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Everything posted by zamerion

  1. Can you summarize if it says any news? Thanks
  2. This makes larger models with multiple Wounds, like the Keeper of Secrets and Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot extremely useful. Bladebringer isnt the herald on exalted chariot?
  3. Or haflings for BB.. or karl jericho for Necromunda.. or elites for kt..
  4. in theory on May 4 there is also a seminar, for a great tournament from australia or something like that. right now I can not find the link in warhammer community
  5. I hope so.. but surely then the miniatures will have too much musculature instead of thin depraved.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speaking of rumor engines, with the new rumor about the renovation of bonesplitterz, maybe the scales pictures, are from a new wurzag/shaman in plastic?
  6. very interesting the warcry seminar. Maybe they teach how to paint the non-chaotic bands of different realms
  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/14/your-new-store-opening-miniature-berek-the-indomitable/
  8. Karl jericho (necromunda), haflings (blood bowl) chaos ogryn (blackstone) Other book for adeptus titanicus, new book for hobbit game, shadespire warbands, elites for kill team, slaanesh, and the box grotVSsylvaneth. A lot of announced things that have yet to be released : /
  9. There is a band from warcry that has flesh/leather face as symbol
  10. It's a very good idea too!! the only thing that is wasted a little the rule of the formation to cause mortals when die, and i hope to use the blades on centigors the first and maybe the second turn, and next turns are for bulls. So I do not know when I could use it in the ungors
  11. Hello!! Im new in this forum. After reading the 88 pages I have come to the conclusion that practically the best are the tzaangors and lists around them, but really is the god that I like the least. So while the new khorne book arrives (I believe that bloodsecretaor and bloodstorker they will not buff more to all khorne) I have made this list of nurgle: Alliance nurgle. Pestilent Throng 200 3x10 Ungors 180 3x10 ungors raiders bray-shaman 100 bray-shaman 100 6 bulls 32020 centigors 320 Glottkin 420 Total 1880 Raiders are to screen a little, with the nurgle tree also can charge the first turn easy, and cause some mortals when die. 20 centigors can charge easy the first turn, with shaman + 2 for nurgle. With glottkin are 120 atacks (multi charge all units possible) and with blades of nurgle can make 40 mortals.. For 120 points they are a gift!!! Ungors are only for objetives, or die and cause extra mortals. (mandatory for battle lines) 6 Bullgors with dual axes to rerolls 1s (for blades them other turns) also with shaman + nurgle + tree can charge the first turn too. I know there are better units, like using several units of bestigors, but I'm excited to use them. 120 points free. I can add some endless spell, or other ungors raiders, or some maggotkin/daemon/mortal/festus. What would you do? I was thinking about dividing the units of centigors and bullgors to take advantage of the rules of the detachment, But then the swords are less effective. What is your opinion? tips, changes, ideas, please Thanks in advance!
  12. Ambots (necromunda) are still not launched and GW showed them at the open day in january. Also they said that a blood bowl team will be release each quarter, so it should be released this month, but GW has not even shown it.. As for warcry, I would not wait it until summer (unfortunately). Last year they showed kill team in LVO, and they took 6 months to release it.
  13. I have registered to ask him about the rules .. Where is the problem? : /
  14. I believe you! Do you know something about whether there are changes of profiles or will they be the same as in AoS?
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