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Liberator (1/10)



  1. Thanks for clarifying! I'm new and don't have everything down ,100% yet
  2. I think they're referring to the Signature Mausoleum warscroll, which allows LoN to use it as an additional gravesite.
  3. Oh. Self dispelling endless spells for fun and profit is a neat idea I'd never thought of. And explains the large number of banshees.
  4. Thanks! I'll look into grabbing some sisters! Glad to know they're decent, I love the aesthetic. I got a Morathi half price second hand and fell in love with the snake ladies.
  5. Hey! New poster here... I've been collecting minis here and there for a few years now and finally have a chance to participate in a narrative campaign at my local shop. Starting at 600 points, I'm wondering if anyone could help me with a starter army? I have the Blood Coven box half assembled, and a box of doomfires, and wouldn't mind picking up some mesulai if that's at all workable. I'd really like to be able to rake the Medusa, on shrine or off. I was thinking Medusa General, doomfires, and two units of blood sisters?
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