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Turin Turambar

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Posts posted by Turin Turambar

  1. 15 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Also often found in Zelda imagery ;) 

    and zelda is a knife-ear, hysh aelves are knife ears

    triangles are geometric shapes, AOS hysh lore has a lot of geometry and mathematics in it

    candles = light = hysh


    its a hysh aelf rumour engine confirmed ;)

    • Haha 2
  2. On 7/21/2019 at 12:51 PM, AthelLoren said:

    I don't think I have much to offer, but I can help with any balancing if you need it - I offer my total support to this project throughout, and would love to help with anything - I can help write lore if you need it. I consider myself a halfway competent author. 😉 After all, we Asrai fought alongside your knights in the Old World enough to know they are worthy and honourable soldiers. As you say, for the lady! I beleive that is correct, yes?

    well the Ladie's daughter is half-Asrai 

  3. 20 hours ago, michu said:

    For all Spire of Dawn Swifthawk owners - if our units won't survive (and it's very possible) you can use your models as :

    Spireguard - Freeguild Guard with spears

    Swordmasters - Freeguild Guard with swords *

    High Warden - Freeguild General on Griffon

    Archmage - Battle Wizard *

    Reavers - Pistoliers (I excluded Outriders as they are armed with Blunderbusses and I think their damage output is too big for bows, pistols are better for that)

    * - units that could survive as they currently still have models

    out rider sharpshooters can take a brace of pistols, a repeater handgun (that hits on 4+ instead of 5+) or a blunderbuss. thus if the entire unit is taken as repeaterhandguns it is a much better analogue to reavers then Pistoliers I think

  4. On 7/21/2019 at 6:47 PM, Aelfric said:

    I've just had a thought.  If we are getting centaurs, are they Wanderer souls that escaped from Slaanesh and, if so, which God was involved? Has Kurnoth been stealing souls from under the nose of the other four?  It's unlikey to be Alarielle, given her grievances.  I would love it to be Lileath's daughter, aided by Araloth, in some revelatory new lore, but that's just wishful thinking.

    that would mean the superior version of human super soldiers, you know GRAIL KNIGHTS!!!! for ze lady (fyi a bretonian-wanderer join faction would be super cool in my opinion)


    as for centaur aelves, definately converting those into aelves riding eagle-deers [gryphelope?](with the help of gryph hound heads)

    • Like 1
  5. what if we only saw 1 faction in those pictures and those aelf-animal hybrids are beastmen aelves (who is to say aelves in the mortal realms can't suffer beastmen mutations), but wander spin off does sound more likely although the rangers and what looks like eternal guard are in the cities tome and thus potentially will be taken away from any beast focused wanderer faction?

  6. 22 hours ago, madmac said:

    I think Wanderers are looking very safe right now. Not only were their units prominently displayed for the free cities book, but the new Underworlds teaser has what looks like Centaur/Satyr Aelves with Wild Rider/Wardancer styling.

    That said, odds are at least a few of the metal/finecast hero kits are likely to be retired, and I wouldn't put much faith in Glade Guard either.

    considering glade guard are the only normal aelves with bows GW still makes (sisters and shadow warriors aren't generic enough) and gneric-ish aelves are very popular in all fantasy games especially for new players I doubt they will go away (at the veryleast they should stick with the cities tome)

  7. @Tenshi but none of the soup tomes have mixed the followers of different gods yet without those gods haveing their own tome (we have beasts of chaos as cities of sigmar, but each of the gods worshipped there have their own tomes in stormcaste and deamons. while the gits, orruks and LoN are all monogod tomes), if its actually teased then I'll believe it. till then it should be highly unlikely.


    shadow-aelf DoK merger has been potentially teased tho...

  8. personally I hope the empire aesthetic stays, atleast in part.

