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Posts posted by Sauriv

  1. 29 minutes ago, Thamalys said:


    Yes, I stand corrected.  My mistake originated from this FAQ...


    ... in that, in my mind, this implied that when you retreat and/or run you’re still doing a single normal move. My bad, sorry!

    No worries 😁 AoS rules can be confusing from time to time, I'm just glad I could help. 

    (sorry if i sounded too harsh before. I wrote the post and added pictures and so on my phone and then everything disappeared and i had to rewrite everything. 😩

  2. 3 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    They can retreat (8") AND run (nothing prevents you from doing that, a possibility often overlooked!) AND charge

    Sorry i have to disagree with you on this one. Retreat and run are two different "modifications" to the "normal move" and both of them have the drawback of restricting you from charge and shoot. (can be read in the coreg-rules) 




    Bladegheists can retreat and still charge but if you also choose to run with them then the drawback of running kicks in and you can't charge anymore. 

    Bestigors can run and still charge, and knight-heraldor can make a unit run and/or retreat and still charge. 


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  3. 12 hours ago, Zorki said:

    The Gorgers can be drop on an objective when we finish our first movement phase ?

    Yes it's totally fine to capture objectives this way! One thing to note though is that "set up" is not a "move" and some battleplans requires your unit to "finish a move" onto the objective. 

    I'm not sure if this will affect the gorger because the battleplans i had in mind wants battlelines or leaders to "move" up to the objective. 

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  4. On 9/28/2020 at 5:27 PM, Magnus The Blue said:

    Because Belchers come in units of 2, it's more like 12-15 small units instead of 3 big ones (if your investing that many points) which is a nightmare to deal with and gives much more impact damage and significantly more attacks (because of champions who have 50% more attacks). 

    A downside with running units of 2 leadbelchers can be that some battleplans favor battleline units, so for that reason would I consider units of 4 belchers instead of 2 for more flexibility for certain battleplans. 😁

  5. 1 hour ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    here are the two lists I’ve played so far. I’m interested what people think.

    You are very heavy on tyrants and gargants, which are both questionable to me. Gargants would I avoid all together and only include tyrants if you have "a good reason" for it. Like if you're running big units of gnoblars (or maybe maxed gluttons) then his command ability is quite useful, but on his own he is a litte too swingy on how he performs in combat. (a special case for including a tyrant is in an undergut army with canons for a special combo with an artifact). 

    If your friend has butchers/slaughtermasters I would recommend you to try out Bloodgullet as the tribe if you like gluttons. And if the friend have a stonehorn i would also tell you to try that one out as well (because it's a very powerful monster in any list) 


  6. 1 hour ago, Nevar said:

    Question about the Deloras Guard battalion... I currently use double Deathrider battalions, which boosts the ability to get the Wave of Terror and gives you a +1 to charge.  It requires a black coach though, and I am not super impressed with them.  Deloras Guard gives +1 attack on charge, does that apply to the Wave of Terror combat also?  Seems like I could potentially move away from Deathriders, but I am a 3 drop with them and I would go up in drops swapping to the DG battalions.  As a Hexwraith affictianado which is the better battalion does everyone think?

    Yes, the +1 attack works with wave of terror. It just says "if they have made a charge in the same turn" not mentioning any particular phases. 

    I use dolorous guard firstly to make my Olynder a tank and treat the +1 attack as a nice to have thing. With a cp from a KoSoES with a charge increases the dmg output of a hexwraiths unit by 100% which can be surprisingly good. A unit of 10 horses hit like the where 20, all in range to the target. we can even use a vampire lord as an ally to give them an additional attack as well. 10 hex hitting like 25, for 50 rider attacks and 50 horse attacks. 

    I dont own a black coach so have never tried the deathriders battalion. 

  7. 17 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Centigors seem like they'd be a good unit to have for my Brass Despoilers, and/or summoning.  Are the bodies on the those pretty much Gor sized?  I was wondering if I could just glue some Gors onto any old plastic horse bodies?


    Hi, another version of homemade centigors (WIP on the painting) . These are horses from old wood elf's glade riders. The upper bodies are of course gors. The spears are a combo of standard bearers' arms and small sword blades and some spearheads from ungor spears. 



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  8. 53 minutes ago, Grugg said:

    Has anyone tried using a troggoth hag in an ogor list?

