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Everything posted by Ogregut

  1. This! It's giving people what they want, what they've been asking for since the end of 8th Ed warhammer. I love AoS, it's a great game with some of the best models ever made by GW. But warhammer fantasy was my first love in wargaming when I first started over 30 years ago and I've never stopped collecting, painting and playing even when The End Times happened. I know there are many people like me and there will be many who will come back into the fold. I can't wait to get my hands on the new rules so I can plan out new armies, I'm in the middle of building a dark elf army and have plans for a night goblin one.
  2. Okay, it might be £95 like the greater demons and gobsprak, maybe £90 like the cities manticore or £105 like kragnos. I think it will be around the £90 - £100 mark, I hope I'm wrong but can't see it being anything less.
  3. The dragon will be £100 when released separately and the rulebook will be £30+ so I don't think £175 is to bad especially when you factor in the 20% discount from 3rld party sellers.
  4. Why not? The new dragon is in the tomb king box.
  5. Probably around £150 - £175 like the horus heresy box
  6. My guess for the bretonnian box New lord on pegasus 16 knights of the realm 20 new knights on foot 3 pegasus knights 40 peasants Also guessing around the £150 - £175 mark
  7. Stormcast vs Skaven. I can't see a starter set without Stormcast. Love or hate them, they are the face of AoS. I can see cities getting a 2nd wave, cultist stuff mainly. I think and hope quite a few factions will get 2nd waves next year. GW have been releasing either new armies or doing redesigns and giving us new toys but it almost always feels like there is more to come. Kruleboyz, cities, deepkin , fyreslayers, kharadron. Even 40k has it, the eldar redesign wasn't a full release and there must be more squats coming. I think 2024 will be a good year and I can't wait to see what they come up with.
  8. If it is true, leave the deal and go elsewhere. Plenty of production companies out there.
  9. I say marines, some of the latest ones have the same metal ends on leather straps.
  10. I can see the new kill team being announced tonight but not released until the 6th of January. With the new old world novel being released on the 20th January, The Old World could go up for preorder on the 6th January, meaning we should get the Sunday announcement in a couple of weeks. If so, that's a great way to kick off the new year!!
  11. Defo looks lumineth to me, the tassels especially.
  12. I think a big factor in why 40k tends to win every year is they have one or two really stand out models a year (this year being Angron and the Lion), while AoS seems to bring out a model of the year contender every month (lizards, gitz, trolls, trees, cities, ghouls). Thus the AoS votes are more split than 40k. I've said this many times to many people: I truly believe AoS have some of the best, if not best models in war gaming today.
  13. You're welcome, I caved and bought the nid box as a Xmas present to myself, to go along with the flesh eaters army box I bought as a Xmas present to myself 🤣🤣🤣
  14. If anyone in the UK missed out on the Xmas battleforces, element games have them back in stock (apart from the world eaters one as I write is), they are full retail price but still give you a nice saving. Tempted by the nid one myself. https://elementgames.co.uk/seasonal
  15. I doubt there will be a ironjawz one as there is a orruks warklans box. I know it's all kruleboyz but as its called warklanz instead of kruleboyz I don't think there will be a ironjawz vanguard box. I'll love to be wrong tho.
  16. 40mmx60mm base is quite large so I'm guessing regular knights won't be on such big bases. My guess is knights will be on 25mmx40mm or 25mmx50mm.
  17. Did anyone buy them just to take in a Age of Sigmar army as the actual warscroll? My guess is people bought them to play underworlds, use as alternative sculpts or as a painting project with a tiny, tiny minority using them in AoS, which as I said they still can other than tournaments. Not much of a downside here really, with the alternative being they don't get put into legends and the rules just disappear.
  18. I'm not surprised and can see all underworld warbands going to legends as it solves the problem of having a warscroll entry in a battletome without the models being available. Also cuts down on the amount of redundant warscrolls, stormcast and nighthaunt must have 5+ underworld warbands. Legends is the right place for them, can still be used in casual friendly games just not in tournaments where I doubt they'll be seen as a great loss.
  19. So they still do battle odes? What was the last one? I think the army boxes have taken over now.
  20. Normally Saturday 10am UK time, which is the same time as the pre orders go up.
  21. If Skaven are going to be in the 4ed box (and I believe they will) it's pretty much a given there will be old units that will be revamped. Plauge monks, night runners and rat ogres are dated, awful looking models. Plus there are still units in finecast and metal. Will there be brand new kits, I sure there will, but the majority will be updated old kits. The way GW has been on a roll as of late I can't wait to see what they'll do. New rat ogres done with today's technology and sculpting style = take my money!
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