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Everything posted by tiechonortheal

  1. Found it. Noted. Thanks for the heads up! They're still more attacks, and they're single model units, so they can be used for space denial/screening to decent effect.
  2. Would that be in an FAQ somewhere? The Excelsior Warpriest Warscroll doesn't make that distinction, but it being modified via online update wouldn't surprise me. They're free regardless, so I'm gonna take them.
  3. Hey all, I'm relatively new to AOS. I play free peoples and Ironweld Arsenal primarily, and I'm here to idiot check things and make sure that I'm not missing anything obvious. I'm running a Grand Alliance Order list with 4 Steam Tanks in it. I've currently got 3 Excelsior Warpriests for healing the tanks and having their Demi-Gryphs let the tanks shoot at summoned things as they arrive, a Lord Ordinator to help the tanks shoot better, and a Freeguild General leading 60 Sword and Shield equipped Freeguild Guard to just be the defensive meat of the list while the tanks do most of the work. Is my force idiotic? Are there any issues that I'm missing? I lack fast objective grabbers and the ability to dispel endless spells once cast, but outside of that I'm fairly happy with my force. Game plan is to buy time in the middle of the table while the Steam Tanks do tons of damage at range and in melee, being steadily healed by the priests, and eventually win objectives by simply murdering the entire opposing force.
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