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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. What if there is a new duardin battletome with completely new stuff in but there is also a few pages with give the rules of dwarf soup. I can also see the krule boyz battletome doing this. A full faction in its own right but also with rules for the big waaaaagh.
  2. I can't see it taking away from independent streamers, if anything it gives them more to talk about with break downs of that weeks animation episode. I also don't agree with saying that giving £5 to warhammer+ will take away from a independent streamer. If you like that streamer and want to support them, you will.
  3. I'm sold. £4.99 a month is what a pint of beer or a coffee. For that get access to what looks like good quality shows, a ever growing back catalogue of lore, painting classes, battle reports and access to both 40k and AoS apps. And get a model at the end of the year. It's clear the people who are involved in this are passionate about it. I think they are onto a winner, nice one GW.
  4. New broken realms story is awesome! Links back into the very first one and hints at something very good for IJ players! Bring it on!!
  5. They already said there would be exclusive models linked to warhammer+
  6. Base coat done on Libarators VID_20210621_202119.3gp
  7. I love the battle boxes, a great way to collect a new army. My skaven, flesh eaters, Kharadron, slannesh, ogor, bonereaper and ork armies all began from the battleboxes.
  8. Sunday update. Put pins in all models and attached to corks for painting and made bases and undercoated them.
  9. So I bought myself a dominion box and decided to see if I could get a small stormcast army painted before it gets her so I can concentrate on the krule boyz. I've been collecting the mortal realms magazine so have lots of stormcast to chose from. So yesterday I picked a roughly 1k army and came up with a pile of sprues. Cut to a few hours later and I had assembled most of it. More updates to come later on
  10. I'm looking forward to seeing what warhammer + is about. My guess is it will have battle reports, interviews, way more in depth painting guides along with the animation side. I wouldn't be suprised if they move away from twitch as well eventually. Really does feel like the beginning of a new era, new AoS which is looking to be the best one yet, massive potential for armies old and new, a new way to get your warhammer fix with warhammer+ and its still only June! This is a great hobby to be involved in!
  11. That was all very civilised! Ordered without a problem. Now the question is do I paint the stormcast or krule boyz first? I do have have the stormcast from the mortal realms magazine to put together. Hmmmm, maybe I can put together and paint 1000pts in a forenight ready for the 3rd.
  12. Some more plastic ogor characters would be great, I'll actually paint the pile of big guys I've got in a box. Having so many finecast characters really put me off. To many armies, not enough time!!
  13. Would love a new Valkyra model. Would be a epic showdown between two winged goddess of battle!! Just over 24 hours to go before the Dominion goes on sale! I treated my wallet to a leather polish and let it watch its fave film (The Wolf of Wall Street) and listen to its fave song on repeat (Money money money by ABBA) so it gives up the banknotes more readily tomorrow morning!
  14. Not seeing it as that big a deal, taking into account no battalions or extra command points to buy. I'm still stoked by AoS 3, from the battle reports I've watched, it feels more dynamic and cinematic. Heroes being heroic, monsters stomping on the little guys. Those are the moments that make a game and the bits you remember. Point changes will come and go and there will always be a kneejerk reaction. Play some games, try out the new stuff, who knows you might have fun.
  15. Fairly general sweeping statement there. There is new armour in the Dominion box set, the Thunderstrike armour.
  16. That would be up for me and my opponent to decide just like it is now. I think ogors will get a new battletome sooner rather than later as they seem to be in a weird place with the new unit coherency rules. Maybe we'll get new bulls with 5 in a box, meaning 5 would be the min size.
  17. But you can. Nothing is stopping you playing older editions of the game. I still have the odd game of 8th Ed fanstay and me and a mate are planning some 4th Ed warhammer.
  18. It's not a new rule tho, has always been the case in GW stores and events, even when I worked in GW retail over 20 years ago (damn I'm old lol). Nor is it unreasonable. A company wanting to promote their products in their shops and events is just good practice. You don't see Apple giving other tech companies free promos or McDonald's selling their meals with burger King fries. Love your army BTW!! Back to rumours, I wonder if they'll do sprays based on the new paint colours. Can see the new brown as a basecoat being useful for painting the Kruelboyz
  19. Tzeentch is one of the few armies where you can avoid miscasts. Reallt want to get that spell off - use destiny dice. Not to mention the army has quite a few reroll casting dice mechanics.
  20. This!! Always bugged me when units walk up to the enemy and stand 3" away until ready to charge.
  21. Really like the new arcane bolt. Cast and save it until the start of the battleshock phase to knock of an extra wound or finish off a model with one wound left. Really nice for slannesh as well, throw it on a unit that wasn't touched during the turn and grab a summoning point. The more I see about 3rd Ed the more I like.
  22. Big fan of this. Seems Ive always built my armies with 3rd edition in mind lol
  23. I'm confused by this. Does it mean you can only have 4 units in a 2k army which doesn't seem right. Or that you can have 4 unit bigger than the minimum size? I assume it's the latter which suits me and will hopefully lead to more varied armies. I watched a battle report the other day online with the new gravelords, I was looking forward to see the new stuff being used. Then they showed the army, it was 3 units of 20 skeletons, 2 units of 20 graveguard, 10 blood knights, manfred and a Necromancer. I'll rather see a variety of units, visually it's more interesting which leads to better games imo.
  24. My guess is the core, bare bones will be free. As in how to move, shoot, charge, fight in combat and his to resolve battleshock. More advance stuff like the monster rampage, heroic actions, endless spells etc won't be included with the free rules. Do enough to get you paying but if you want the full experience you'll need to buy the rules.
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