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Posts posted by MKsmash

  1. 3 hours ago, ryanguy88 said:

    If I were trying to be competitive, I might consider something like the following.  It would give 2 spells a turn, 2 unbinds, some utility from the endless spells, a little bit of ranged shooting, and two melee beat sticks in the tyrant and the big block of ogors.  The two grot units could be flexible and either bubblewrap heroes, or babysit objectives (but there's lots of room for personal preference).  I've found that 60 grot blocks at low points, while super hard to move, is kind of super hard to move -- they choke up your big ogor unit and prevent your big hitters from getting where they want to go.  That may just be me playing poorly, though.  Anyway, the list:

    Allegiance: Gutbusters
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran
    Tyrant (160)
    - General
    - Great Gutgouger
    - Trait: Wild Fury
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike 
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Allies
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Allies
    12 x Ogors (400)
    - Pairs of Ogor Clubs or Blades
    3 x Ogors (120)
    - Ogor Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists
    20 x Grots (100)
    20 x Grots (100)
    1 x Ironblaster (120)
    Prismatic Palisade (30)
    Quicksilver Swords (20)
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)

    Total: 1250 / 1250
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 180 / 200
    Wounds: 125

    Thanks! Do you think I could do anything instead of the Endless Spells? (I dont have them, as i dont use magic frequently 😅

  2. I got a 1250 point event. Its difficult to make a competitive list. I was able to make this:

    60 Grots 270

    Ghyrstrike Tyrant 160

    12 Ogors with two clubs 400

    Fungoid Cave Shaman 90

    3 Ogors  with two clubs 120

    3 Ogors with two clubs 120

    Extra Command Point

    Endless Spell?

    However, I feel it could be a lot better. Does anyone have any suggestions for a competitive list?

    Thank You!

  3. 2 hours ago, Pitloze said:

    You still can't play Olwyr at 2k... Lame. Lowest I can make it is 2010...ffs.

    Um, what? Olwyr can be done.

    420 FLoTT

    320 HoSH

    140 Mournfang

    140 Mournfang

    140 Mournfang

    300 SHBR

    170 Eurlbad



  4. On 5/31/2019 at 4:50 AM, Charleston said:

    I would say both have pros and cons. The FLoSH can get tarpitted more easily, the HoTT on the other side looses a ton of output after some wounds.

    You can combat the tarpit by allying in a couple of Ironblasters. They work very well for clearing out hordes, though they're not good for much else.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Luzgurbel said:

    They are extremely expensive to be added. The Huskards on Thundertusk are really valuable, and 2 FLoSH are... Risky, imho,



    The melee strength of a FLoSH is amazing. They pretty much have to be put in an army. I think that if you put HoTTs in, you won't have enough melee strength.

  6. On 5/6/2019 at 5:44 AM, Luzgurbel said:

    If using Stonehorn, many of us only use 2 items: either ethereal amulet to give you protection (sadly not for mortal wounds) or thermalraider cloak, to give you the chance to move, run and charge wherever you want, ignoring screens and that stuff.

    I just realized that Stonehorns have the innate ability to run and charge in the same turn. This could be useful!😈

  7. 13 hours ago, DestroyerBirb said:

    Hey guys!

    One if my friends is starting a budget Beastclaw Raiders, out of 3 Start collectings, and based on what I heard, you can make stonehorn OR thundertusk stuff. What would be the best combination of three beastclaw start collecting? (I would appreciate if you wouldn’t add anything else, and you can remove anything)

    Just a reminder, the anyone but heroes in the start collecting are battle lines, including the beastriders.

    I would go 3 Thundertusks or 3 Stonehorns, depending on your playstyle. If you want a mix, go 2 Stonehorn and 1 Thundertusk.

  8. 12 hours ago, FatherOl'Frosty said:

    He finished 8th.

    1st place - Bonesplitters

    2nd - BCR (not mine - guys was a newbie a nd won 4of4 games - lucky)

    3rd - Sylvaneths

    4th - Nagash guy

    5th - Slaanesh


    What was the Beastclaw player's list? He may have unknowingly created a competitive BCR list. 

  9. 5 hours ago, Kramer said:

    You won’t get much more elite than that ;) 

    Definitely try it but I think you will end up splitting the ironguts. It gives you so much more flexibility and for 180 per three you don’t want to many trailing behind not getting into combat. But that’s just what happened to me. 

    A thing to consider could be adding two butchers with cauldron because it’s the only way to add +1 to hit. 

    But if you add all that in you’re already on:

    Tyrant 160, 2x butcher 280, bulls 400, guts 720, 6 belchers 280 = 1840. 

    If you go nine belchers you don’t have the extra CP. I might just consider 6 Maneaters in that case. Instead of the leadbelchers. You won’t get the CP either (1960pts) but the Maneaters are great models to paint, and really good as their job as linebackers.  Leaving you 40pts for an endless spell. 

