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Everything posted by Sttufe

  1. KO end up getting the best magic in the game. They're DUARDIN, and they don't even have gods! I could totally see GW doing that.
  2. Ordinator was great! He is by far the most useful SCE unit.
  3. What do you mean? Every faction is perfectly balanced and NOT absolute trash. Obviously.
  4. I could totally see KO getting converted into one of these mini-factions, which is kinda dissapointing😨.
  5. OMG YES! I would buy every single unit available.
  6. Wait, floating spheres? And gears and cogs? Well, it has been stated many times that the KO are close allies of the SCE, sooo...😉
  7. Ok, that would be great, but... Its GW were talking about here.
  8. Has potential, but the Sky Cannon sucks, and the Drill Cannon is worse than the ones that Endrinriggers have, so I would probably take some endrinriggers as they are just as mobile if not more so.
  9. Well, ah, you see, he was quite clearly the smartest death-god ever because he made GHOSTS And he is the only death-god
  10. Yes, it is 100% Grungni and his regret is fighting that one dude who killed him. DWARVES DUARDIN!!!
  11. That would be an interesting SCE subfaction.
  12. Meh, meh, and meh. All I want is an updated KO battletome. Wowie, a whole year. Two years man, two whole years!
  13. But they can only field one of them, right? 15 x 13 MW = 195 MW Dear god
  14. Yay, new Khorne battletome I am going to go cry in my KO battletome corner now.
  15. Maybe a squid from beyond the clouds? AETHERSQUIDS!!
  16. Wuh woe, Timmies being devoured by massive termites.
  17. I once saw a KO conversion however they made it so that the balloon wasn't metal and the hull was made of wood. With some smokestacks and steel textures, it could definitely break up the whole KO look and make it look straight from a factory. Just a suggestion though, and a good idea that I might keep around😉.
  18. Dear God No I refuse to comment on it as it is quite clearly an abomination.
  19. Finally, someone sees the light (But as of yet, not GW).
  20. Hey, you should take a look at some KO bits. A steampunk blimp would look super cool. In any case, this is by far the most detailed and well-done completely custom conversion army I have ever seen! Actually, its the best army I have ever seen period. Srsly though, a blimp would make the whole army seem less grounded if that makes sense. Sort of a gyro bomber on steroids, like what zeppelins did in real warfare.
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