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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Full on open book review. All is bare for us to see: Also SCE Allies means in lists we don’t want the turtle we can take a unit of 2 SCE dragons. We are not strong against magic, they are. Our mortal output is now limited. They have fireballs. They are monsters. They have massive output and they are 160 below a leviadon. That’s an extra hero for us boys.
  2. For anyone who likes to read about the updates: https://www.goonhammer.com/battletome-idoneth-deepkin-the-goonhammer-review/ Don’t forget Mystic Shield as well haha. I don’t think it is needed, the problem is that he’s our only monster unless you include a wizard, but than you do take away 1 spell that could’ve been used for something else. Now with Lumineth or Cities allies that can change as well with the monstrous options available there. Like Kitsumy said, I do eye the phoenix and I might just be getting one. Love the look of the model anyways, so if it turns out trash, I can always just look at it. The thing is, it can fly and it’s fast. You can hold it back and charge it with your forces once you are ready for strike first. Honestly like Vinny mentioned, you can take a single leviadon in Nautilar together with a combined force. You’ll have it count as battleline, while you can fill up the rest with Namarti, sharks and perhaps some eels even. The 1 leviadon can in that case fully utilize it’s abilities, it has a solid armour save, which if utilized well is going to be a tough battleline to remove. The bigger shooting can complement the rest of the forces, while it gives them an easy +1save, meaning you can use all out attack sometimes instead of all out defense, when you need to defend. The single leviadon can use the nautilar monstrous rampage as well. Having a mixed force will allow you to benefit from all of the leviadons abilities. Maybe than… and honestly only than… it might justify the points a bit… but than again.. could just play better units in a better subfaction and take an ally monster perhaps… or just use a wizard.
  3. He wants Volturnos seperately eventually. I think i will suggest him the generic king. Now with the shenanigans it can pull, the new traits and artefacts. I think it will be a fresh build box for him, while Volturnos is more of a static inclusion in that sense. Only in Nautilar. Honestly I think Nautilar is a trap if you want to seriously compete. For casual fun with friends it's amazing. but dropping 3x 500p into turtles, won't cut it. Like Orbei said. They drop 3 mega gargants and you are pretty much done. Not having a ward save on them and having below 20W will just absolutely gut them. Against low rend and not a lot of mortal output, they can shine, but against those... oof... I think they get clapped. Still really cool to see though. I wonder what people will pair with them with the leftover 500p.
  4. Caught up with all the posts and watched the honest wargamer vid. I must say, when it comes to the points it’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s clear that they wanted power to shift in some units and tone some down(eels & levi)while glowing up others(namarti). Even though… levi and eels did get some power shift to either be killier or shootier. I think it’s too early to instantly judge the book. It’s going to be rougher to make old builds work with the current point hikes, but i guess they just want us to adapt to newer builds and perhaps tone down our abusive ones. Our new toolbox has plenty of synergy shenanigans through the Isharran boosts and abilities. The Akhelian king now does something unique and is not just a cheaper, weaker version of Volturnos. Both eidolons have their place, turtles buff sharks again. We have traits and artefacts for every type of hero and our subfactions allow for very diverse builds because of their specializations. I think it’s a fresh new start. I agree that Namarti / Shark lists look very juicy right now, but eels will also still have their place. In fact i think the killer eels might have something going for them with volturnos on the charge. I expect some point drops in the future, but you know what? The rules are well written, the points are the easiest to update. I think we’re going to be fine. On that note friend of mine started the army as well just now. I wonder what you guys think i should suggest to him. He bought a King set and asked me what is wise to start with, now with the new rules. The Akhelian King or Volturnos. He owns a bunch of eels now, sharks, namarti and a turtle. Nice balanced list. What do you guys think?
  5. Often I try to get a one or 2 drop yes. It just seems to work well for me. With such a fast army you get a big control over the flow of the game. Also if the Soulscryer works somewhat the same, i'm looking forward to Fuethan deepstrike a unit of 3 sharks..... maybe 2 of 3... sometime.. the alpha strike potential... or just the fact you can outflank later on it seems amazing for the sharks.
  6. You always get the buff on 1 of the sharks. It's about making it the most efficient. Obviously you want to get the 2A, so in that case you can say it's conditional. But don't forget, if you would for some reason have to divide and conquer, you can do so and still benefit from +1A on 6's on 1 of the sharks.