    I would have have numerous sub factions for (knightly orders, professional foot soldiers, militia, Ironweld, etc) I would make the regular foot soldiers like the empire, the knightly orders more bretonian, the militia a new look (but should be very simplistic uniforms), napoleaonic style for the human side of ironwled etc. I dislike over indulging in steam punk and that look is already taken by the k overlords anyway. anysteam punk elements would be more practical looking (like the imperial guard compared to the mechanicus)

  9. On 7/22/2019 at 9:36 AM, Inquisitorsz said:

    I can also see Tirion/Malerion's elves combined into a single book with 2 different sides of the same coin... Kind of like doing mortal khorne/demon khorne stuff in one book. 

    very unlikely, every other god has atleast 1 dedicated battletome, why would the 2 most important aelven factions be 1 tome (even though they have never been mentioned together before, and come from 2 completely different realms) when daughters of khaine who are a re barely there get their own tome (if anything DoK will be absorbed by shadow aelves as both Morathy and Malerion rule Uglu and they both make use of shadow beasts and such and are mentioned as working together in the lore, a much more likely combination then light and shadow shareing a single tome)

  10. so we know that hysh gems (gems made from pure hysh magic) improve both physical and mental speed, combined with @Aelven supremacy's ideas we see a a speedy army with good command point usage and @Tiger's fighting first means they will likely be charge focused, speed and charge = cavalry in my mind which would fit some of the rumor engine stuff. plus we have the martial orders tidbit which combined with the cavalry idea = knights coughcoughaelvenbretonianscoughcough 

    this is of coarse wild speculation 

  11. sorry for a late reply, but my phone was stolen.

    anyway I want hawk (or hawk-like) riding aelf cavalry and I think it would soot wanderers nicely as the long range recon/skirmish unit in the lore and superfast flying archers that can pack a punch in melee (but due to hollow bones are very fragile for a cavalry unit)

    a forest dragon/dragon-like behemoth would be great aswell as war dancers (with the potential for 4 different themes in each unit box you could have 4 types with a single kit)

    for more original ideas (for wood aelves) I would have Puma riders (as elegant pumas and leopards fitt the hunter-stalker idea of wanderers), you could also have a long-necked large beast of burden turned war platform (think those long necked trunked things from ice age given an AOS twist) and packs of Hyaenodon-like beasts are all ideas I have


    • Like 1
  12. On 6/16/2019 at 4:50 PM, Hagbean said:

    Looking for some suggestions on potential conversions after pick up a sizeable Wood Elf force, I tried souping it all into a GA: Order list but with the complete lack of interest GW are showing in any of the older Wood Elf models, i've decided to focus on trying to build up a decent Wanderers list.

    Models are as follows;
    (Wood Elf)
    11 Wardancer
    5 Waywatchers
    8 Glade Riders
    2 Warhawk Riders
    1 Shadowdancer

    1 Wayfinder
    1 Waystrider
    1 Waywatcher
    24 Glade Guard

    I was thinking of potentially converting the Glade Riders into some sort of Wild Riders/Sister of the Thorn, really unsure of what else to do with the models, any ideas?

    also is there a reason you aren't using your waywatchers as actual waywatchers (120point hero)

    15 hours ago, awcamawn said:

    Warhawk Riders don't line up with anything in the current Wanderer range, unfortunately. Maybe we get sweet killer eagle riders in the future and you can save them for that though! As a longshot you use them as allied Swifthawk Agents Skycutters.

    to expand upon this, 2 warhawk riders could be based together on 1 base to fit the theme of a single skycutter with bows. you could also use the waywatchers perhapps mixed with some wardancers (to get 10 elves) as swift hawk shadowblades and use the 2 warhawk riders as a skywarden to buff them and the reavers (add one to wound rolls).

    Aditionally you could use the 2 warhawk riders as reavers (as i think those are in batches of 5 so you would have 10 if you use 8 glade riders and 2 warhawks)

    • Like 1
  14. apparently (I don't look at chaos stuff) but beastmen took a beating point wise on already struggling factions 2 months before their battle tome dropped. I suspect the dragon and phoenix nerfed a bit due to potentially both being in the upcoming highly hinted Teclis Light aelves.

    but i don't want to get mine (or anyone's) hopes too high/low (depending on point of view i suppose)

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I'm now imagining pirates raiding the ship, triumphantly stealing the shipping containers, and then wondering what to do with a thousand copies of the same book about dryads, and a lifetimes supply of plastic trees!

