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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. From the AoS and TOW playlists. No other game has labels like that.
  2. Finally!!! So excited for this release, can't wait to get my hands on the books and start planning armies!! It's not the full release however, the foot knights for brets and catapults for both armies are missing. Plus the basic plastics for both armies don't seem to be available outside the big boxes.
  3. Folks, the mini of the year is a bit of fun, it's not life and death. We should celebrate the fact that we had so many amazing models to choose from instead of being bitter the popular vote won. It's not like because of that, 40k will now get more model releases next year!
  4. Saw on FB, the new tomb king models are resin as expected.
  5. That's probably it for today, more to come tomorrow and teases during the week
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/25/angels-appear-on-christmas-day/?utm_source=CUSTOMERS&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WH_25th_December_Christmas_&utm_content=&utm_term= Think this might be the only reveal today
  7. To be fair, every new edition of AoS has refined the rules not completely changed them for the sake of it. We'll have to see what 4th edition brings but change can be good otherwise the game stagnates and get stale.
  8. The 3 year cycle has been happening for ages, long before HH came along. It used to be a 4 year cycle back when warhammer fantasy was around the first time. I doubt it will go back to a 4 year cycle, there is to much money to be made. I'm happy with a 3 year cycle, it keeps things fresh.
  9. It will be tomb king related, warcom said there will be something off white (as in bleached bones) revealed on boxing day in a old world article. Plus if the old world preorder is the 6th January (and I so hope it will be) that means everything will be revealed on boxing day, I highly doubt there will be a 'coming next week' article this Sunday as its Christmas eve.
  10. They never said there was going to be a AoS metawatch but a metawatch review of the year.
  11. Regarding the treeman, as someone stared, it's most likely to be on a 50mmx50mm Base or something similar and the plastic one will be hard to fit on something so small.
  12. We're not going to see anything from amazon for at least a couple of years and the first film or show they produce is always going to be 40k. A lot can happen between now and then, I've no doubt we will see AoS on the big and small screen, it will just take longer.
  13. They'll be released as the classic metal models along with questing, grail Knights and the king on hippogryph renamed as Duke on hippogryph no doubt. Really hoping the green Knight gets rereleases as well, always wanted one but never picked one up originally.
  14. Amazing model, I love how they lean into so many different types of vampires.
  15. If the new Dawnbringers book and The Old World are to be released in January, one will be announced tonight for preorder on the 30th Dec and release on the 20th January as there is a 3 week preorder time over the Christmas and New Year period. I'm so hoping The Old World is announced properly.
  16. I'm sure there are plenty of Total War players that are also wargamers. On another note, happy ghoul day everyone, I'm impatiently waiting for the postman to bring me my army box!
  17. The tomb king on foot in the box is plastic. If you make a liche priest on the dragon you can make a tomb king on foot.
  18. This! It's giving people what they want, what they've been asking for since the end of 8th Ed warhammer. I love AoS, it's a great game with some of the best models ever made by GW. But warhammer fantasy was my first love in wargaming when I first started over 30 years ago and I've never stopped collecting, painting and playing even when The End Times happened. I know there are many people like me and there will be many who will come back into the fold. I can't wait to get my hands on the new rules so I can plan out new armies, I'm in the middle of building a dark elf army and have plans for a night goblin one.
  19. Okay, it might be £95 like the greater demons and gobsprak, maybe £90 like the cities manticore or £105 like kragnos. I think it will be around the £90 - £100 mark, I hope I'm wrong but can't see it being anything less.
  20. The dragon will be £100 when released separately and the rulebook will be £30+ so I don't think £175 is to bad especially when you factor in the 20% discount from 3rld party sellers.
  21. Why not? The new dragon is in the tomb king box.
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