  7. It's a bit rough. 1 Shiver can fill up your battleline but than again... you probably want more sharks anyways, but it's interesting. Another thing is that running a shiver allows you to still get benefits for 1 shark, while running them as solo units. Solo units allow you to balance the weapon loadout. I would probably run 1 net per Shiver, or 1 net in total. What's interesting about the shiver is that it allows you to get +2A if one of the sharks is 3" within another shark of their shiver, but +1A if they are not. The shiver allows you to be flexible with your positioning. You can have a shark all the way at the other side of the board and 2 close to each other. It gives you the flexibility to adapt to enemy positioning and hunt them down. 1 of them can rush ahead into a flank and shoot a net into a unit, while charging a hero for example, while the other 2 charge the netted unit, activate the Shiver ability and possibly get a few extra attacks. They could even target 2 closeby units, since all they have to be is close to each other. There is an arguement to be made about just having a unit of 2 sharks and a single shark though. At least it's an option. In case you have to divide, you can pull them all apart from each other. While in a unit you have to stay within 3" for coherency.
  8. It was expected, but this confirmed it! My dedication to Feuthán will stay. 6 Shark lists incoming. Woooo- wee!
  9. My bad. So 4? Let me buy 3 more turtles. That's gonna be some paint work...
  10. I agree, but they are also very beefy now. Much like dragons. If they up the pricing, we could expect a serious adjustment in the positive way for its abilities. Give and take in that case. If not. Well... hello other sub-factions. Although they already hype with that sub-faction, first and foremost, I feel it will be a strong way to play the army. Don't forget, with an Akhelian Hero(thrallmaster is cheapest now(cough cough cough)) you can pretty much have 95% of your list be battleline. No one will ever stop your grand strategy. Sadly it will make broken ranks easier to get as well. Opponent calls broken ranks, fail the charge on your namarti/eels? Might as well try taking that battleline turtle down and gain an extra point while they're at it in some battleplans.
  11. Hold up. How many turtles do you say I am supposed to have? Guys. Hold the Line - Battleline Leviadons. They are monsters too, having 3 makes any battle tactic bonus VP easy to achieve especially since they are this killy. You can't stop a monstrous action if you don't get picked either, their monstrous action targets themselves, so... bye bye hunters of the heartlands. This is brutal in many ways. Still more excited for battleline sharks though. Please Fuethán don't let me down now. Also with the sharks 3" coherency rule, running units of 3 is not bad, but for efficiency i'd rather run 3 units of 2 in order to get 3 champions and fill out battleline completely with sharks.
  12. That’s rough to hear bud. I will still continue building a lot of namarti since i still have hope somewhere with thrallmasters. Perhaps going full on Namarti isn’t the way to go and they do need some ishlaen screening. I think it’s also very matchup dependant. Stormcast and Ironjawz just have very solid average output, which is exactly what kills us. i wonder how a few reavers and some sharks combined would do in there. With the tome coming up perhaps our killer eels will be an option again as well. I also have my hopes up for a solid revamped gloomtide ship. If the beastmen herdstone says anything, it could be a very positive change. Like you said, just chill with the eels till the new book drops for now, it’s clearly your comfort pick.
  13. First of all welcome! Always nice to see a new face within the legions of grief. Good choice going with Olynder, she is a menace on her own and she will do work at 1000p. Perhaps you are a bit hero heavy for 1000p, by picking Olynder as 1 of them. For starters could you list any other units you own, also could you list your plan with this current list. I can see you mostly went for units with some rend and a bunch of magic deny. I’ll tell you my further thoughts after you answer those few questions. For artefact choices, i would go for the Fell Pendant on the Guardian to speed up your forces. Sadly you can’t take take it on the knight, because if you would take an artefact for him, that would force you to take the traitors sword from the sub faction.
  14. It will already start with the box set once we know the changed warscrolls for myrmourn, bladegheists and know the rules for the new units. My body is so ready. I really hope that ranged unit is going to be a banger and i hope the character is going to create a serious punch for our army. I’m so excited.
  15. Very interesting insight on your games. What i noticed is in your analysis you said, the hexwraiths weren’t too impressive and you know what… they might be a small trap. Not saying they are bad, no they do their job and always at least bring 1 unit of them in an emerald list. But perhaps for the purpose of Nagash lists and the already mobile nature of the Nighthaunt, more units might not be needed. Once again when you look at the list that went 4-1 at LVO you can see that only 1 Hexwraith unit was taken and no Olynder at all. In fact the only other hero than Nagash was a spirit torment. The rest was 3 units of chainrasps, unit of hexwraiths and a double reinforced unit of spirit hosts with a spell portal. The guy was playing on all of Nagashs’ strengths. He MSU’d most units, he was able to death incarnate spirit hosts. He was able to amplify the spirit torments revive ability and so on and so on. It just goes to show that if you can add bodies and survivable bodies at that to Nagash, it seems to be rather effective. Probably why my dreadblade build was having success too. I played off the utility ability of tricksy redeployment instead of creating another centerpiece unit like Olynder. Not saying she can’t work because she brings her own utility with her, but it is a points sink perhaps in the wrong place. EDIT: If you want to read more into the tactics used. This page describes it a bit: https://www.goonhammer.com/lvo-the-age-of-sigmar-top-8/
  16. It's cool dude. I'm not trying to be a "gottem" person here, just trying to show some examples to people who wonder to still make the original kit work with some minor adjustments. Turns out it's mostly about making them more dynamic looking indeed. As for your idea i've seen some examples as well and they look amazing. It's a passion conversion, because this one does cost you a penny but this is what i've seen done with the dreadblade / grimghast idea: Even in our own community the dreadblade conversion was done by @Nevar, but with bladegheist revenant and think he even used some black coach horses: Beautifully done by them. The corpsemare endless spell idea from @Gothmaug is harder to pull off since some of the horses are stuck to each other, but it's still a great idea nonetheless. You can make them shift through all manners of environments. As you can see on the sprue, a bit harder to let it work:
  17. Let's agree to disagree. I'm not disagreeing that they're basically our worst looking unit and should get a visual update, but you can definitely work with the current kit. You have your right to have your opinion of course. There's several ways to make them look more their part just like these:
  18. That’s an amazing idea. I might even borrow it. Athough i have 2 original units already. A bit variety in the mix is nice. If i don’t i knight regret it. 😉 Getting a few packs of dreadblades and kitbash those is another option or go 3rd party and i dunno… I’ve actually just build a few. I just love the look of the mini’s and they seem to have a spot in reikenors right? No? Okay. Please re-write their datasheet and make em awesome GW.