    Somalia, worlds largest Sylvaneth player base

    • Haha 11
    • LOVE IT! 1
  16. 12 hours ago, Kronos said:

    I hope (delicate word for hardcore wish-listing) that wanderers focus on the Wild Rider Aesthetic. Its the strongest kit in the wanderer range and would be great as a centre unit. Add in some other hunter types, lord on a big gnarly Elk, maybe a shapeshifter or two (bear size and Wolf size thank you) and of course Orion/Kurnoth/Green Man etc with two dope hounds. Some summoned animals as spells (hounds, falcons and maybe ferret) and lastly a Hunters outpost for terrain, Think Treehouse with falcon eyrie and a handy bow and spear.


    If they have time for Pop marines then they bloody have time for wood elves 😂

    my least favorite wanderers unite aesthetically, personally, I prefer the glade guard/ eternal guard/wildwood rangers/ sisters of the thorn (which all have a similar look of hoods and crowns and chest armour-things. wild riders do not fit the nomadic aelven skirmishers and scouts that the Wanderers are in the lore. but i think the wander prince in that BL book is the most likely look they will go with (if they deside to make a new-ish theme for them)image.png.962261cb8e3cf2aadf4f112ef082d5d3.png

    As for Aelven faction bloat, we are guaranteed to have at least 4 (I don't count Sylvaneth as even their most aelven troops are not really aelves nor aelven looking);

    shadow realm aelves (which may be 2 factions, malerion's and Morathie's troops), light realm aelves (most likely 1 army), wanderers (which are deeply involved in the lore [compared to other non-tome factions]) and IDK. and a max of 6 (those i mentioned but DoK stay separate and we get 'free city aelves')

    personly i would like 5 (shadow, DoK, light, wanderers and IDK. With the free peoples tome also haveing a few aelven units [aswell as perhaps a death aelven unit/faction and chaos aelves in STD]

    • Like 2

    18 hours ago, Aelven supremacy said:

    This is the route I believe they will/should go down.   Having the existing Aelven kits just be Teclis’, Tyrion’s and Malerion’s “new” armies would demonstrate such a paucity of imagination.  Make the existing kits useable by having them as Free Peoples/ Devoted of Sigmar etc with Dwarves and Humans.   Build completely new Aelven beasts and supersoldiers for Hysh and Ulgu.   They are being designed by gods!!!  If Sigmar can make Stormcast then Teclis, Tyrion and Malerion can make something new, different and elite too.  Teclis has already demonstrated this with Idoneth!

    personally I would like a mixture, some of the existing aelves absorbed into the new aelf factions (specifically i would like swift hawks in with light aelves and order serpentis with shadow aelves) and others with free people (specifically Phoenix temple) and then for wanderers to be their own thing.

  18. so we are looking at atleast 4 more tomes, with up to 11 more but most likely 5-7 tomes this year.

    Hysh aelves were teased in Slaanesh and the forbidden powers, they seem likely. however shadow aelves were teased fro awhile in many stories and the blades of khorne tome so they in theory should come out first, but who knows. one or both are likely

    KO are also likely as they both need it and they got their underworlds team which seems to be an indicator. I would infact say they are next with a potential aelf tome after them.

    seraphon could also come...

    lastly for order there are the rumors free people are haveing their tome written but i think they will only come next year, i would be happy to be wrong tho.

    so 1-5 tomes I would say KO, 1 aelf and seraphon this year, next year the other aelf plus freepeoples

    for death: death rattle, soulblight or a new faction all seem likely. personally, i think its between an idoneth type release of death (flying undead pirates?) or its soul blight

    1-3 tomes, i would like soulblight the most, but completely new seems more likely to me

    for destruction: oruks will likely get a tome (a soup tome seems most likely), and a ogre tome also seems to be likely, plus the flying grots (forgot the name) that KO fight (this could be a cool release to have at about the same time as KO)

    i would expect atleast oruks and ogres so 2-3 tomes


    for chaos: STD/everchosen are quite likely, aswell as Tzeench? and chaos dwarves? nurgle?

    1-4  with STD most likely

    if we get aelf (few to many new)+KO(most likely just heroes + spells)+seraphon(?)+'new death'(a few to many new)+oruk(heroes plus spells)+ogre(?)+STD( a few new), we get to 7 tomes and atleast 1 of each GA


    (note: lions are just an aesthetic look i dislike)

    • Like 1
  19. If the lion is Hysh aelves... then I am worried it will turn out they are  AOS space wolves, made worse by the fact I hate lions.

