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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. let's put up the Bat Klatz signal @Baron Klatz
  2. Cleona and the knight lady are absolutely ripe for expansion, for religious cults and heavy troops respectively. it would be cool if Kurnothi stayed in COS to an extent since they're confirmed as more of a cult/mutation than separate beings.
  3. yes thank you!! i got a bit too excited and figured the Whitefang fans might want more breadcrumbs
  4. thoughts: -Nagash's lands under assault from Skaven line up with Whitefang saying watch for Death as a 4e protagonist/deuteragonist -Ushoran's bits with past lives ALSO supports it. -if Zenestra is Death aligned (slash A Lich) thats another point for Whitefang's prophecy -feels like Aqshy crusade will fail if they've been overruled by Zenestra and the Cult of the Wheel is finally having material consequences for not wanting wheels used. -"Kin of the Stag" may turn into another Cult that gets models, seems to be multiracial, and would help the alliance of Alarielle and Sigmar (@baron klatz's story link) LOTS more about Death stuff. Unless there's other buildup elsewhere it kind of seems like Skaven are coming out in Shyish!
  5. yeah that doesn't seem healthy for the games industry at all is this an expansion or a new game ?
  6. if SCE can't return at all, half the Realms should be reclaimed from Chaos already 🤔 game isn't old enough or expanded enough to cut off the selling point of Stormcast. conversely, if the Reforging Flaw ever gets fixed, that would probably be the best time to crack Azyr open.
  7. it screamed Beasts of Chaos to me until I saw the little rat skull
  8. man I hope that leaves the possibility for halflings in COS along with aelves and duardin
  9. i'm finding AOS duardin are more interesting without it tbh. Especially KO's ridiculous "laws and bylaws and sublaws and and and" schtick, which I think is a great replacement. Fyreslayers I could see keeping the grudge gimmick but everyone else feels like they should move on. IIRC the Grudges often hurt the Dwarven Holds more than it did anything else. which is fine when your Tolkien-inspired factions are separated along racial lines, but i think most of us would rather see multiracial COS. holding generational grudges doesn't really mesh with the idea that everyone needs to pitch in together to survive Chaos (let alone beat it).
  10. well if 8 is ever too much... hello 😁 they really should have been, and I'd also like to hear the justification for making their command ONLY work at 10 models! "monstrous infantry" being 5W, regular infantry being 2W, and Stormcast infantry being 3W feels like it would work really well. SCE in general feel like they all need +1W for how basic our tome is now.
  11. hey, don't cry. Lord Relictor at 120 points again, okay?
  12. Our only change too lol ___________________________________________________________________________________ Points changes below. GW seriously needs to stop making Relictors anything but 120 points.
  13. VANQUISHERS FINALLY HAVE 2" RANGE HALLELUJAH!!! Dampened my excitement a bit seeing OBR has a spell nullification on a damn 4+ while Hallowed Knights had ours gutted for nothing... but still! Vanquisher Viable now!
  14. Which is good because then AOS has room for all kinds of different tribes, instead of one largely amorphous identity like Norsca.
  15. which hopefully means we see another Cult/Church of Sigmar than the wheel weirdos...
  16. true true... I'd much rather see wild, realm-specific units and non-humans
  17. if Steelhelms are the cobbled-together expeditionary infantry, I wonder if these pike-and-shotte looking infantry are the actual standing army or they're an old/alternate design?
  18. if it isn't Tyranid I could see it being a Moulder spawning pool for sure
  19. whatever it is, I think those are embryos in it, looks to be about 5 or 6
  20. Chaos's whole schtick, especially as a Grand Alliance, is Ruin though so idk. having two different heralds of ruin would be fine? I'm not about to believe Beasts are getting cut without some sort of replacement.
  21. Those shields remind me so much of the Total Warhammer icons 😢 going to huff some AOS Total War copium again real quick They sort of did this for Broken Realms but now the link in those older WHC articles is a 404 dead end........ which is part of this narrative problem IMHO. FTFY :') i saw at least a dozen people on here and reddit saying they'd have gotten it if it wasn't in a 200 USD box. I have to laugh at this... I understand different margins for different products, but GW margin is overall insanely good.
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