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Everything posted by undeadheadz

  1. if you were to run a list with 4 screaming bells could you potentially summon 1 verminlord per bell or would it be 1 verminlord total?
  2. Im sure this has already been asked here but only have a limited break so not enough time to search for it. How viable is the alliance off wood and sea battalion have picked up the sylvaneth start collecting and a unit of three hunters to test it out but does anyone have any experience with it?
  3. @TheBluMnM Yeh but then ive gotta find another 60 giant rats 😕 i agree it would look better but would still have to fork out quite a bit for them
  4. tried this list in a game last friday vs maggotkin heroes 400 - thanquol as general with death frenzy spell, and 4 x flamethrowers 100 - master moulder with rabid crown battleline 300 - rat ogres x 6 300 - rat ogres x 6 300 - rat ogres x 6 behemoth 220 - hellpit abomination other 260 - stormfiends doomflayer, rattling cannon, flamers 60 packmaster x 3 60 packmaster x 3 but ended up being destroyed by maggotkin after they sniped my master moulder off the board by turn 2 using plague squall, and wrath of the gods (twist card) have made adjustments to what i could run now, what are people opinions of this list, also where can you get 20 cheap giant rats i have roughly 20 at the moment and don't fancy buying 4 rat ogre with giant rats sets heroes 200 - grey seer on screaming bell as general with death frenzy spell, and verminous valour command trait 100 - master moulder with rabid crown 100 - master moulder (battalion) with foulhide battleline 300 - rat ogres x 6 300 - rat ogres x 6 300 - rat ogres x 6 200 - giant rats x 40 behemoth 220 - hellpit abomination Warscroll battalion 160 - fleshmeld menagerie other 60 packmaster x 3 endless spells 40 -Vermintide 20 - Soulsnare shackles total 2000
  5. Use cover well or hide them behind a larger not as expensive unit like rat ogres Other option is keep them well back and once fight starts pop them through a gnawhole to flank with them
  6. i was thinking of trying to get the battalion in, but as it is i can send the army out in three balanced packs with ogres supporting elites/ monsters backed up with pack masters, each would have buffs and horde clearing abilities for the objectives, but it would have to be at the cost of bringing a pack back at 5+ rather then 4+ i could get the extra 60 pts from dropping a packmaster but then the balance on the three groups would drop again
  7. toying around with an clan moulder based list for a 2kpts game i have next weekend, anyone got any comments on if they think this should work or not vs maggotkin heroes 400 - thanquol as general with death frenzy spell, and 4 x flamethrowers 100 - master moulder with rabid crown battleline 300 - rat ogres x 6 300 - rat ogres x 6 300 - rat ogres x 6 behemoth 220 - hellpit abomination other 260 - stormfiends doomflayer, rattling cannon, flamers 60 packmaster x 3 60 packmaster x 3
  8. moneys sent over, haven't been to any tournament style thing before, and its so local that i felt like i had to give it a go :)
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