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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. Hey guys serious question… how would you guys run Scarlet doom? Everytime i look at it i am just tempted to drop a max amount of MSU Bladegheist, obviously it would max out the amount of WoT and charge mortals, but i just feel… it would be too much of a 1 trick pony kind if build. relying on 1 type of warscroll to do it all. I know the fly boys in nurgle do it, but is it our best way to run scarlet doom? Or do we add a unit of hexwraiths for example for a quick mobility unit for late game objective grabbing? How would we pick our heroes for scarlet doom? I assume scarlet might be our most aggressive sub faction and therefore an ultra aggressive approach might show merit. Personally i’m more interested in running Grieving Legion and Emerald host, because they just give an obvious wider range of units to pick from while playing around their sub factions, but i’m just trying to figure out Scarlet Doom as well. Let me know what you guys come up with, i especially can’t settle on hero choice, but alternative units might just also be a thing here. Perhaps running a core of 5 bladegheist MSU paired with some other stuff might just give some more tactical advantages for example.
  2. I was lucky to find a sealed Soul Wars box last year and that gave me this set. Although it looks like they will not be separately releasing this sculpt of the Lord executioner: Forgeworld is inconsistent about this. With Mega-Gargants they immediately updated the Bonegrinder Mega-Gargant. With other things like Adeptus Custodes, they had to wait for a bit to get their rules FAQ'd to work with the main codex. I hope the Mourngul gets his update immediately because it's just a single unit and since it's our only in faction monster next to Nagash... he might just be a big deal. Even with the troops season coming, it might still be nice to have a monster to roar at people and I think he might have some serious merit when played together with a krulghast.
  3. I still were able to buy 2 of them real quick. Zero regrets. Not a fan of the new vanguard box. Although not bad for new players. If they buy 3 vanguard boxes sell off the additional scryers and keep the rest. They’ll have: 1 Soulscryer 3 Allopexes 9 Eels 30 Thralls That’s not a bad start, get a king, soulrender, lotann anything and drop in a turtle (or not), maybe a bunch of reavers and you are surfing.
  4. Guys. If you still just need the units from the start collecting box (because you already have so much sharks for example). Than I would check your local stores, because G-Dubs already removed the start collecting box. It will be Vanguard boxes from now on.
  5. Excellent feedback and replies everyone. I might’ve put the notion that it’s only good to run their specific subfactions if you run a lot of a specific unit. That was not the intent, in fact it might turn out that running a bunch of bladegheist together with a bunch of other units inside the Emerald host might just be the better option for example. I agree that harridans don’t feel the strongest in comparison to other units in this book. It is probably best to run them in an emerald host subfaction if you want to run many of them and just have hexwraiths as battleline. And/Or field Kurdoss with some craventhrone since they actually have some nice synergy with the harridans. They can soften up targets and trigger the harridans buff. Also don’t forget that harridans cause a -1 to wound aura when they charge. I definitely see value in running them in emerald host. Quicksilver Dead will not be played a lot i’m afraid. Against some armies it will be glorious and against some, you fully waste your subfaction rules. Can’t wait for the Mourngul rules, i plan to test out the mourngul in it’s current state except i replace the warscroll frightful touch with the new one and let ethereal work as the new way too. I want to test him out with a Krulghast and also with Awlrach when he releases.
