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Posts posted by Darkhan

  1. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:


    Acolytes are dead through a light breeze.

    Stormvermins die extremely fast and loose all their value as a thread immediately after loosing halve their numbers.

    and Jezzails will literally just run.

    Thanqoul is somewhat great, but is is extremely hard to keep him alive.

    with only 13wounds a 4+ 5++ save, who also doesn’t get the  look out sir rule, he will die extremely fast.

    At least against the current shooting meta.

    But then again there is a reason why we can take grinders.

    I think a save bet was taking 3-5 threads into your army bevor the current meta.

    and how it is currently, I think we really need to be at least able to take 5-7Threads to somehwo compete against armies like tzeentch, seraphons and Ko, of we’re not interested in using grinders as a Save-keeper

    GW totally screwed us, is what you're saying😂

    Skaven is my number 1 army, but can't really hold the fort anymore. So started picking back up on my Dok & OBR:/

    Last week I did a 40 man mortek guard blob, and was like "man this is so good and so fun". They obliterated 9 crypt horrors.

    Also picked up Necrons to start 40k, I like the rules for 9th edition better than the rules in AoS.


  2. 11 hours ago, AOS_Pete said:

    thanks dude - here's a few close ups. they're not based yet as waiting on some black sand to arrive :)





    Sweet looking rats man! Love this theme.

    Tactic tips: 

    Ask for the opponents maximum threat range. Deploy accordingly.

    Ask if they got deep strike. And how far from the enemy they can deep strike.

    Ask if they can summon stuff.

    Be aware if they have units in reserve (units that are in the air, underground whatever)


    @Gwendar I always ask about the threat range😂😂😂

    • Like 2
  3. On 8/1/2020 at 1:28 PM, Gwendar said:

    This is why I play TTS; to test ridiculous stuff out and see if it works. After that I'll be trying 12 Stormfiends as it's done reasonably well for some others.

    Curious about the 12x fiend list. What else greatness does it include?

  4. 21 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    even with Ghyrstrike this guy would still only get out 5-10 damage before being bracketed to doing 1-2 damage a swing half the time. Before GHB2020 I largely had given up on him in my lists, now he's definitely not got a place.

    GW really needs to figure out they role they're meant to play or justify why they cost what they do.. because I would love to take the Warpseer every single day of the week if it was priced closer to the 280 that it used to be (if I remember correctly). 

    Yeah 280! Totally agree.👌

  5. 3 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    I mean yeah, but at the same time they had way too many choices before and there was maybe 1-2 good ones per realm anyway. Many armies didn't even bother with their own artifacts and always chose one of those, which is what they didn't want. Of course that hurts those armies because their artifacts aren't exactly great by comparison, but ah well. I would still say it's a net positive since now I don't have to worry about 2-3+ save ethereal monsters running around 😉

    The mortars are.. odd. They were clearly in the pictures for our tome yet didn't show up. The issue with all those sculpts was that they came from IoB\SoD and were all mixed sprues with (now squatted) High Elves. I would assume it wasn't worth producing any of those Skaven models if they knew the High Elves would be squatted in a year anyway and they had to do them both together unless they re-made those molds. I really do miss those Mortars.. that was back in the day the Warpspark would double their damage to 12 and they were cheap enough to always take 3-4 of them as long range guns 😅

    12! Haha, sounds epic😂

    Very much agree with you on the 2-3+ ethereal save madness;p Well..if you look at it that way, it kind of came out good for Skaven, since you now can only have 1 after save. And the realm of death gives skaven after saves!😃 If you so wish.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Yeah, it's a shame because I bought a Warpgnaw about a month ago but now he'll never see the table.

    A potential alternative so he isn't totally useless is the Incandescent Rageblade from Aqshy. Gives exploding 6's to hit which could work with the MW's on 6's I think? Other than that maybe Brooding Blade or Blade of Corruption but.. yeah, no option will equal the damage potential of SoJ unless you take the Corruptor in Legion of Chaos Ascendant to get the Fourfold Blade. A Warpgnaw would probably be the better option now (even without Ghyrstrike) but in doing that you lose an anti-horde spell. If you're bringing Thanquol though, that probably won't matter.

    I was super underwhelmed when I saw the realm artefacts. Everything is rerolling ones by the first glance. Super easy solution by GW compared to all the other recent greatness:/ Such a waste of cool artefact ideas.
    How easily they just tossed all of those artefacts in the trash, makes you wonder how easy they can toss other stuff.
    Mortars? Why did they go? They were not OP at all? 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    If your local meta spams Lumineth, Seraphon or Tzeentch then.. nah, probably not going to go great. Against anything else and I still think it's "okay". It still suffers from the fact we only get the +1 to cast from the Gnawhole which are spread around the table. I would definitely say Thanquol is more of an auto-include in that setup now, especially if you're taking WLV.

    I honestly think the 2 biggest hits to my magic based list is losing SoJ and only having 3 Endless Spells allowed in a list. Without SoJ for the Corruptor and the Warpgnaw also losing Ghyrstrike as an alternative, it kind of gets rid of that 6" deepstrike hero\horde assassin that was integral to the list. Only having a max of 3 Endless Spells kill it a bit as well. That said.. yeah, an AW on a Balewind with CWL and his innate WLS is still a fun combo.

