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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. i believe the round metal object is a stored shield. i am now just realizing the metal thingy is not a stored trumpet but more like a hook to tie rope on...
  2. the other side would obviously have different decoration, but i do think mirroring it onto itself gives us a better idea of the object. in this case, it looks like a howdah or other mounted seat
  3. OHH YEAH that's why my brain is saying "rotate it"
  4. i voted for Tahlia but maybe should've done the Slann! i feel like us AOS peeps have to agree on what to vote for if we're ever going to unseat 40k
  5. S2D is less awkward outside warhammer AND for me it's a nice little sequel joke; yeah this is Chaos 2, because they blew the other world up.
  6. they'll probably show off all the returning kits again before the full launch? though you're right that it's weird there is no Bretonnian king (or whatever Gilles/Louen equivalent) coming. because obviously Settra is the big name to lead TK.
  7. Tau being allowed to be Less Bad makes the setting work better: holding up a mirror to the grim darkness hits far better than bumbling about in the dark. if Tau suck just as much, it destroys their original flavor of "tiny new empire wanting to make more friends has no idea the innumerable horrors that await it." their change always felt like a lazy copout. yet another Evil Empire except the mind control is pheromones not servitors is just.... bland. the point of Tau should be to mirror the current, wasting Empire of Man AND the fallen Empire of Eldar. but this is a rumor thread so I must digress
  8. if the nubs were more... orbular? orb-ish? orb like?? i could see it
  9. PS for USA folks: this LGS I found still has Christmas Battleforces in stock at a discount https://delivery.titangamesandhobbies.com/shop/aos/19 Seraphon, SBGL, Ossiarch
  10. gotta be a basing bit. guessing we're looking at another Tactical Ruin. hero piece? Warcry or Killteam leader?
  11. from the original image i was going to say this could be new Prosecutors, but this clearer one makes me take it back lol
  12. There should definitely be enough proxy units for your dark elves i think the new COS humans are on the same base sizes?
  13. if adding new units still requires rigging new skeletons, I don't really see why new factions are off the table. I think their success with Planet Zoo's animal animations have got to be why GW wanted Frontier to bring tabletop models to life. they are so good literally thinking about the game makes me want to play it 😂 the "focus" mention felt more like they will not develop *new* non-sim games, not that they're dropping support for RoR, Elite Dangerous, etc. i don't think we'll truly find out until after the new year though.
  14. the AOS design interview are always so interesting!! i agree, i love seeing these i think you will end up half-right: there will be a new AOS-specific subfaction, but it will release in the wave after the launch box OR as a fantastical Warcry addition.
  15. pretty sure the full meeting mentioned Realms of Ruin was still getting content, and GW would absolutely not hinge their AOS license on a developer that wouldn't provide post-release support.
  16. another one https://www.wargamer.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-realms-of-ruin/doesnt-deserve-hate
  17. All things I want... on top of the new Seraphon 😩Time to revisit my pile and see what can go!!
  18. the steelhelms seeing stormcast fighting Ushoran:
  19. This part also feels mmmmmmmmmmmm Foreshadowy "The Lord of Masks is now free, but at least Ushoran’s madness keeps him loyal and true. And he is entirely, completely mad – no doubt about that. If that weren’t the case, imagine what he might be getting up to, when your back was turned?"
  20. not only this, but again: most of us devoured WHFB as teenagers, where we had all the time in the world to absorb all of this. We cannot ever get that back unfortunately, and so AOS lore may always feel 'off' for a bunch of us. I don't think that's the game's fault at all, even if GW could always improve their narrative and worldbuilding approach to the Mortal Realms. If I think about the archetypes of AOS, like sky pirate dwarves and soul raiding sea elves... teenaged-me would have gone absolutely NUTS over this, probably moreso than I did with WHFB*. But I'm not a kid anymore *Lizardmen are what really got me into that setting, and I do think AOS made their premise even more interesting as Seraphon even as an adult.
  21. dang yea this is nail on the head. i've seen people who lament how much favoritism Marines get still buying 30k/new primaris so. yea.
  22. yeah okay you got me there, silly me for thinking those 40-some novels wouldn't spill over one who enjoys the fact that fantasy IPs have none 😜 also this 1000% ... stop making the rules explanations so wordy and you could fit simple, concise explanations for USRs *on warscrolls* like how Magic TG often does their USRs.
  23. i'll take the censor L for this, but god ****** dammit am I absolutely sick of "success" for games, movies, and TV now REQUIRING this ****** immediate full court sweep or else it's a complete loss. things are just straight up not allowed to exist outside of the initial 2-week release for games/movies and 1-month streaming for shows. edit: oh look what the top comment of that article is saying, glad I'm not theonly one sick of it. the article itself also states Frontier's issues have been building up so the headline feels like a misleading correlation.
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