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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. I mostly care because reviews are often how people make the decision to buy at release, wait for a sale, or simply ignore the game. So PCGamer being one of the biggest review sites means that WAYYY too many people are going to get this extremely biased view of AOS and Realms of Ruin with no pushback.
  2. never ceases to amaze me how bad faith reviewers can be tbqh. like did you volunteer to be this much of a wad or did you get stuck with the review? such a bizarre read. at least the RPS guy admitted this subgenre isn't for him!!
  3. saw this one from the subreddit too https://www.nme.com/reviews/game-reviews/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-realms-of-ruin-review-3538544
  4. Just as a warning... PCGamer's reviewer straight up hates AOS as a setting, so expect weird bias against the game extremely effing disappointing how much people still aren't over End Times.
  5. I could barely finish this review TBQH. The author goes back and forth between sounding like an RTS fan and someone who's new to the genre. A random comparison to the Na'Vi becauseTzeentch is blue i guess?? And then the buried lede at the very end that he reviewed the game without even ENJOYING this kind of RTS...with no mentions of the links to DOW? come on man. Most RTS games fall around a 7-8/10. Some of the issues he complained about (like units not doing anything without orders) are universal RTS gimmicks, yet he also doesn't mention that. I've read good review on RPS, this one just felt too subjectively nitpicky and doesn't mention that subjectivity until the very end.
  6. honestly if more Warhammer fans could get over themselves and see RoR as a fantasy successor to DOW1, there'd be less complaining. Really glad to see Venris and GBOG enjoying the game. I got the ultimate edition for 17% off from fanatical.com and am now PATIENTLY waiting to receive my early access key today!!!
  7. omg that's what i meant to report, thanks for the reminder! i think those are broken for most products so hopefully GW is fixing it as we speak
  8. don't feel too bad, SC2 is definitely one of the fastest RTS and IME one of the most punishing. when it felt like "getting good" was more about memorizing build orders for a Meta rather than enjoying the game i noped out of multiplayer. never figured out how to defend against early zerg rushes either rofl. i'll be creating maps for RoR, doing Conquest mode, and dipping my toes into multi to see how it feels compared to SC and AOE
  9. if there are no sprue pictures I would report this to customer service. there seems to be a lot of missing pictures that WERE on the original site's pages. And I'm still seeing sprue pics on newer things like Thunderstrike kits.
  10. i was also not good at SC2 and I love how this game plays 😅 i think i said it in the rumor thread but: the DLC being *heroes* is a good thing because full factions deserve full expansion packs. i'm hoping for the same 30$ expansions Dawn of War did.
  11. yea we'll see how it goes... i didn't think the units were too slow, though i generally play more total war (marching speeds) than RTS (SC2 is twitchy as F, for example).
  12. i usually use this one because it shows the risks of keyshops. Instantgaming does seem to be a better one https://gg.deals/game/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-realms-of-ruin/ (am at work sorry, I try not to go on shopping sites here)
  13. there will most likely be more factions down the line. it took DOW1 an entire expansion pack to add a 5th faction. DLC being heroes is a good sign IMHO. it means any new factions will NOT be half-arsed
  14. not saying they are the same, but they do both use movement up. yes, players set up the board but it then feels like you're making terrain decisions based on ease-of-play rather than anything else. maybe the marching column will solve most of the movement issue(s) WHF had, i'm just reminded of explicit memories where we decided against putting any terrain on boards because it was simply easier not to deal with it.
  15. well, and if you have any terrain on the board? which is why terrain was the example pic for wheeling--this costs movement (** The distance the unit wheels is deducted from its charge range.). i don't think GW is able to get rid of the awkwardness of ranknfile movement. i remember having to house-rule wheeling and turning not costing movement to keep games from stagnating.
  16. Her warscroll is included in Neave's warband itself and the Warcry rules seem to be tied to them as well. She probably has to be a proxy for an IDK army as a solo model
  17. this is a fun hypothetical question that should have its own thread then you could add as many questions as popped into your head
  18. I'd agree but with the caveat that non-currency systems usually rely on resource-sharing or "gift economies" rather than how we understand "bartering" today; so if you're in a place that DOESN'T use the major city's currency, you'd barter until you got close enough to the city to use money. if there's no currency, people are gifting rather than bartering. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/02/barter-society-myth/471051/
  19. I think AOS should absolutely get the Mordheim successor, but I also agree that Cursed City feels too tainted for GW to revive.
  20. congratulations! Now would you say that makes your family... The Broddy Bunch? 😁
  21. i think the slowness issue will wear off once we are not playing tutorial missions? like the 3rd mission already got faster, and if you ignored units in any of the 3 missions they could die in seconds. but yea, i'm so excited to see this!!
  22. my thoughts exactly. and if these elves are Death related...maybe Sigmar knows Morai-Heg? Or she's observed his Reforging process? edit: that piece isn't straight like vindictor spears
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