  6. So when picking a more general subfaction you have to make a plan for yourself. Think to yourself, what do the other subfactions offer and how would i have to play them in order to maximize on their pro’s. If you want to spam Bladegheist, you might as well just go Scarlet Doom. Same for harridans with quicksilver dead(although this one is more tricky since it’s so darn specific). Going with massive horde units like 20-30 mans means grieving legion would’ve probably been the better choice. So what does a generic subfaction like emerald host offer? Several things, since it’s subfaction rules always trigger, no matter what you take it will be useful. Although taking too much of 1 unit means another subfaction would’ve probably been the better choice. You probably already see at this point what the value of this subfaction is. It’s a mixed list of different units in which you don’t necessarily go all in towards 1 side. The jack of all trades so to say. Play of the strengths of many of the different units together and make them play of each other. Another thing to look at are units that are not specially favoured by the other subfactions. These would be: All heroes Hexwraiths (my favorite in this subfaction) Craventhrone Guard Glaivewraiths Myrmourn Banshees Chainghasts Spirit Hosts Black Coach Mourngul The rest of units either work great in big units, or have all in potential when it comes to their specific subfaction. Personally i like the potential of this subfaction. Our many heroes allow us for a crazzyyyyy amount of different plans within this subfaction or others. The Emerald Host just allows for the most varied units list. What i would enjoy doing in this subfaction is going with at least 3 hexwraiths units. Lady O. and a Black coach. Perhaps go from there into some death by a thousand cuts units, or units to amplify WoT procs. Together with the subfaction rules that would just create a great mortal wound output together with a solid anti chaff base. You could toss in kurdoss, some harridans and craventhrone and let them synergize. You could play Awlrach and a Dreadblade and echo teleport shenanigans. Our heroes offer us a toolbox that i think a lot of people still need to ground with. It’s going to be amazing. I hope this gives you some ideas for the Emerald Host or Nighthaunt in general. Cheers.
  7. It really depends on what subfaction you intent to run. If you want to optimize for WoT I think going with Bladegheists under scarlet doom by far outweights anything else. We are talking about 1 mortal per 3 charging bladegheist on average and you get full benefit when running them MSU. They have solid statlines that can even handle debuffs to hit and wound, while buffing them further brings them to the perfect hit and wound stats. Other than that, i'd say hexwraiths are great too, they are so incredibly fast and can reliably get into amazing flank positions to guarantee their charge. Myrmourn are amazing for their magic denial, but some people already expressed an issue that worried me before. They are a 4 wound unit. The chaffest of chaff ranged unit can plink them off the board in an instant, so the only true reliable way of charging them in is by teleporting them in or if the scenery allows, sneak them up from behind scenery. When it comes to charging from teleport, glaivewraiths are obviously the most reliable. But overall that's their only value and for that they are just overcosted. I think if you want to get your worth out of Grimghast, running 20-30 man units is best, for that i don't see them as a great contender for WoT charges. Rasps are pretty solid chaff. They are also more expensive than they were. Great for back objective holding or sending them in as a unit of 20 under Grieving legion to lock your opponents in place. Spirit Hosts could be 1 of the best tagteams together with a combat hero like a KoS or Kosoes, keeping them save while also causing WoT for pretty cheap investment. I feel harridans are in this case a more elite rasp unit, although in specific matchups they shine under Quicksilver death, for example in a mirror matchup or vs nurgle. Chainghasts are too valuable to charge in yolo for a WoT, you need to work to get their worth.
  8. Nah i was looking at it and was like… wizard only. Hmmm… going to be a miss if Arcane tome would also go. Pendant of Fell Wind for me is a big changer. I understand they don’t want us to go 11” base, but… i guess i would’ve liked a few more gimmicky artefacts. For command traits i’m pretty sold on Cloaked in Shadow. Realize that if you kit out a nice solid character, it can only be shot by a single unit, with as much damage mitigation as we have going, that will play in huge against mass shooting. My biggest miss is the loss of Reaping Scythe spell, would’ve liked to have that remain for Nagash but oh well. I guess some parts of the book have to be a bit static stat boosting while the other part is shenanigans overload. Not complaining.
  9. So i just looked over the warscrolls again and when you pair the dreadblade with Nagash, you can have 3 Nighthaunt units benefit from 5+ ward in the combat phase for 2CP. You copy death incarnate and issue discorporate with another unit. Pair it with a Krulghast or Awlrach and you got yourself some crazy mitigation / utility shenanigans.
  10. It is considered a unique enhancement and i thought i dropped it on the Soul Mason lol. It’s still confusing, since the app allows you to put it on named characters without any issues!
