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Everything posted by CommissarRotke

  1. It sounds simple in practice, but I don't have the drill to stick the magnets in though something like Horrors sounds much easier than orks This was my feeling, especially for battleline units. I will stick to magnetizing bases for transport I think (once I paint them lol) Thank you both for the reply!
  2. If it doesn't work, that's 430 (spell) points to play around with to get it to work so...seems like a great list to craft with to me.
  3. there should be an Edit button at the bottom of the post, but I think it can time-out
  4. edit: didn't see reply when I refreshed page, it is 6 deso
  5. Hey all, feel free to direct me/move this if there's an existing thread already: Does anyone have a how-to guide on magnetizing models for different weapon configs? Is there a minimum size for this, or are static body poses the only thing necessary? I'm interested in doing this for Stormcast Judicators, but if there's drilling involved I don't think it'd be worth possibly ruining a model for.
  6. If I get a box of 10, is it worth making one unit with each weapon? I like the idea of dropping two crossbow units down to clear 2 objectives in a turn... but having some more longer ranged shots to help longstrikes seems viable too; bows on table and crossbows up to drop?
  7. After filling out Soul Wars and getting a Castellant to boot, my first boxed kit will be Raptor Longstrikes. After that, I am not sure whether to buy Liberators or Judicators... I guess it depends on this next question: Is it possible/worth it to magnetize Judi weapons to try both weapon configurations? Or should I do 5 bows 5 xbows? I imagine putting the shockbolt on two Primes is the better option for special weapon. And again, extremely disappointed at how bad Castis are with how cool the models look
  8. What are the stats on the crossbow judis then? their range feels like they'd get one volley off then be in combat, and I don't think I've ever seen a list with them over the bows.
  9. Isn't the range on the crossbow judis too short to be worth it? you could get two shots off with castigators with an extra +1 to wound and rend-2 to boot. Or, are you relying on the Rapid Fire trait and keeping them stationary?
  10. Stardrake is 560 points so... hard no I'd think. Even in Meeting Engagement you have to sacrifice too many bodies to get a Knight Incantor to be able to unbind. Doesn't make sense below a 1500pt list
  11. I will have to find his builds then LOL ahh well, glad I am mainly interested in the narrative play portion of AOS. Still sucks hearing we need to be shooty but are pushed into a very narrow shooty
  12. so basically I should get another 3 longstrikes, a Knight Venator, and make castigators work?
  13. Does this also apply to Paladins? I've been eyeing some since they dropped in points and I love the Protector models... are these good or are they finicky and need to be dropped in? are we better off taking Palladors for the 180pts?
  14. I bought it as a way to get back into the hobby after leaving WHFB and 40k, so the extra stuff was welcome, and filling out the units from traders/ebay was easy as well. But the set is now 30pts above what I'm assuming it was designed for...which means it's more awkward to build off of
  15. I know I don't *have* to play matched, but these new rules and points changes really make Soul Wars less of a useful first buy, especially finding out I need the older Chambers' units anyway......
  16. this is 2090pts, were you playing with the old values? you could drop 5 seq and an incantor for 6 castigators, especially vs daemons. since you gotta reformat the list anyway
  17. Castigators shoot once on 3+/3+ and have 2 melee at 4+/4+, 6 18" shots plus 12 melee attacks for 160pts, with the ability to give them -2 Rend and extra inherent damage vs Daemons or Nighthaunt. which is why I personally like them more than Judicators, but they aren't battleline... I think I'm still going to try them in some lists, but for 2k I need one more battleline besides 2x seq. (though I do think the damage should extend to any undead and not just NH)
  18. what were the lists played in this game? I don't know enough about other factions yet, but this seems... inane to summon 2 keepers of secrets back.
  19. @luthhero you could drop the Tauralon and probably Ordinator for more points to beef up the Sequitor line
  20. Is it actually affectionate? The angry comparisons to Space Marines is what kept me away from AOS since the beginning... but once I found myself giving the lore a shot there's not as much similarity as what's projected onto them. I've actually been posting in the SCE thread, only happened to see this board existed when it came up in Recent Topics !
  21. I already have 10 sequitors from Soul Wars, but I'd like some Liberators to be able to sub in if I need more points for other units. With these point changes Soul Wars feels much worse for the wear now...
  22. is this a general Liberator issue, or because they wound on 4s not 3s?
  23. How good/bad are Liberators with sword+shield? I have a Leena Stormspire and I'd like to run her as the Prime, since KQ statline doesn't look very appealing for their points.
  24. So I should be sleeping but insomnia has me all messed up and here I am! Returning player, after having been dissatisfied with both WHFB and 40k more than a decade ago, I finally took the plunge after doing research into AOS 2.0 and seeing how cool the Stormcast models have gotten! I'm a sucker for anything paladin and cleric so... i had to get Soul Wars and try to build a decent list for narrative games, and maybe matched at some point! I am trying to be much more researched and cautious this time around with buying figures and branching out. Too fast gave me burnout and forcing myself to get into 40k because that's what the majority of play was really gunked up the hobby for me... AOS seems like what I wanted out of WHFB (except no high elves...) and I'm glad that the Stormcast, to me, feel different enough from Space Marines that I'm interested in their lore and their army building. Still trying to figure out how the site and activity stuff works, always trying to find more advice on what unit to buy next, and keeping my ears open for narrative + matched news. Hello everyone!
  25. I know but I see more lists with liberators and/or longstrikes than I DO judicators, so before I drop 90+ USD I'd like to know which units would give me the best list-building ability
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