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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. Toss in a new mounted Orruk hero in the box and I’ll take back everything negative I ever said about GW😜
  2. I agree, there’s no way the affects of slannesh were totally purged. Now what’s more important to Teclis, looks or content? Are we going to get perfect physical elves with dark inner flaws, or perfect heroic elven souls stuck in partially twisted physical forms? I don’t know enough about Teclis to know if his personality would prefer the former or latter? Is he an egotistical madman bent on restoring the historic appearance of the aelves, no matter the cost, or is he more benevolent and accepts imperfect physical forms but with purified souls?
  3. Blizzard originally approached Games Workshop with a working demo of Warcraft, which was set in the world of warhammer. GW wasn’t interested so blizzard reskinned many of their designs, and rewrote the narrative to remove GE intellectual property, but the end result is that Warcraft retained many of its Warhammer ties.
  4. The Teclis article also shows Model renditions of his sword and staff, which tie to some of the previous rumor engine photographs
  5. I’d like to think better of GW, but you never know
  6. Just speculating, but lets go another direction... What if the Fall of Excelsis is a boxed set/supplement that brings Siege warfare to AOS? AND that’s where the giant(s) come in, as part of some sort of perhaps mercenary siege force? Also gives room for the gorddaak ram?
  7. games workshop has zero problem changing “canon”, I don’t see them hesitating an instant over one model. The Mistweaver has elements that looks surprisingly similar to the silhouette preview and the pile of unidentified rumor mill model photos to be pure coincidence. No the Mistweaver may not be from Hysh, but that doesn’t mean it’s style wasn’t an inspiration for the new model line
  8. Ok, so we know the name of the leader of the warband, “Morgok”
  9. If a mixed warband, a wardokk or savage big boss would fit well for the armorless skull mask illustration. Or even a warchanter.
  10. I still think it’s all ironjawz though, that skull mask in the art is identical to one of the skull shoulder deco bits from the brute kit, but hey I’m not picky. Ill take a orruk warclans warband with a new wardokk, And a combination of IJ brutes, and savage orruks , sounds good to me.
  11. Oh it will be so nice to get a bit of variety for Ironjawz, hopefully the Beastgrave unit warscroll is more special than just 3-4 generic brutes. Perhaps a new warchanter with two bodyguards? There is another card with a Brute wearing a skull mask out there. Here’s hoping
  12. Well at this point I hope it’s something for destruction, be it ogre armor, gargant belly plates or the prow of a grot blimp Or a big shield carried by a megaboss on goregrunta! Hey an ironjawz player can dream, can’t he?
  13. Has there been any hint that we’re getting a gargant army, as opposed to a single gargant mercenary model or something? I know the community page alluded to something “big” coming in the near future, but an entire gargant army seems out of place. Especially in the current meta where hordes, board control, and action economy play such an important role.
  14. Hmm.. does it have to be an army of “giants” I.e. Gargants? Or could it be an army of large or giant sized miniatures. How big were Firmirs? What about a gargant/troggoth mixed force? Formorians? There’s a lot of options out there for a brand new giant-sized army.
  15. I’d guess Gargant. But it could still be ironjawz faction. There’s all the lore out there about Gordraak making a battering ram from the skull of a god-beast to get into Sigmars realm. In those stories Gordraak uses gargants as pure muscle. Could all the hype about something “big” be a battering ram set piece manned by gargants? Perhaps in a box orruk warclans vs whomever defends the gates (Cities of Sigmar, stormcast, Hysh aelves, etc?
  16. Take a look at the silver tower miniature “Mistweaver saih” She’s got the flowing hair, the moon motif, and the pointy armor bits alluded to in the various rumor thread pictures. She’s also different enough from old world elves to be an AOS specific faction, because let’s face it, GW wants copyrightable intellectual property and not generic fantasy elves. My guess is the new Hysh aelves take on the Mistweavers aesthetics.
  17. True, but the marauder kit is ancient, and the war mammoth isn’t coming back anytime soon. Plenty of room for some distinct development of other cultures. the “grot bag scuttlers” would be neat, especially if it was a hodgepodge of different races mixed in, like a crazy multi-realm mercenary force. but most of all, the destruction forces are alike enough that you BBC oils add kits that can be used by all destruction factions, like the current aleguzzler gargant. Toss in a dragon, or some huge god-beast, other living engine of destruction or even a unit of human savages and make it useable by all destruction factions.
  18. Well in terms of destruction models gitmob and greenskinz got retired, moonclan got a sizable update, Ironjawz/Bonesplitters were ignored, and Ogres got a new leader. There doesn’t seem to be much of a focus on destruction right now, but if we do see a big update, it will probably be a new unique army. Firmirs, human barbarians, gargants, or something totally out of left field. The problem is, how does it feel different than the current destruction armies. Orruks/ogres/troggoth are essentially Meele juggernauts, and is like to see something different. Perhaps a human culture from Ghur that has a mixed Meele/ranged aesthetic with massive beasts of war like mammoths or the spawn of god-beasts
  19. Honestly, some more behemoths Would be welcome across all factions (especially destruction). Nice big monsters, as the game is becoming very troop centric these days. Some siege weaponry would be nice too.
  20. Wouldn’t hold your breath. The underworld warscrolls always feel like an afterthought, kind of like tossing a bone to the AOS crowd. They could be planned better and a great way to introduce new heroes and such, but usually all you get is a self contained unit with very little synergy with the AOS army they link it to.
  21. The lack of armor and skull on his head also points towards a bonesplitta wardokk. But the other cards in the set all show armored brutes, so yeah a new warchanter makes sense. OR it’s a mixed Warclans warband. If that happens, please, please GW put both the ironjawz and bone splitters keywords on the warscroll so either army can use it outside a Warclans army build.
  22. With that skull exactly matching the one in the standard brute kit, I’d say Brute. Also apparently his name is Morgok. well after being passed over by GW for any new models/spells/terrain, at this point any new unit possibilities make me happy.
  23. I dont know.. if they become gitmob they will be the only gitmob warband left in the game, the rest have been retired. The Snarlfangs just don’t fit the gloomspite aesthetic. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got added to Ogor mawtribes, or even just general destruction with no keywords. That would allow them to ally to all destruction armies, correct?
  24. Cause we’re command point starved. Mighty destroyers is amazing, and any methods you can implement to allow for greater Command Point generation greatly enhance our army.
  25. They changed the warboss command and banner abilities. They are listed in the errata for general alliance : destruction Page 11 – Orruk Warboss on Wyvern, Waaagh! Change the rule to: ‘You can use this command ability in the combat phase. If you do so, until the end of that phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly Orruk units while they are wholly within 18" of a friendly model with this command ability. The same unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per turn.’ Page 12 – Orruk Warboss, Waaagh! Change the rule to: ‘You can use this command ability in the combat phase. If you do so, until the end of that phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly Orruk units while they are wholly within 18" of a friendly model with this command ability. The same unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than once per turn.’ Page 12 – Orruk Warboss, Great Waaagh! Banner Change the rule to: ‘An Orruk Warboss with a Great Waaagh! Banner gains the Totem keyword. You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly Orruk units while they are wholly within 16" of a friendly Orruk Warboss with a Great Waaagh! Banner.’ Pages 18-37 – Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz These warscrolls are no longer used. They have been replaced with the warscrolls in Battletome: Orruk Warclans. Pages 53-76 – Moon https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/age_of_sigmar_grand_alliance_destruction_errata_en-1.pdf
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