GW filling in an omission in a faction they're trying to develop further. it should not be blowing up the fandom...

    • Like 2
  9. 18 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    From what I've gathered its not about the cooties at all, its about the slap to said nerds intelligence and the adding of said cooties for no other reason than to just add cooties to meet some invisible cootie quota. 

    Might be in for a wild hobby ride, forum fam.... 😬

    the assumption of this "quota" thing drives me up a wall... even if it does exist it is a purely vapid, profit-driven decision and based on nothing else.

    and why would be a slap to intelligence..? why would anyone assume ANY IP's lore is immutable? this isn't a history book, it is fiction. you're not getting "gaslit" and we should already know by now that trusting corporations is a fool's game. this is one of the most nothingburger lore additions they've done. The Primaris debacle was 10x worse than this.

    edit: you're allowed to be disappointed, sad, angry, whatever at decisions made in a narrative you care about. but GW has constantly done this throughout their history, just like Tolkien did with LOTR and basically everyone else does with their own IPs. in the grand scheme of lore changes, this is truly nothing but GW filling in an omission in a faction they're trying to develop further.

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 13
  10. this hobby is first and foremost a creative endeavor for me: building physical things and then painting them. I like working with my hands. Modeling is how I do art.

    After that, I do enjoy the narrative and 'exploring' the world created for us to mess around in.

    Playing is third because I can play whatever ruleset I want with the models I have.

    while I really enjoy the Mortal Realms as a setting, I don't let GW business decisions affect how i feel about my own artworks (minis), barring the occasional splurge that I maybe shouldn't have spent money on.

    Check out some non-Warhammer minis if you want to do the art without "Warhammer" as an IP


    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Once again: the squatted models are not going to legends. They're getting matched play rules. Those rules cease being matched play legal next year.

    and once again, what happens when they stop getting matched play rules? They get Legends support until 5e

    edit: thank you @elescapo for remembering what happened from 2e -> 3e for Legends

    so we even have proof there's no reason to assume existing Legends WON'T be rewritten once for 4e.

    • Confused 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    I think you're getting confused. They're giving matched play rules to those squatted units. By summer 2025, they will be moved to legends.

    It doesn't say they're updating legends warscrolls. For instance, GW won't rewrite the warscrolls for old legends units like the chaos warmammoth or the sky cutter chariot, so they can be used in 4th edition. 

    Grombrindal will be in that category, as a 3rd ed legend warscroll that won't be updated in 4th edition.


    what i'm saying is that we don't know that for sure, because we don't. Grombrindal is so close to 4e it doesn't make sense to me to assume he'll be dropped like a rock when it launches.

    sure maybe really old stuff like warmammoth and skycutters won't go into 4e Legends, but if they're doing this for a LARGE chunk of squatted models, why wouldn't they include more of existing Legends during their rewrites..? do we really think that Bonesplitters, Beasts, and Sacrosanct will be the only models in 4e Legends?

  13. 58 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    He'll get a 3rd edition warscroll, as he'll be released next month. GW has no history of updating legends warscrolls.

    Because of changes to bravery and other mechanics, all 3rd edition legends warscrolls will automatically become invalid at the turn of the edition. Therefore Grombrindal will automatically become invalid at 4th edition.

    I think what you're getting confused about is that bonesplitterz, beasts etc are getting indexes. These won't be legends rules. They're matched play rules that will be valid until summer 2025, when they'll go to legends.

    FTA https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/04/whats-leaving-the-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-range/

    Two factions, Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitterz, as well as a number of older Stormcast Eternals from the Sacrosanct and Warrior chambers, will be receiving free-to-download digital battletomes. These will feature new background and rules, and will be considered legal for use in competitive play until summer 2025. At this point they will move over to Warhammer Legends, and will no longer be supported for competitive play. 