  11. So it’s been a while since i posted here. It hasn’t been much of an excited time. I did enjoy the WD update, but it doesn’t make or break anything in all honesty. What does however change our situation is the Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur. Now forst of all aesthetically he fits us well, being like a bony elemental incarnate, but he also deals with some elements that are our weakness. First and foremost: In his aura of domination he allows us to re-roll charges. As we all know, with the new 3.0 that was 1 of our biggest weaknesses, now we have a tool to get it done. Second, he can lock units down for us by not allowing to retreat. For us not being able to retreat is a minor issue, we can put up a shield wall and survive, for many other factions this is a big deal. For example countering the new Nighthaunt ethereal trait. Or just having fast units retreat onto objectives. He debuffs enemy wizard, so that we can have more magic dominance and he allows us to re-roll runs, which can just boost our mobility by a bunch. The downside for us is that we can’t benefit from its all out attack aura, nor buff it with it, but overall i think the pro might outweight the con with this monster. I made a list with it, including 3 monsters for easier access to VP. The Grand Strat is pretty achievable too. If you don’t play the battle pack, just go for beast master and pick some different battalions.
  12. Made a few Nagash lists. Let me know what you think. Emerald Host: Scarlet Doom: Grieving Legion: Quicksilver Dead:
  13. I assume you mean 6 Spirit Host. I really like the Krulghast for the fact we can baby Seraphon and give the top tables a piece of their own. I was actually planning to make a Nagash list with a Krulghast, Spirit Torment and Spirit Hosts. I think it'll be a pretty resilient group. Sadly the Grieving Legion ability only works if your unit is 10 or more models, so it won't work for the Spirit hosts. Yeah I think for this release i might double down on tome + warscroll cards and tokens. It will be an army in which you need to micro manage a lot.
  14. I recently got the Krondspine. It’s amazing, but now with the new tome of this faction specifically i feel awkward of using it here. You want to be in it’s aura and you don’t. The army wants to charge and it enables them! But than it counters our ethereal and wave of terror synergy by not allowing us to retreat in its aura.
  15. I hope they make him cheaper. It would really be nice to have him around 200-250p, but if not I hope they pip up his rend to at least -2 and i hope they'll give him something else. A better ethereal save would be nice. Other than that, with the new nighthaunt rules i think he'll do better even now. Forget about his warscroll frightful touch and play him with the new armywide one for now and see how it feels. I think the combo of a cruciator with mourngul will be absolutely bonkers now. Able to yolo the mourngul into anything and than have them -1 to hit and -1Dmg, add in shademist for -1to wound and my god.... Also the moment you realize you can use this on a Mourngul:
  16. You are correct. And Kurdoss is Grieving Legion, and so are some of the other named characters like awlrach and reikenor. The legion is about tarpitting enemy units with horde units(since you often want to send in units of 20 or bigger here) and since craventhrone can easily drop in, maybe teleport around through certain and just sit behind scenery and shoot, you might have an idea of how you could play them together with other units in the legion of grieving.
  17. This does however require awlrach to be general. Meaning no command trait. Not that they are particularly super strong....
  18. Mandatory? No. But he took over the role the dreadblade had. The dreadblade can vanish and re-appear, no longer can it call units to his side. This is Awlrach's utility now. It is an incredibly strong ability to just be able to take 2 units from anywhere on the battlefield (1 being boatboy) and than re-appear with almost full freedom where. I can't wait to just pull my 15 craventhrone from a heavily contested melee objective and make them appear behind a building. The ability even allows you to pull them away from units that don't let you retreat. A lot of units have bonuses to charge and with awlrach you can tie down entire units. You can be oh so annoying while playing grieving legion. Just imagine the faces when you drop a chainrasp unit in front of dragons and put a krulghast nearby. Now those dragons are tied down in a fight with -1 damage and they can't retreat. While you can just pull away with everything you got anywhere. I think there's many more tricks. But we are going to be a very annoying tarpit army i'll tell you that.
  19. I am trembling with excitement when I read the rules, all these possibilities... All these strings to pull. As for the post. Yeah it's a bit of a grey area, but here's the thing. It's not like this content won't be available in a few weeks through reviewers having their review copy. The cat is out of the bag and people will look over the net. If they really want me to take i down I will. Their loss in that case, then people will look elsewhere and not stay on these forums. This is an unusual situation to begin with. Reviewers gain consent from GW to share it all when pre-orders are up, but actually these rules should be behind a paywall, but the warscrolls should not. They will be available publicly, so what's good or bad in this situation?