    If its wanderers then I would be ok, as it means it would almost certainly be a supplementary theme rather then a potentially main theme. Lion rangers could also be folded into wanderers as they are both nomadic aelves that dislike cities.

    On 5/6/2019 at 4:28 AM, Kaleb Daark said:

     If you want knights in armour on fantastical beasties then its stormcast.


    but those are two very different aethetics. 

    knights are elite regular humans in armour (like scions/storm troopers), storm caste are over muscular humans in muscled armor with oversized puldrons (like space marines)

    they would have different aesthetics and playstyle

    • Like 1
  21. Personally I would like 'Bretonians', 'Kislev' and 'Dogs of war/Tilea' return as elements within the free peoples faction.

    make the free peoples lore wise have multiple different uniforms and equipment like the guard in 40k, make some of them look more like Bretonians.

    also units, expand free people cavalry to include bretonian style units like pegasis knights and hypogriphs. while add things like pikes (or long spears), sword and bucklers with throwing knives, horse artillery, non-skirmish archers and skirmish crossbows, shields for crossbows/handgunners. battle pilgrims for devoted of Sigmar. war wagons etc.

    also lore wise i think its not unreasonable to have Louen Leoncoeur (who became a god during the end times), the lady (well her daughter), Myrmidia and even Boris Ursha or tsarina Katerin return as Gods of the free peoples. (aswell as grail knights)

    that way we get the 'return' of fan favourites, reimagined to fit AOS better and we expand on an existing faction.

    model wise i think they would likelu have one main type of free people look and then either have 1 or 2 'reskins' if free peoples are popular enough in the future. while forgeworld can make resin upgrade kits (like they do with cadian cold weather and veteran upgrade kits) aswell as their own 'regiment' like they do with deathkorps.

    for the others, I expect we will see the return of greenskins and gitmob in some form as they are still dirrectly in the lore, the best we can hope for when it comes to tome kings is death constructs and bone rattle 'regiments' for the dead of different cultures (including Egyptian looking dead) largely due to the fact GW said they won't make it.


    I also wouldn't mind if a non-human faction picked up the general aethetic of Bretonians as the return of bretonians. ie soulblight or one of the aelves (like aelves?) or even death rattle. actual armoured cavalry charging gloriously to battle. but would prefer an expansion to free peoples.

    • Like 1
  22. 4 minutes ago, Rusty293 said:

    I always figured they'd really put emphasis on the Wild Hunt aspect of the Wood Elves if Wanderers are redone. Kind of like they took the Slayer theme of the Dwarfs and dialled it up to 11 for the Fyreslayers.  Perhaps see Kurnoth (Orion) come back as the leader of the faction etc...

    the romantic in me still hopes Kurnoth turns out to be the sylvanneth interpretation of Tyrion

    • Like 2
  23. @awcamawn

    for me i would rather have wanderers in combined aelf tome but i always have disliked the treemen, and i feel i could get a better looking army with other aelves (plus it gives more conversion material)


    On 5/2/2019 at 8:09 PM, Charlo said:

    Fair enough, but personally I'm not sure what Wanderers could get that would be too different from Sylvaneth at this point. Wardancers achetype feels covered by the revenants and outside of Eagles there isn't a lot out there.

    war eagles, war eagle riders (bow, lance and magic), war hawks, war hawk riders (bow, lance and magic), deer mounted arhcers[wild riders with bows] (they are nomads after all), new/updated stuff like Forrest dragons of various sizes and shapes (smaller monstrous cavalry and larger full on monsters), completely new stuff like wanderer wagons or war beasts. GW's imagination is the limit.

    also even if war dancers=revenants (which is debatable) it would sinergize differently with wanderers differenlty if wanderers got their own stuff.

    • Like 1
  24. 27 minutes ago, dekay said:

    Martial orders might actually be significant, because it fits current fluff of most of the old high elf line. If they don't plan on scrapping anything, the description fits lion rangers, phoenix temple, dragonblades, swifthawks and, if not eldritch council then definitely swordmasters in particular.

    Basically things that were removed from the high elf line were the citizen militia units, while the various warrior orders stayed. Maybe that tells us aomething about the future of hysh army structure.

    alos no reason why old dark aelves cann't be mixed with light aelves, order draconis is a military order.

    I still hope we get aelven citizen militia type units, but in free people aelves type tome.

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