    You could of course also go for 9 ironguts and 12 leadbelchers which ends up at: 1940. 

    Just some thoughts to mull over. I do think if you play a lot of big based monsters bigger units of ironguts are more in the right place. 

    I've found that Leadbelchers are not that good, as they aren't very reliable. I would split the Guts in 2 units of 6 as well for full objective capping capability. 

    Also, you may want to consider putting in a unit of what keeps the Gutbusters most  competitive: Grots. They are needed for the models and screening badly, and are very cheap to use. Putting in a unit of 60 even comes at a point reduction, so they would also be good choices for this list.

  10. 8 hours ago, ChaosLord said:

    Do you all think BCR might see point reductions in the new GHB? Even small point reductions would seem to be a big help with building 1000 point lists, which is currently pretty hard to do ... my preferred list comes in at 1020. :(

    What's your preferred list?

    Also, I'm actually not sure that many point reductions will come in. We had a large point reduction in 2.0, so I don't think we'll get more points off.

  11. 2 hours ago, Sovereign said:

    Apologies for the double post but am I wrong in thinking that if I run Gutbusters as my allegiance so that I can use Leadbelchers and Iron Guts as battleline I can't then use the Destruction allegiance abilities, even though Gutbusters lack allegiance abilities of their own?


    Yes. You have Destruction Allegiance Abilities even if you take Gutbusters as your allegiance. Hopefully this changes soon with a new Gutbusters book;)   

    • Like 1
  12. Any opinions on this for competition?

    Allegiance: Gutbusters
    Realm: Ghyran
    Tyrant (160)
    - General
    - Great Gutgouger
    - Trait: Wild Fury
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike 
    Butcher (140)
    - Pair of Stump Blades and Great Cauldron
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: Vindictive Glare
    - Allies

    12 x Ogors (400)
    - Pairs of Ogor Clubs or Blades
    6 x Ironguts (360)
    6 x Ironguts (360)
    3 x Ogors (120)
    - Pairs of Ogor Clubs or Blades

    60 x Grots (270)
    20 x Grots (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 90 / 400
    Wounds: 207

  13. 11 hours ago, Pitloze said:

    I've been thinking about that "wounds counts as models regarding objectives" rule idea that's been floating around here. And seeing that every army that gets a book these days has one overpowered asset I think that what I'm about to suggest is more than fine:

    I think the normal "wounds counts as models" idea is cool for Gutbusters as an allegiance ability (if they combine the Ogors into one tome). But for BCR I think it would be thematic if wound characteristic counts double for sake of capturing objectives on a turn for a BCR OGOR unit which charged in that turn but nothing in a turn where they did not. Reason being is that I can picture Ogors themselves being smart enough to sumo enemies around. The wild animals they ride don't care about objectives. But the combined weight of their animals and themselves is like getting hit by a dump truck. So to respresent enemies flying away and not being able to help capture objectives I think the double wounds idea would be cool. Better than forcing enemies to move back a couple of inches like the old Slaughterpriest prayer.

    This means BCR players have a lot more flexibility in how they play. You can now play a bit more patiently. Because if you have a 14 wound Frostlord you can now realistically take an objective from a 30 man unit if you kill enough of them in the combat phase. If you give away first turn you give away your alpha strike but now you can counter attack to take objectives. This will make a 420 model actually terrifying. AS IT SHOULD BE!

    Sounds OP. But is it really? At this point in time BCR has one play style; everything goes forward. Alpha strike, die slowly. At least this way BCR can TAKE objectives and not just hold them for one turn just because you got first turn. And since you don't have the ability on turns where you haven't charged maybe players will retreat more often. We are not Khorne. Ghengis Khan's Golden Horde did a lot of hit and run tactics. There is nothing in the lore to say that BCR are berserkers. They are very much in control in combat so this would make sense.

    I kinda want to playtest this in my group. But people still think a 420 model doing 6 mortal wounds on 2+ is the ultimate form of OP... So I dunno how well this will go over.





    I think people overestimate BCR. They're easy to stop. Do you win a lot in this group of yours?

  14. Cool

    2 hours ago, DestructionFranz said:

    This is my favourite competitive Beastclaw Raiders list:

    Frostlord on Stonehorn

    (Ethereal Amulet)

    Frostlord on Stonehorn

    Huskard On Thundertusk

    (Everwinter Master)

    Fungoid Cave Shaman

    3x Yethees

    3x Yethees

    3x Yethees

    60x Grots (Gutbusters)

    Endless spell:

    Mork's Mighty Mushroom

    2000 point total. 

    Cool! Any suggestions on how to play the army?

  15. 2 hours ago, DestructionFranz said:

    I totally agree with you about the reduction points. 

    I think if we're lucky, the new Aos update will be Stormcast vs. Ogors. That'll give us new abilities, point reductions, the works, and we'll almost definitely be a competitive army.

    Let's hope for the best!

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