  20. So many people are looking for the rules. I'll make a small summary of easy access. In another post i'll share my opinion about it all. I'm excited go give the Grieving legion a swing... All of the processions are awesome though. I do not condone any nefarious behavior and will just show it as a form of first look rather than anything else. Most of the tome and matched play rules: Most of tome, but with PTG rules: Dreadblade Harrow: The Briar Queen and her thorns: Black Coach: Grimghast Reapers:
  21. Keep the mental strong mate. We are on the cusp of possible greatness. Don't let go of any of your units yet. It's hard to say this but it's best to forget about all the nighthaunt warscrolls as they are until our book drops, which should be very soon. The only warscrolls you can be a bit more sure of are the ones included in the Arena of Shades box set. Besides the Banshees it was not super exciting. Although they are still solid units. You have to keep in mind, new tome updates come paired with a rotation of what's good, what's okay and what's bad. Your #1 unit could now become #5. Banshees were not seen a lot in lists, this will change. For me Myrmourn banshees gave me a big dominant position against magic heavy armies already. The Scriptor Mortis has it's place, it should be slightly cheaper, but overall it offers a decent threat.
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/04/27/the-daughters-of-khaine-now-indulge-in-more-powerful-blood-rites-with-fewer-re-rolls/ While it’s not nighthaunt, it’s Khaine preview rules. We all know they get released at the same time. Our book will drop very very soon.
  23. Amazing list. Sad to see sharks were not a part of the win here, but it’s always nice to see a nice mix of our units. As we predicted, nautilar is probably best ran as a combined arms force, with 1 turtle to benefit from the monstrous rampage. I’ve tried a similar list last week against some local players and won 2/3 matches with it. It’s just a solid list, you make use of the aggressive potential of the eels and king, while maxing out on all turtle abilities with everyone. The option to teleport with the tidecaster and just drop a second ship in the perfect position is a great utility especially for the namarti.
  24. Well done sir, well done. I do like these tournament reports. You had several tough matchups i would say, especially your second one should’ve been. The sushi elves should do pretty decently against your 3rd matchup, although it seemed you were also massively unlucky in that matchup and stormcast are just extremely meta right now. Did you guys play with the prime hunter rules? Those dragons and fulminators would be worth some VP if you did. I’m also curious how those gladiatrixes did in combination with the witch elves and sisters of slaughter. Were they a lot more scary now with her buff? I will soon play a friend with 2 of them.
  25. So what I like about the Scriptor is that he is a bit of a distraction carnifex. He is slightly more tanky than most other heroes we have because of his once per phase wound shrug towards another summonable unit(take that thorns of the briar queen). The thing about him is that he's an unnamed character. You can put a significant artefact on him while running him as a general in emerald host and now you have a model that can shrug 1 wound on chainrasps/thorns while shrugging most others on hexwraiths. Even without being a general or having an artefact, my opponents seemed to just no like him to be around. If you target an important piece of them, they have this constant notion in the back of their head that you can possibly proc his ability and roll hot. The potential to wipe a slightly wounded be'lakor of the map instantly is something to think about for example. Now the Craventhrone Guard. You might've noticed I went from an initial 10 to 20 Craventhrone. I personally really like the unique close range artillery option they give. They offer something no other unit offers as far as I know. They are fast, you can teleport them in on a flank just behind some terrain and just shoot. They can always come in within shooting range. Later on you can teleport them to your general just around a corner and be annoying. You don't have to make charges. Your attacks will happen no odds involved. Now for the attacks themselves. You guys can do some math i'm sure. Their profile is not great. They do not impact the game heavily to the amount you would like them to. They are more of a very annoying utility piece. Especially if your opponent has squishy models they like to hide. Garrisons won't work, they ignore cover. Hiding behind building don't work, they can see you wherever you are hiding. They are hunters. As for their survivability. The 5+ save sucks. The 1 wound sucks. The 5+ rally is absolutely amazing when you reinforced them. If you also have any heroes that revive. You are likely back to 8/10 or 10/10 when you rally with these guys. I've had 1 out of 10 survive in 1 of my games and they were back at full strength next turn when I also used a Torment. Add in a krulghast and they become pretty tanky in their own right. But for now I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket. Their output needs work and hopefully the new tome offers that. If it does, they will change the games for us significantly. Great unit, could be greater. And I suggest you do, because the Briar queen is a solid piece. Her thorns are a nice bonus.
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