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Everything posted by Darkhan

  1. @Gwendar stats of the holy😂Nice nice. Only, monks you need to get a charge, acolytes you don't, I need to try acolytes first tho before I give any judgement at all. Yeah, cannons are meh against Sylvaneth, nice vs everything else tho. You have a point about the bridge:) I also very much like it, but like I said, curse GW for making a 6 limit unit. Also converting skitarii rangers into acolytes just makes me droll by the looks. Insane cool, toss some skaven blood bowl team tails under those robes, and the arms, clanrat/plague monk sword arms, you got yourself some hardcore sci-fi acolytes! This made me cry a little, skaven pestilence list with tons of monks placed second last:( 4 loss, 1 win. https://tabletop.to/Tempest2020 EDIT: Also, acolytes + stormfiends will also be a nice counter for the tzeentch flamer bombing (unless he makes you go first and he gets the double turn). Sacrifice 40 clanrats making a line over the whole board, place the rest of the army 9" away from those 40 up ahead, your turn, move/run the acolytes, move the stormfiends, and BLAST the flamers away. Good riddance.
  2. @Gwendar yeah, I made that mistake as well, bridge 6 fiends, just to get annihilated. 9 fiends I was not worried about at all. Why I dropped the bridge, and just put them behind a screen of 40 rats. If 15 ardboyz did a charge on them, I bet they would be seriously toast. In that list, maybe drop the WLV, replace 1x engineer for arch-warlock + vermintide. Skitterleap did never go off, nor did the WLV. MMWP went off 1 time, even with re-rolls, horrible! I tried verminous valour on one engineer, never needed. So would rather put the re-rolling hits trait on a AW. MMWP + Vigordust on fiends was...insane. That happened in BR3. Cracks call spell did surprisingly well, with the boyz having a movement of 4". I felt like missing another unit...maybe acolytes or monks. Cause the clanrats went away pretty fast. Also not going first without a command point for BS immunity can be pretty dangerous, hard to fit 100 clanrats around 1 bell😂 While 9 jezzails is pretty awesome, there is room to swap them out with some acolytes and something else. Swapping out 9 jezzails + WLV will make room for this: 25 acolytes, 1x Cannon, Arch warlock, extra command point. I do too much theory crafting:/ Curious to try out a Deceiver bomb list. With 40 or 80 monks underground. And bomb a hellpit out of the gnawbomb hole.
  3. Had two games this Saturday, both against the big wagh or whatever, lots of ardboyz😅 My list: 40x2 + 20 clanrats, 2 engineers, 6 stormfiends, 9 jezzails, 1 screaming bell, Warp lighting Vortex. Battleplan was focal points? I think the name is, two objective on each side, one in the middle. Making this short. With all hes pre-move crazyness, he charged 15 boyz into my screens on the left of 40 rats, clearing them out. Stormfiends hiding behind. Right flank, managed to only clear off 9 rats. Jezzails hiding behind. There was fighting over the middle objective for 2 turns..then I rolled a double six with the bell😂 And summoned a verminlord warpseer. He spawned over at his side, killing a single warchanter on a objective, 6 fiends shot away 25 ardboyz + 3 pigs (double turn from turn 2-3) and it was it. Oh yeah, Jezzails did alright, killed the megaboss and some boyz. If it was not for the vermindlord summon + double turn, I think Skaven would be running for the hills. I really would like to see some point decrease for Skaven this summer:/ or making 9 stormfiends legit again. Now for the hilarious game😂 Game 2 I had to try out my OBR. I gave him the first turn. He got to teleport 15 arboyz, pre-move 6 pigs, and charged 20 Mortek guard, 2 pigs hit the mortek guard, 4 others hit 5 kavalos riders. He took out...4 mortek guard, where I summoned 3 back my turn, so 1 Mortek guard😂😂😂😂😂 those rerolling saves are SO STRONG! 6 necropolis whiped out the 6 pigs. 15 arboydz got cleaned of that charged. Won the double, he conceded. What an army....even tho I dread Tzeentch flamer bombing.
  4. When I first started, and could not play for ******, I had a list that was 3x20 clanrats, Thanquol, engineer, arch warlock, 2x WLC, 6 fiends, and WLV. Would be fun to test that out again. No battalion tho. You could always take a Deceiver with gnawbomb and pop out a Hellpit:) not the best thing in the world without cogs tho. Or even toss him over a bridge hehe.