  19. You know what could be funny too.. some rambo guerilla warfare deepstriking a thrallmaster and thralls with a Soulscryer or maybe even some thralls and reavers. 😆
  20. Hey who knows maybe the murder eels will get a nice point drop or we can play with the ishlaen. Don’t forget the eidolon and leviadon both still buff eels and our cute little thrallmasters are Akhelian. Maybe we are sleeping on adding eels. Let’s say we go with 2 eels units: A nice one drop 25p left with current points. You could drop the Morsarr for a second Ishlaen eel unit and have 65p left. At that point you could consider an arcane tome with the lifeswarm with perhaps master of magic. This list gives us a nice 1 drop, you’re still able to split up the thrall group once more if you like. It gives us a lot of battleline, making it easier to get hold the line perhaps. Although also opening up more broken ranks opportunities for the opponent. The eels can zoom for objectives. Hit in flanks where it hurts, while the namarti can conquer the middle perhaps. Eels are able to zoom over things. We have a lot of useful tools here and spread power…. You could even take 1 shark instead of a second eel squad, but in this case i think it’s a bad choice.
  21. Honestly the current ones aren't THAT horrible. I know they are a bit more skeletal like because they have their legs and arms like that, but most ghosts have skeletal faces still. I would love to see an update that makes them look more like dreadblades. Currently I would just make them float in the air, through scenery, trees and perhaps even ethereal smoke at their hooves or so. You can make them a lot more ethereal than they seem to be.
  22. Drop 10 Reavers, add 10 thralls and you'll have my Namarti Corps list 😆 -170 + 130 saves you 40p. You end up at 1995p.
  23. I like your list, it’s nicely balanced. You play to the strengths of our army and offset it’s weaknesses with the stalkers, morghasts and Kainan. Normally i would say you are a bit light on mortek, but you also have the Kainan’s Reapers to compensate for that. I think you play 1 of our stronger lists now. 1 thing you could consider is dropping the lifeswarm for the nightmare predator, if you want some additional mortal wound output. The healing is already pretty solid with the Gothizzar and Arkhan, but it’s not a bad pick either. I guess you could try both. The predator would give you some more offensive power, the lifeswarm more defensive.
  24. Oh. So am I. There's too much questions in the air, but don't forget it also includes a juicy allopex per box. All in all I calculated you already get the price of the box with just the idoneth part. I indeed don't own a lot of Infantry yet. I was always more keen on the eels, and thralls being so terrible up till now didn't help. With their recent glow up and the thrallmaster on top of that, I do see them have a place. But ofc a lot will matter depending on how other characters change and how perhaps the Tides will be affected etc. There's so much factors that can still make things better or worse. So far it's a very gimmicky army and they seem to take many different gimmicks away in the 3.0 in favour of 1 overall gimmick, with some bonusses if you have a certain subfaction. But I also collect for the theme sometimes and not necessarily because something is massively competitive. Now there's limits of course in how bad something can be, but if something performs decent and i like the playstyle/look of the unit I sometimes prioritize it over the slightly more competitive choice. Blasphemy I know. I just feel it would be fun to namarti corps sometimes and play like a mini version of AoS Custodes who are made of glass. Thrallmaster Katahs go strong.
  25. I’m literally just thinking to get 3 boxes of fury of the deep more and keep all the deepkin. I wish THAT was our vanguard box. Just that half, maybe without thrallmaster since it’s new ofc and instead a tidecaster or something. It’s easy to just sell off the thrallmasters(already got 2) and fyreslayers i guess. The box is mad value.
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