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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. not only this, but again: most of us devoured WHFB as teenagers, where we had all the time in the world to absorb all of this. We cannot ever get that back unfortunately, and so AOS lore may always feel 'off' for a bunch of us. I don't think that's the game's fault at all, even if GW could always improve their narrative and worldbuilding approach to the Mortal Realms. If I think about the archetypes of AOS, like sky pirate dwarves and soul raiding sea elves... teenaged-me would have gone absolutely NUTS over this, probably moreso than I did with WHFB*. But I'm not a kid anymore *Lizardmen are what really got me into that setting, and I do think AOS made their premise even more interesting as Seraphon even as an adult.
  2. dang yea this is nail on the head. i've seen people who lament how much favoritism Marines get still buying 30k/new primaris so. yea.
  3. yeah okay you got me there, silly me for thinking those 40-some novels wouldn't spill over one who enjoys the fact that fantasy IPs have none 😜 also this 1000% ... stop making the rules explanations so wordy and you could fit simple, concise explanations for USRs *on warscrolls* like how Magic TG often does their USRs.
  4. i'll take the censor L for this, but god ****** dammit am I absolutely sick of "success" for games, movies, and TV now REQUIRING this ****** immediate full court sweep or else it's a complete loss. things are just straight up not allowed to exist outside of the initial 2-week release for games/movies and 1-month streaming for shows. edit: oh look what the top comment of that article is saying, glad I'm not theonly one sick of it. the article itself also states Frontier's issues have been building up so the headline feels like a misleading correlation.
  5. is that first logo for Horus Heresy? their specialist game is getting as many short stories as AOS?
  6. shame got nothing to do with it: no imperium dreck for AOS please & thank you. COS got a sniper on an ogor, let's see duardin riding ogors as cavalry next
  7. you know i got so excited for the devs' map tool, then after loading it up realized that meant a minimum time spent to learn how to use it 😅
  8. the more I look at that Bone Dragon the more disappointed I am that it's not a giant undead crocodile... The head even looks like one!! I got so excited, then the wings get showed and it gets named as a Bone Dragon. Just... why... TK have giant scorpions, giant jackal-humanoids, the sphinx-type monster, and a bunch of other Egyptian mythology. WHY is it a dragon and not a crocodile??
  9. didn't hear about this, what happened? i don't think it bodes very well that they replaced the whole TOW team / the whole team left very strange to happen before release
  10. for some reason I remembered gorgers/ogors having 4 fingers... I appreciate the correction!
  11. are we considering that this could be another Gorger type? it looks really similar to the new kit's hands to me, and the skin looks as pale & clear
  12. i never bothered watching him because i dont want my reviewers yelling, but he really seems to have level-headed reviews when devs care about their game? he has a wonderful GW2 review for example
  13. yea i'm gonna save the reveal, Summerking deserves his intro video IMO. regular kits sure whatever, but this guy should be shaking up the Realms when he arrives
  14. now that the game is fully released, make sure to leave a review
  15. would you believe me if i said it's more marines?
  16. Ahh okay, wanted to make sure it didn't need to be a bug report. I've taken to the hotkeys pretty well, as you're able to actually turn on a text notification in the settings. It should put the hotkey letter on every button that uses one!
  17. he was joking, likely because Space Marines always get the bulk of 40k releases
  18. I haven't ever seen the retreat hotkey move off of R, are you using a mouse or controller?
  19. Goonhammer review is out, actually feels pretty objective and the author understands what an RTS is https://www.goonhammer.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-realms-of-ruin-the-goonhammer-review/
  20. hoping i get there 😅 Easy is starting to feel Easy in conquest mode so we'll see!
  21. Played a bunch of campaign and conquest last night. I'm still not really feeling the "slowness" of campaign though conquest was noticeably speedier for roaming units between objectives. however, I still got my butt kicked in campaign because the AI can micro a lot better. dropping conquest to easy was a bit more manageable (so far). TBH i'm not sure how i'll fare with increased speed on normal/medium! there will probably be some patches to help unit responsiveness, some of the movement can get stuttery. people complaining about melee units standing around getting shot either forgot or don't know RTS games do that. however, a physical minimap notification for fights happening would help IMO. there's AUDIO cues but when multiple things happen at once they can get lost like in real battles.
  22. Also because DOW1 and 2 LITERALLY launched in the same fashion: 4 factions, small unit pools, army painter. But even though RoR is expanding the army painter AND adding the dev's map creation tool, it's suddenly not enough ???? It's like people simply forgot what an RTS is and how the DOWs felt. It's super angering as someone who really enjoys how games are made and how games influence & iterate off each other.
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