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Posts posted by Dangermouse425

  1. On 06/04/2017 at 3:18 PM, Chris Tomlin said:
    • Gore-gruntas, all the Gore-gruntas - So I have 15 unpainted Gore-gruntas (12 of which still need assembly). I would absolutely love to get these done for RAW17 ( @Thornshield, @Devilreefman, @Jimbo and especially @Mitzy should like that!). I'm not sure how realistic it is, but it's definitely a goal.




    Make it so, Megaboss!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    Oh ok here we go (at risk of the rumour thread derailing for the 20th time this week), I found the fake background I was on about:


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    I had the chance to look thoroughly through the proper Age of Sigmar rulebook...

    I really liked all of this, it had some great ideas like picking a god with your army list, and was gutted when it turned out to be fake.

    Wow. The amount of time this person invested in that rumour! 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Agreed.  It needs to be as simple as possible.  To clarify the concept, what I was thinking was something like this:

    • On Spireguard: Battleline if general is a Swifthawk Agent Hero.
    • On Ard' Boyz: Battleline if general is a Ironjawz Hero.
    • On Putrid Blightkings: Battleline if general is a Mortal Nurgle Hero.

    The idea here is that certain troops are more likely to follow certain leaders into battle, hence some units which are rarer in most forces become battleline under certain generals.  You could still maintain faction specific Allegiance abilities and magical items to still incentivize being mono-faction.  Again, we wouldn't be moving the value of mono-faction too dramatically but it would create some flexibility for force building.  This is all with the assumption that we will be getting faction allegiance abilities for many (if not most of the factions) so that mono-faction continues to be incentivized accordingly.

    This is a much more likely solution to something we recently discussed on the Tales of Sigmar podcast. I suggested that it would be cool to have a way to assign a keyword to a  "generic" Battleline unit across each of the four Grand Alliances, so that you don't break your Allegiance, such as Chaos Warhounds, Dire Wolves, Order Warriors or Snotlings for Destruction.

    The rules would be quite poor, just a 5+/5+/-/1 statline or something, but it might have a special ability where one unit of this warscroll would be allowed to be taken within an army and not "break" the Allegiance, for example: if you were to take 2 x Gore Grunta units in your 2k Ironjawz army, you could use the Snotlings as your third Battleline and assign them to Ironjawz keyword, meaning that your other 2 units of Gore Gruntas remained eligible for Batteline.

    Not exactly very well thought out, and likely open to abuse, just thought it would be a cool way to add a bit more variety to the factions that don't have a huge amount of choice. I think General-specific Battleline units is probably a better option though.

  4. 2 hours ago, shinros said:

    But, strip all of that away, and its a book about people, and the reasons they do what they do. It’s a book about family and expectation, trust and loyalty.

    That’s what I hope, at any rate. But if you want to concentrate on the aerial battles, the giant war machine powered by thousands upon thousands of rats, and the giant spider nesting inside the trunk of a giant tree-citadel, I won’t hold it against you.

    This will be awesome. I am really looking forward to learning more about the deep background of the setting, it's something that has been slightly lacking over the past year.

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  5. 6 hours ago, James McPherson said:

    The Chaos Warhounds I bought recently just don't look right on the 65x35mm ovals, they are just too big for the little puppies They are still supplied with squares, so I had to buy a couple packs of the oval ones. I put them on 32mm rounds instead, look much better , it's contentious , but hopefully won't cause any problems later down the line

    I've got a load of Chaos Warhounds left over from a trade and the previous owner based them on 40mm rounds to use as Flesh Hounds of Khorne in a 40k Daemons army. They suit the 40mm rounds very well.

  6. 13 hours ago, Hyperkinako said:

    For example I have based my skaven characters on 32mm and the warlord from island of blood on a 40mm as it gives the model room to breath on the base and room for some basing material.

    As others have said, going up a size or two isn't really an issue, it's going for smaller bases that could be interpreted at modelling for advantage.

    With reference to your Skaven, I think you've got it spot-on. I've done something similar for my Moonclan. All my Grots are based on 25mm, my characters on 32mms, but larger models like Skarsnik will get an even larger round, or possibly an oval.

    At the end of the day, if you use the basing size list here as a guideline, do what makes the most sense for your hobby without taking the mick.

    Use Wheaton's Law as a handrail, and you won't go too far wrong.

  7. 35 minutes ago, Shane said:

    Da Ladee Ateea sed dat itz lik da kourt o'goouls 'un. It kud b.

    PRAISE GORK! (or quite possibly Mork...) 

    Those pesky trees have had their time in the limelight, now it's time for a PROPER army to get released, just in time for some proper krumpin'.



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  8. 16 hours ago, Dez said:

    HI AHC!

    Any chance you can give some details on what's going to be released for Bonesplittaz? I'd been saving a bit for a release like King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host which had a bunch of great kits at a discount.

    Would also be interested in a large box like KVGH or a Start Collecting! box. Anyone confirm or deny whether da boyz are gettin' wun of dese?

  9. 50 minutes ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

    New Orruk rumour from the information in the generals handbook. 

    Rumour: Savage Orruks

    Type: New plastic models

    Date expected: 2016

    Contents: Wardokk, Wurrgog Prophet, Savage Orruk Morrboyz, and changes to current Warscrolls. New Battletome expected.

    Source: General's handbook

    Estimated cost: Unknown


    also will be tidying up the first post soon. 

    Can't wait. I'm resisting going for Sylvaneth just so I can have MOAR ORRUKS!


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  10. On 15/05/2016 at 5:52 PM, MyGeekyPersona said:

    Hi All,

    I'm a big fan of the old realm of chaos books, and I've been slowly building an army heavily inspired by imagery and army lists that were published way back then.

    This was originally going to be a warriors of chaos army for Warhammer Fantasy Battles, but with the advent of AoS I can more easily incorporate daemons etc too.

    Rather than give a long introduction to my aims for this army I'm going to write a little more with each post so as not to bore you all.

    So first up a kit bashed MoS chaos warrior with halberd and shield. I'm not 100% on my choice of head yet so it's just affixed with Blu-Tack for now.


    Criticisms and comments welcome.


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    What size brass rod did you use for the haft?

    Cool conversion by the way, looks ace.

  11. 11 hours ago, Mitzy said:

    No I haven't yet, I thought he would go on a 105 x 70 mm base (same as an Orruk boar chariot) but the photo of the Aleguzzler Gargant formation in the Destruction book shows them on much smaller ones (possibly same as Gore Gruntas 90 x 50 mm)

    My apologies, I did mean 90x52mm. That's what my Giants are on. The same size my Gore Gruntas came with. (Strangely though, the GW website says Gore Gruntas come with 75x42mm bases, but all three boxes of mine came with 90x52s). 


    25mm, 32mm, 40mm and 90x52mm

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