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Everything posted by Xil

  1. Wonder how it will affect things with her being God of Murder. Doens't seem to fit into Order anymore
  2. My thoughts, not rehashing the already mentioned predictions: With the information about the shooting phase from today we might see more short ranged shooting aswell if there isn't a significant change to melee armies/units. Quiet a lot of units lose the "Lookout, Sir!" rule, which buffs shooting also. The biggest impact will have the shortend board sides. Losing 12" means harsh buffs and nerfs. We will be in hero and terrain auras more easily. Armies that rely on deepstrike and special setups have a harder time getting past screens (e.g. Nighthaunts, Summoning Demons, KO) Spell ranges are buffed indirectly. Board wide effects have a marginal reduced effect. If terrain changes to a style like 40k, movement will be much harder for huge blocks of units, leading to MSU lists.
  3. Why Hagg Nar tho? Mobility isn't really this sects thing. You will quickly be outside of the 5++ aura.
  4. I am an advocate of blood Sigil. Even last Battletome. I would be pleased if it becomes meta finally. In my opinion it's benefits outweigh the Circlet most of the times
  5. I don't agree that I feel let down in terms of powerlevel/strength. But I feel like we got the short end on new releases. No terrain, no truly new units...
  6. They probably reused some of the CGI/CAD data from Morathi
  7. If you are afraid of losing snakes, then your option is Hagg Nar with Blessing on snakes. But it's not needed if you can play a good offensive strategy. No need for saves when the enemy blends with the grass
  8. Lifetakers still suffer from 1" range. And that's why we never really saw them in competitive games. Even the extra Rend won't negate that. If they had gone to 2" range they would be a great option, even without the extra Rend they have now. Big units aren't viable because of this and smaller units die to a sneeze breeze... I fielded them from time to time, but more because I dig the models and wanted to have some fun.
  9. True and not. Remember Doomfire is pretty weak because you won't be in range most of the the time? Now when you force the enemy to come close to them, maybe even a screen in front, suddenly they are in range. They wipe your screen, you buff warlocks up, maybe even mindrazor and counter charge. All you might lose is 5++ bubble. But 4+ reroll armor probably will stay as will reroll able 6++
  10. No, you reroll the save because of Cogs, the endless spell. The Cauldron gives them +1 to the Armor save making it a 4+ with reroll from Cogs. After that you have the fanatical save of 6++ which is 5++ with Hagg Nar. This After save is rerollable with the prayer Khaines Blessing. I hope it's clearer now
  11. I don't see it as a difficult thing to do. And it's not the only ability working like that. BTW, another catch from Honest Wargamer: Doomfire Warlocks inside Hagg Nar bubble have a 4+ Save 5++ Aftersaves... Add to that Cogs, as they are wizards and can manipulate it, and you have rerollable 4+ Save and rerollable Fanatical 5++ with Blessing prayer. Have fun shifting them
  12. In case you didn't notice. Hagg Nar 5++ is for MODELS wholly within 12" so it's not as bad as it might seemed before. You can still charge and have some models in the bubble to soak up retaliation damage.
  13. I think it's just a single roll that just makes clear it also takes affect on a 5+ on that specific roll rather than another number.
  14. What I think looking through the book is, that we will have some big changes in AoS3.0. I think the Magic will happen after movement, thus the reduction of the Doomfire Spell Range. So basically as it is in 40k. Command Phase >Movement > Magic > Shooting > Charges > Combat > Bravery Doubleturn will disappear. Cover and terrain rules will change. Characters will have another protection mechanic akin to 40k. If I am right with my assumptions, then we can't really judge the Tome yet.
  15. I don't think the Battletome sucks, there are just some decisions that don't make a lot of sense. And those were mostly pretty obvious and easy to fix, which makes me mad.
  16. I agree there, but it doesn't explain a LOT of weird/stupid decisions for the new Battletome for us and Hedonistes.
  17. I had high hopes for the new Battletome... Things I am disappointed with : -Witchbrew: it's way to random, either you feel bad because it never goes off or your opponent feels bad whenever you roll great on it... -Heartrenders got no love: their Spears still do not matter. The special movement is, once again, way to swingy. Also still huge bases for such a fragile unit. -Lifetakers: they got a good buff for sure, but I don't think that's what they needed. They fly over the heads of the enemy! Give them 2" range on the sickle. Rend wasn't the issue. -Blood Sisters: Yes you know, the Crystal Touch. Why isn't it a 'the number of attacks for Crystal touch can't be modified' rule? The current version is just bad on a glass cannon unit. At the end of the combat pace is the culprit here... -Ironscale: Her ability is just not working out. No one, not even the most narrative player, will ever attack first with her to get the +1 attack. -Witch Aelves: the banner is a straight Nerf with the new wording. Yes the old one was basically a reroll too, But you were able to choose the dice. If you fail your Bravery on a 4 and decide to reroll it and get a 5, you fail harder. Before you just picked the 4 at least. -Battalions: no more special modifications by temples/sects. -Morathi: losing a Rend (I still hope it's a typo by copy 'n pasta from small Morathi) -Tempels/Sects: certain abilitys only working with Sisters of Slaughter (Kraith iirc). No dedicated Harpies sect. Hagg Nars CA to push the Cauldron 3" for a CP... Is this a joke? Other armies just move again for a CP. -Warlocks: Casting their signature spell with even smaller range (if AoS 3 moves magic to its own phase after movement it would be OK, like in 40k) -Avatar: still needs to animate.. that's a no go (pun intended) -General: NO NEW Units! Where is my cavalry unit mounted on creatures made from the very fabric of shadows?! Where are my beast units made also from shadows and beasts from Ulgu?! Where is the terrain piece/-s?! Where is our Khinerai Hero unit?! Why is the Mistweaver not moved in the Battletome?! Why is there no new Avatar model when you clearly describe it changing to Morathis appearance?! -Artefact: unnecessary Nerf on shadow stone, especially in light of Teclis or Seraphon and Dot. Lame and redundant abilities on a lot of other artifacts. Nothing interesting, innovative new to be found. I am all for a more grounded, middle of the pack balancing. But quite a lot of decisions aren't helping the case. I wanted to be THE Melee army, not just another alpha shooting nonsense, no fun, go home after 10 minutes post setup army. I wanted flavor. I wanted Ulgu and shadows more incorporated, not just on Shadow Stalkers (I had high hopes of this direction). I cannot and want not to agree with the premise of a faster deadlier game GW is pushing for. If we are honest we take a day off for gaming anyway. It doesn't matter if the game takes 1,5 hours or 2!
  18. There are armies that have plenty Command Points, some don't have other uses and others have abilities without command Points such as Quarz / Gold / Other Currency
  19. And just as useless with all the rerolls in game
  20. Could be that priest are allowed to cast our endless spells as if they were a wizard. Who knows. Maybe there is an Artefact to help, turning a spell into a prayer or priest into a wizard. Maybe a sect will have a rule. Maybe a special rule for a general to pick from. Maybe I am crazy.
  21. Thinking about the 6th sect, I guess it will be a Khinerai focused one.
  22. The information so far is meaningless without further context. We can not see which direction this is going. I guess there will be more information during the week.
  23. I faer that too... I fear having another useless army besides my Sylvaneth. I don't have a 3rd to fall back on
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