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Koradrel of Chrace

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Everything posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. Part of that is because when Black Library first started publishing, they actually had a directive in 40k that said only Imperial factions could be protagonists in the books. They decided that the other factions were to alien in thought, and they wanted you to feel more for the Imperium since their are no real good guys in 40k. Conversely, especially with the Gotrek and Felix book Trollslayer, you started off the Fantasy side saying "these factions are the good guy factions, these are the bad." I also think the massive popularity of Gilead's Blood so early on helped spur this, but that might be my elf bias showing.
  2. I'm starting to test the new (for me anyway) Wraithbone contrast primer for the scheme I maybe want to use for my Lumineth. I really like how smooth it went on, and I think I like the cream color better than pure white as a primer. Still not entirely sure, I may like black still as base, as white has been frustrating me with having to really get into small corners to paint shadowed areas.
  3. I finally got my brush wet for the first time in a couple weeks. I am looking at my Idoneth now as a practice project of what to do better when the Lumineth come out. I think at this point the thing I want most is to see what some of the subfactions look like in terms of color schemes, so I can start figuring out what paints I need to get (I basically had to restart my paint collection since my old paints had solidified on me). Also, I'm going to start experimenting with colors outside of Citidel, some I kinda want a heads up so I can put something on a test mini to get a feel for things.
  4. Should I continue the pattern and post the link too?
  5. @Ogregut My team of crack scientists checked your findings and found no flaws in your data.
  6. Ack, we're dieing off! If we don't keep the hype train going, GW might have to give us real info in their articles! Speaking of, what does evryone think will be the topic in the next one since it's so non-specific? A further look at either Teclis or the Light of Eltharion? A teaser of some of the army rules? A further look into the lore? Tyrion and Alarielle rekindling their romance? A glimpse into the Aelf Cave, where the Twins keep the Aelf Car and the Aelf Computer? Let's hear your thoughts!
  7. Teclis was open to other races because he felt superior to them in a way he never had in elven society. He grew up ostracized because he was frail, sickly, and less than physically perfect. He never really got over this. Meanwhile, among the other races, his looks still made him beautiful by their standards, and his intellect was obviously beyond theirs, while he felt a kinship with them for being flawed.
  8. @Aelfric Sir! What an outrageous statement! GW's legal ninjas are even now in your house, waiting in your shadow, for daring to use a generic fantasy name for their clearly non-derivative Gargant faction!
  9. @CommissarRotke Heh, sorry, I'm a curmudgeonly old man. I want my elves with swords, bows, and lances, my dwarves with hammers and axes, and my orcs with spiked clubs and flails! In all seriousness, I am trying to keep an open mind about everything. AOS over the past year has been surprisingly refreshing to me, and I am willing to be proven wrong. And while I want amazing lore that I can really dig into, I like the game aspect as well, so I'll play what works and fits my play style.
  10. @Aelfric You have, unfotunately, raised a very good point. If the hammer unit is good enough, I'll wind up taking it. My local scene is toward the high end of competitive, so I'll need whatever weapons we get.
  11. @LuminethMage "I think the White Lions were a really popular unit." ....I mean, have you seen my user name? 😎
  12. An axe is actually a fairly precise instrument. You apply significant force usually backed up by momentum to a very specific spot to cause damage. You can do almost as much damage with a dull axe as you can a sharp one.
  13. My big disconect with the hammers is that they are a brutal, savage weapon. Elves have traditionally been elegent, finesseful race. These two images just don't really overlap in my head. As I said though, if they can make the concept work, I'll at least try them out.
  14. It wouldn't be unreasonable for them to do a minor rules spoiler for the next article. I'm not sure they would do an entire article on Teclis....yet. I could see them doing a focus article on him once the army is out, and maybe Eltharion too. But for the moment I doubt they want to give away all the juicy info, especially given the small tidbits they've been giving us. I could see them maybe previewing one of the smaller army-wide rules.
  15. The base that that rock outcrop is own looks to be small, although admittedly it's tough to tell in the background. My guess would be it's some sort of support hero on foot. My tinfoil hat guess is it's some sort of "spirit chaneller," a character that strengthens or utilizes the geomantic spirits as either a buffer or debuffer.
  16. They were very vague about what the next Lumineth Lowdown article was going to cover in two weeks. They have time for two more articles before Adepticon, I'm not sure that they'll be revealing the whole army before then. That said, we will probably get to see at least something new before then.
  17. My daughter would be thrilled with this as well. I have one of the current Giant kits that I picked up when it first came out in WHFB. She has named him Mr. Grumpy, and says he needs friends.
  18. I will now pause to eat my very large serving of crow after vigourously saying that the Rumour Engine picture was not a hammer. To every one who said it was I bow in concession.
  19. @Tiberius501 Dakka's working fine for me, is the page not loading for you, or is it saying the site is down? I'm not sure how I feel about the hammers. They might be a little too "WOW Paladin" for me, but if they manage to make them cool I'll probably still play them.
  20. Keep the faith my kin! Only a couple more weeks until the release! That's not so bad considering we've been waiting for a proper aelven army since the start of AOS. Honestly, I can kind of get behind the Lumineth having a more phoenix focused army. However, I want a super phoenix, something that could go toe-to-toe and claw-to-claw with a dragon. The Frostheart and Flamespyre Phoenixes are cool, but I want something with a little more punch!
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