  5. Thanquol with 4x flamers will shred em;) Fully buffed stormfiend unit of 6 will also make a racket. Maybe..shot them with stormfiends, make them multiply into blues, let Thanquol finish the job, as he gets to roll more dices the more units he torches. I had a scenary way back, Thanquol flaming 40 skellies. Thats 160 dice....😂
  6. Looking at the Las Vegas Open lists, James Crocket got 2x9 Jezzails, 18 jezzails!😂 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byw7UYxkGtjSTU9yZmd3bk5LOFpvUUNpNmM4N0VScURRNU9F/view
  7. @Skreech Verminking If I'm not mistaken, with changehost, the Tzeentch player can teleport 2 units each turn, 9" away from you, anywhere. He can't teleport the Lord of Change tho. If you take out the Lord of Change, he can't teleport units anymore. Ill double check with my Tzeentch mate.
  8. D6 mortal wounds on 6 fiends is nothing to be afraid of;) Next time!:) you could also try and skitterleap a engineer ahead to cast WLV, and tag off a couple more flamers T1. If your 9 jezzails snipes down hes LoC T1, I dont think he can teleport anymore.
  9. And their destiny dice makes pinks/blues/brims never run in battleshock😂That thing got to get FAQ'ed.
  10. On the top of my head:) flamers shooting at a unit with 20+ models, gets 2+ to hit, coven gives them -1 rend. And some +1 to wound from Artefact aura. Rerolling the ones. So they would look like this: 2+ hit, 2+ wound, 1- rend, D3 dmg. 27 attacks +1 from leader. Asking now how they managed, All the attacks went through, 2 attacks did not wound. Total of 26 attacks to save. Did 47 wounds something. With the after saves etc, 24 went through. This was extremely well rolled tho. To save the PG, he needed to do a little above average to save. But failed. Now....Imagine 2x9 flamers😂
  11. If he got flamers, running changehost, they will WRECK things in T1 if he decides to send in flamers and bomb you. Only way I have been theorycrafting to avoid this, is during deployment, "sacrifice" 1 units of clanrats, making a screen for the rest of the army, flamers will port in 9" from the line, they got 18" reach, make sure if have the rest of the army 9" behind that front clanrats meat shield unit. You turn, burn them away with stormfiends. The flamers are EVIL! Two mates of mine played yesterday, Tzeentch vs cities. 9 flamers totally annihilated 20 phoenix guard turn 1, and PG even got a 4+ aftersave😳😳😳
  12. Also started with OBR😂 Still have a DoK army, not touched it for over a year. I always hated monks, but too good to just pass up. If skryre accolytes did not cost a fortune, but sold in packs of 10, I would be all over Skryre, as that is my Skaven love. Played some with OBR so far, it's fun. But I always miss my sweet sweet skaven hilarious shooting. Just looking at these bampires makes me think of my rats😂 https://www.greebo-games.com/189-cutiemals
  13. Haha! I always wanted to try 3 wheels! Only have 1, and I hated painting it😂 Do you toss out all the 3 at the same time, or do you fully buff one up T1, send it away, and do the same thing T2 with the second one?;p And so forth.
  14. Someone posted a hilarious list on FB, which looks superbly fun, and LEEROY to the core. Deceiver (with gnawbomb + shadowmaster), clawlord (on horror), 1x engineer, 3x20 clan, 1x hell pit, 2x40 plague monks, 2x warpgrinder. Cogs. Make the engineer cast cogs, for reroll. Teleport the deceiver ahead, bomb a terrain with the gnawbomb, pop out hell pit or clawlord, and pop up the 2x40 plague monks wherever and LEEROY it out. With cogs, monk charge 6+, deceiver 4+, hell pit or the lord 7+. I mean, this sounds so kamikaze epic😂
  15. This is so true. But it opened up a build I'm looking forward to test. Took @Gwendar advice and cooked out a list with: Bell, 2x engineer, 2x40 1x20 clan, 9 jezzails, 6 stormfiends, WLV. The 9 jezzails should more than enough make up for the 3 stormfiends loss;p
  16. This has probably been answered before. But here we go again. For some reason I always ate a token before a cast roll (reason I do not remember). But reading the rules again, it does not say that you have to eat it at the start of the hero phase. Does this mean! That I can cast a spell with a regular warlock engineer, and if it fails, I can then decide to eat a token to reroll that spell? Wording: In the hero phase, pick 1 friendly CLANS SKRYRE WIZARD. You can re-roll casting, dispelling and unbinding rolls for that WIZARD until the end of that phase. Also, attached a FAQ about modifiers happening after.
  17. Since the stormfiends nerf, my skaven heart has broken into 1000 pieces😂 Nothing will ever be the same without our perfect unit of 9! But I have a small hope, anyone tried running 12 jezzails? Made this list 2000 points on the dot: Screaming bell 1x Warlock engineer 2x clanrats 40x clanrats 20x clanrats 20x Jezzails 12x Doomwheel 1x Acolytes 25x Endless spell: WLV.
  18. It's in the aosshorts all in one faq somewhere😅 a mate dug it out for me. He searched for "remove" until he found it. https://aosshorts.com/age-of-sigmar-faqs-complete-version/
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