    We encourage you to continue using your collection for casual play, and we will continue to support this content with rules and balance updates as needed throughout the edition.

    if everything is getting rewritten and GW has plans for updating Legends in 2025, I don't really see a reason to think everything in Legends 3e will disappear for good.

  14. 3 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    His warscroll will likely exist for two months. Then there will 4th ed, and they will likely not update legends rules. In other words, the only way to use him will be as a proxy. Absolutely gutted about this.

    I don't understand, GW has said they will be updating Legends rules for 4e? They are even keeping all of the squatted Legends rules up to date until 5e.

    Grombrindal is going straight to legends, of course he'll get a 4e scroll...

  15. On 4/20/2024 at 4:33 PM, Mutton said:

    I'll ask this again to get back to rumors, but what the heck does the green fill color mean for the Save value? Does it mean anything at all?

    Some people suggest it makes it "easier to read" but I disagree; it's not more legible than white on black. Why only the Save value? Why was no other stat colored? If you were to color a value green, the first instinct would be Health. Health is always green in games. From a purely visual aesthetic, it looks bad. None of the most common answers people have given make sense to me.

    Either there is some hidden meaning we're not aware of yet, or it was a pointless, incohesive whim of graphic design. This is like my white whale of AoS 4th.

    if it isn't to make the save easily readable at a glance, my theory is the green allows rerolling 1s to save? idk, it's very annoying that nothing has been said about this. all the warscrolls we've seen have been for heroes or more elite units that COULD have some kind of extra save rule

  16. 7 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    the 11 free cities are gone and replaced by 4 battle formations.

    they aren't gone though? The 11 Cities are now allowed to match up subfaction rules/traits and formations however you want to. Love Greywater for the blackpowder focus but want to set your army in Excelsis? Well, now you have the ability to make your Excelsis force the gunnery school or rifle garrison or however you want to tie it together.

    I'm just a bit confused at this pushback in all honesty. It makes more sense logistically and lorewise--why WOULDN'T every COS have a detachment of gunnery forces or cavalry or magic?

    • Like 8
  17. 3 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    I dunno... I feel that cross-allegiance alliances should be rare, and exceptional circumstances. Give them rules and we'd be seeing them all the time. 

    Exceptional circumstances... like Skaven pulling a chunk of their literal sub-realm into a main realm :P?


    • Like 1
  18. 6 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    It just a zoom in in the eastern part of the Great Parch map of Aqshy in the tomes and cubicles 7 has

    5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Oh. I see. It is part of the Souldbound map they have for sale. A whole map of the Great Parch (it is pretty easy to find it online): Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, Great Parch Map | Digital Download | Cubicle 7 Games

     are you telling me that the map I've had framed on my wall for years has ALWAYS had Hel Crown on it?? 😭😭 alright GW, you've made me The April Fool.

    • Haha 10
  19. 21 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

    Couldn't they give them at least a two-hander?

    IMHO they did, the promo art guy does not look different enough to be a new unit. the 2h are probably in a multipart kit like Annihilators. MAYBE he's a hero but what would you even call it? Knight Reclusian?

    *somewhere across the ocean, a sleeping monkey's paw curls subconsciously*


  20. 28 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Not gonna put all the pages from the third Citadel journal (what I prefer to consider their origin, april 1986) but contrary to what the article says, skavens are the only warhammer race that hasn't changed much in all these 39 years.

    Whenever GW says this about a faction, I always take it as the models changing and not necessarily the core identity? Straight up adding lore is also technically changing a faction; doesn't need to mean rewrites or retcons either. But the changes in model development, from metal to plastic alone, are huge changes.

  21. 34 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

    This is pretty cool, but I’d instantly drop $100+ USD if GW would publish a book that consolidates all the AOS lore up to the end of Dawnbringers into a single tome.

    How about we start at 60 USD and make GW haggle their way up 😭

    I finally got my hands on some Dawnbringer books, and though I love how much narrative and worldbuilding text there is... I was disappointed at the lack of (new) art in the books.

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