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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. I still wonder if it was just a misspeak about the launch box and it’s the starter box will have scenery (akin to 40k starter). Unless it’s already been clarified?
  2. Wonder what the GW April Fools will be? A few years back they did the squat/votan teaser video which IMO was genius. I’d love something similar for Chorfs! But maybe too soon, next year perhaps.
  3. I was going to catch up this morning but was awoken at 2.55am by the sound of foxes mating outside! Thanks frisky foxes for the wake-up call! Would’ve loved to see some minis for 4th, oh well next time. I like that the traditional looks for Skaven have been kept. Jezzails, Rat Ogres, clanrats all look pretty similar style wise to before which IMO is great. Few years back I got an island of blood Skaven half, plus a verminlord. My hope was that the new stuff wasn’t overly AoSified, not that that’s a bad thing but hopefully they will sit comfortably next to older models. So far looks good. Happy with the spearhead info (tho not that surprising). With 40k they have started doing rules for big box halves now, I hope this happens for AoS. I think spearhead could fit into a nice niche for me. I know you don’t have the list building, but the reduced playtime/low model count appeals. TOW dwarf hero minis are stunning!
  4. I’m still not convinced. I’d like a few more pics before he’s legit……… worth a try!
  5. Assuming the white cover core book is the boxed set exclusive cover? Similar to the Yndrasta exclusive we got inside dominion?
  6. It’s amazing when you fly over, it just keeps going and going. A number of years back flew from Singapore to Brisbane, you hit Australia and think nearly there….. but nope, not even close.
  7. This topic made me think about proximity of GW stores to me. I have 6 within 1 hours drive!! 3 of those within about 30mins. Kind of shocked me when I stopped and counted. In the UK The funny thing is, the only time I go to one is to pickup a store anniversary model (or ten😉). Probably won’t bother this year as I’m not fussed on Tau or the Fyreslayer.
  8. Weird, pics not showing up? EDIT, pics added. Did not like my blue backdrop!?
  9. Well, another age has passed! 2023 was not a productive year for me mini wise. I blame real life, also Tears of the Kingdom! But 2024 is off to a better start! Have finally finished off this Wraithblade unit. I used to always use a blue/white fade for backdrop until it got too tatty. Chilvers put one online so giving it a try again, might be a bit bright. I may take some shots with the more muted backdrop as well. The arms are fully magnetised for weapon options. Got a few more eldar minis to do then back to AoS stuff.
  10. Wonder where the gutrippa boss fits in to things? I had thought that would be the event exclusive for this year.
  11. Ratling snipers probably. Bottle shaped gun barrel. Would tie in with the already seen pork pie on base.
  12. Surely, GW must be bringing out a plastic butcher soon!! If gorgers & butchers is themed army for dawnbringers 3, I will be gobsmacked if they don't release a dawnbringers style "Roving Maw" box with a new butcher and the gorgers kit (or possibly gutbusters?).
  13. I’m surprised no one has mentioned Hedonites of Slannesh yet🙈 Sexx Laws by Beck, Gay Bar by Elecric Six or Hedonism by Skunk Anansie
  14. I'm not a massive fyreslayers fan but these sculpts are fantastic! They get me very excited for what could eventually be done with chorfs!
  15. I would’ve been happy enough with a reprint of Island of Blood, but a new edition box with skaven would be amazing!!
  16. I noticed the new seraphon minis don’t have the 360 shots on their web store listings, tho oddly there were some on the limited army box.
  17. Makes me wonder if the limited Kruleboy boss that was mistakenly sold too early at a recent event could be a tie in mini to this game somehow? Maybe not, but it seems too early for them to have next years store anniversary mini all ready. Unless it’s a warhammer TV subscription mini?
  18. I’d been hoping for a reprint of island of blood, but todays article makes me question that now, with skaven not being a main faction? Hoping I’m wrong.
  19. Selling some unwanted items. Bit of a random assortment but might be of interest to someone here. There's some 40k scenery bits, metal eldar minis, store anniversary minis, stormbringer exclusive praetor, store anniversary pin badges, classic marauder war hounds & AoS 3rd edition core book. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?item=225587247784&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562&_ssn=ericamac10
  20. Does anyone know if/how they divide up larger kits over multiple issues? For example the marshcrawler is 2 sprues, Skumdrekk is 3 sprues. Does anyone know from experience with imperium or mortal realms if big kits are split up or is it just a bumper issue?
  21. Beautiful work, looks awesome against a black backdrop!
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