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Everything posted by jaebird

  1. Now I'm still new at this, but I do think one half is going to be a really good buy. It's basically everything you don't get in the SC box, so they compliment each other really well. I think the only thing is that you sort of need a ton of Dryads in most builds, whether you need Battleline or for your summons. Going with two of each would be a very solid start, if maybe a little heavy on the Revenants (but I imagine they get a buff whenever the next army book drops).
  2. I'm for sure getting one, as this pretty much completes the 1000pts I was working on, and lets me make a force for playing with friends. The Arch Revenant looks so cool, I can't wait to paint it.
  3. I'm rather glad I didn't pull the trigger on that second Sylvaneth SC box. The Gitz seem like a lot of fun to paint and a good way to play some small games with friends. I guess I should pre-order it.
  4. A flying unit does make a lot of sense.
  5. So I'm not sure if this counts as a rumor, but it looks like this link went up on the Warhammer Community site, but the link 404s? Anyway, I guess Looncurse is May. EDIT: whoops, I was too slow, haha
  6. Thanks for the tips! I think you don't see too much in the way of discussion of sub-2000pts stuff because of just how competitive Sylvaneth has been since the army came out. But I'll admit, I like the 1000pts game size so much more, even if just because it means I need to own fewer models, ha. I have a few quick questions, actually. I recently got a really good deal on some Citadel Woods, so I have three of them now. The warscroll says a Wyldwood can be up to three of these bases; is it most common to start that placement with the three bases, or do people use fewer when using the warscroll? Also, here's another list idea I've been thinking about. Heavy infantry lists are probably the most correct, but if FEC can do triple Terrogheist, what about Double Treelords? Allegiance: Sylvaneth Leaders Treelord Ancient (300) - General - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth Spirit of Durthu (380) - Artefact: The Oaken Armour Branchwraith (80) - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing Battleline 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) Total: 960 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 49
  7. Hi folks! I recently started to collect some Sylvaneth and I picked up the SC Box. I have idea for a list, and I was wondering if you could check my thinking on this list. Allegiance: Sylvaneth Mortal Realm: Ghyran Leaders Treelord Ancient (300) - General - Trait: Gnarled Warrior - Artefact: The Oaken Armour - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth Branchwraith (80) - Artefact: Ranu's Lamentiri - Deepwood Spell: Verdant Blessing Branchwraith (80) - Artefact: Acorn of the Ages - Deepwood Spell: The Dwellers Below Battleline 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) 10 x Dryads (100) Battalions Harvestboon Wargrove (100) Forest Folk (140) Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 52 So, the main idea of this list is to really practice movement, Wildwood placement, and working with Dryads. I found that trying to build a list without one of the Wargrove battalions made it feel like playing a game that lost out on a lot of the really important points of playing higher level Sylvaneth lists. So, while the Battalions are worth so many points, I think the extra CP and the artifacts, as well as having that really important control of deployment and early game, gives this list an edge that packing a unit of Hunters just doesn't. Plus, the Dryads were always my favourite Wood Elf kit, ha.
  8. I think the most competitive Skaven lists are focused around Plague Monks; huge blocks of them seem to be the way to go. I'm not familiar with Thanquol, so I can't really say, but forty Plague Monks with a ton of attacks each seem like a real threat. Yeah, almost every tournament I've read about uses the matched play scenarios, which all focus on objectives (I think units killed count as tiebreakers in some). It can be a little difficult for Stormcast to compete against really large horde based armies, but sometimes you just gotta get lucky with pairings.
  9. Disclosure; I'm not tournament player. I think you got a good idea of the strengths of both lists. My guess, based on what you think you'll see? The Stardrake list feels better, imo. DoK and Skaven have tons of really big, really strong units, and I'm not sure the Anvilstrike list can really deal with them. Fighting Nagash and the like, Anvilstrike sounds much better? But huge killy hordes just sound so hard to deal with imo. Plus like, the Stardrake really does look cool.
  10. I mean I doubt the battleline option (maybe with a character??) but I'd love that to happen because I have too many.
  11. You figure at least Castigators get a boxset and warscroll, right? They're the only unit that just has a push fit box, and still no options for the Prime in the unit. That and a new piece of terrain is probably a Forbidden Power release.
  12. It sounds like more of a Necromunda and less of a Kill Team? That's still pretty cool. I was hoping for a good version of Skrimish, but I've forever been interested in collecting a small, weird Chaos warband.
  13. Has anyone given the Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon a shot? I'm thinking about getting a nice big center piece model, and while the Star Drake is gorgeous, I think it's a little beyond what I can paint right now. I like how the Tauralon looks, but is it worth getting over the LA on Gryph-Charger?
  14. Hey folks! I was wondering if I could get some feedback on a 1000pt list? I'm just starting to collect some Stormcast, I wanted to start with some neat models that would be pretty good on the table, if I ever got a chance to play. So it's a mix of a few units to act as an anvil, and the ballistas coming down on a weak flank to inflict some damage. Two ballistas seem like a better deal than other shooting options at 1000pts? Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer Knight-Incantor (140) - General - Trait: Deathly Aura - Artefact: Soulthief Lord-Ordinator (140) 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1x Grandhammers 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield - 1x Grandhammers 10 x Sequitors (240) - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields - 5x Stormsmite Greatmaces Celestar Ballista (100) Celestar Ballista (100)
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