    Bingo 😉

    FFFFUUUUK! That's true! SoJ is no more, and I just bought a Corruptor😭
    Have 3 Verminlords for the magic list, now its all gone!😭

    • Sad 3
  8. 29 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    it's rough when our stuff inherently hits on 4+'s and he was easily making the Monks hit on 5's or 6's even at 40. When 40 Monks crash into 2 different units of only 10 Wardens and kill 5 and 3 of them respectively it's just incredibly disheartening. Again though, with the -'s to hit then shooting at them isn't going to give much better results.. and then you have Teclis, but no reason to go into that again. Guy is an incredible player and being unfamiliar with Lumineth didn't help.

    Was this a melee only debuff? Or can they do that against shooting as well?

  9. Tbh, I don't see the reason why everyone is taking stormvermin now in their list. Sure they got cheaper. But 400 points is a lot for a "chaf" unit. And imo, you want that clawlord. So 500p.

    Sure, ill test it myself. But I really don't see this being a big WOW. Monks still a lot cheaper.

    I'm just salty that they did not go down to 350p😂


  10. Seriously did they remove the horde bonus from stormvermin?! WHAT!? 

    Decrease acolytes max unit? ****** this.

    doomwheel 10p cheaper, but engineer 10p more expesinve. It evens out. No point

    • Like 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    So I’ve got some good and bad news my friends:

    the good news are that our little friends the stormvermins seem to have gotten a points decrease, and are now available at a 100 points per 10 models, although they don’t get a horde bonus anymore.

    on the other hand Doomwheels and plague claws have both seen a small change and are now available at a modest 150points.

    skryre acolytes have seen a decrease as well, which I kinda find funny.

    THE SAD PART: certain Units like the Warlock Engineer has gotten a points raise, and our battailons mainly seem unchanged.




  12. @Gwendar go for it! Give us feedback with the 2x40 monks trick:)

    Unless we get a huge buff this GHB, I'm going @Skreech Verminking style the next IRL tournament for the hell of it.

    4x bombardiers at least.

    3x doomwheels

    2-3x cannons.

    acolytes / fiends for battleline. And I'm going to overcharge EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME! And drinking beer.

    • Haha 1
  13. @Gwendar I always use fiends with some kind of teleport. If not, I don't get the value out of them enough imo. Unless I'm playing against orruks.
    I either do a Deceiver gnawbomb combo + skitterleap engineer. Or toss them with a grinder team, and skitterleap the general engineer with reroll hits trait.

    Or bridge (Not anymore tho cause of unit decrease). Actually, bridge might be ok if you screen them with some night runners with the 2xd6 pre move. Not tested tho.

    A lot that needs to go the right way here..but hey;p 

    I thought about the 2x40 monks underground cause of tzeentch etc..how can I get a fair threat to not get T1 killed, and make the other player stress a little T3...hm..just put them underground😂

    When all comes to all, our power is starting to get meeeeh compared to other armies. Really sad.

    But I have some faith in 2x40 monks underground to be honest. You could also swap out the one of the cannons and warpgnaw for 9 jezzails  if you want more range. I miss that second engineer with two cannons in your list:(

    EDIT: Don't remove the warpgnaw, would be too bad if you could not cast cogs cause the engineer got killed haha.

    • Like 1
  14. @Gwendar Have you thought about doing 2x40 plague monks underground with 2x grinders? Toss in cogs if you want for the 6+ charge. 

    Since it's TTS, perfect opportunity to try it out. 

    Objective snaggers T3/T4. People tends to forget stuff in reserve:) 

  15. 23 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well I have painted them unassembled and assembled.

    they are pretty easy to paint unassembled, and you just get the feeling of wanting to do another 12.

    On the other hand you’ll only paint an assembled doomwheel ones!, before you start screaming in agony and cursing your live with horrendous words, not even the most curious teenager would dare say.


    I painted it unassembled, and no way did I want to paint another 12😂

  16. 14 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Oh and since we are already talking about the skaven, how do you guys like my fluff posioned wind themed Skaven army for the upcoming tournament.

    it almost has 200bodies!😜9C1BF8CE-4A94-4B43-A80C-E73E5CAE4421.jpeg.2b1ecc4284999ecbc87b14c93d170f48.jpeg

    Looks epic good sir! Wanted to go 3 doomwheels, but after painting 1....you know the feel😂

  17. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    It wasn't another update. What Gwendar showed us is for regular terrain - faction terrain has different placement rules:

    "In a Pitched Battle, faction terrain must be set up more than 3" from any other terrain features and more than 1" from any objectives, in addition to any other restrictions that apply to it. Sometimes this will make it impossible for a faction terrain piece to be set up; in this case, it is not used.’

    "Sometimes this will make it imossible for a faction terraine piece to be set up, in this case it is not used" The rules are not used, or the hole?

    As in, if I can't set it up cause the terrain is blocking....  but I can set it up, but then the terrain is 2" from the hole, I'm allowed?
    Jesus...I'm making this hard on myself😅

    GHB 2020 please.


    EDIT: ****** IT! Going to do the normal 3" from other terrain.

  18. 6 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    Here's the snip from the GHB 2019 errata in case any local people ask 😉. It's actually 6" from other terrain and 1" from objectives.. unless of course it's been updated further and buried in some other random FAQ since GW has a problem with this sometimes but I digress:


    There was another update after this one, since gnawholes were impossible to place with this faq. But no idea where it is burried.

  19. Hey fellow rats! I seem to have forgotten our gnawhole deployment after 3 FAQS of terrain rules, and some in house tournament terrain rules😂 

    which is correct? 3" from terrain 1" from objective, or 1" from terrain and 1" from objective?

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