    I have the model and want to use it (understanding its a lot worse than taking a stonehorn for the same points).

    Honestly stumped on list ideas... Maybe a bloodgullet tribe as a start?



    The hag has no real synergies with any stuff in our book so I would say that it doesn't really matter which tribe you go with. When i played with my own hag as an ally I played Underguts because the gameplan was to play slow and careful (the hag is somewhat slow so a good match for that tactic). This was when gryph feather charm was available so she was very tanky at the time. 

    Stonehorns are better (as you already stated) as both a model and the access to synergies from buffs, mount traits and so on, but if you want to play with a hag don't over-think the list building. She can have a hard time keeping up with faster units but other than that go nuts 🤪 focus more on the combos of the 1600p side of mawtribe units instead. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    You can also just make Spawn out of anything.

    This is what i did, as a fun project and to have a spawn that looked like he once was a brayherd/warherd character. 




    Body is made up with sprue pieces, glue and green stuff and a bunch of leftover pieces from the different kits. 

    The face for example is an upside-down Cygor mouth i think. 

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  10. Hello everyone, speaking of leadbelchers, I had a game with a friend tonight and we had an unusual harsh argument about them. 

    Example senario:

    Your one unit of 4 leadbelchers are all in range(for simplicity sake) to shoot 2 different enemy units. 

    Question: do you roll the number of attacks and then decide how you distribute them? "oh they have 10 attacks this turn, I shoot an evenly 5 attacks in both units"


    First decide which models shoot which units and then roll to see how many hits each of the units receives? "ok, 2 dudes shoot this unit and the other 2 leadbelchers shoots the second unit, oh, i rolled 2 shoots for the first and 6 shoots for the second unit"

    This has a very big impact on the game and I know how I reason but I would like to hear more opinions about it. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Btimmy said:

    On an unrelated note, I am curious what people think of a rule change that I think would fit NH perfectly and bring them up in power slightly, with no other changes to the army really necessary. 

    NH Custom rule.jpg

    I would argue that this is too powerful, to completely shut down any defense against bravery debuffs would be super frustrating to face. This would be defeating to armies with low bravery hordes like stabbas and elit armies. 

    As an example:

    a unit of rockgut troggoths with bravery 5 are often played in units of 6. If we had this passive rule i would always play with horrorghast for an easy additional - 2 bravery debuff. Killing one trogg and cast the spell would make the other ones start fleeing an a roll of 3+. Rolling a 6 and have 4 troggs (16 wounds) flee because of us dealing 4 wounds without any real way to prevent it but to never be in combat, this would be too good according to me. 

    I would instead suggest a "shut down bravery immunity" effect on a targeting spell or as a bubble effect for a command ability on a new scary hero. This would restrict our use of it and allow our opponent to be able to react and counter play. 

  12. 1 hour ago, ArgyBargy said:

    Thanks for the detailed reply. So at 200 rasps what kind of support can we then fit in. You mentioned the knight of shrouds and guardian of souls.

    If you go with 200 rasps that will leave you with 600p left for heroes and other stuff. I would prioritize a KoSoES (with pendant of the fell wind for +3" aoe movement buff ) and a dreadblade (as general). The thing with guardian of souls and spirit torment is that their buffs only reach 12" and the units need to be wholly within that range. I guess it could be possible to have a ST and GoS that tag along with a rasp unit but bufging multiple units can be hard. 

    But i would probably go with olynder and Reikenor instead to have some magic and mortal wound output. 


    So the following heroes would i take:

    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (200)

    Dreadblade Harrow (90)- General

    Reikenor the Grimhailer (160)

    This leave you will 30p to spare for some endless spell or a decent chance of getting a triumph. 


    Or if you dont like Olynder and Reikenor can you change them for two Spirit Torment an one Guardian of souls. 

  13. 1 hour ago, ArgyBargy said:

    Hey guys,  

    so ive just got my hands on 240 chainrasps. Not a nighthaunt player but has anyone ever played a list flooding the board with Chainrasp horde before? 

    240 rasps?! That's 1680p 😅

    Work best with some support and 320p for heroes is not that much. You will probably have a hard time covering your units with the death save, inspiring presence and/or buffs. 

    With 240 rasps, you can fit a Guardian of souls (ress spell and +1 to wound), Knight of Shrouds on Eternal Steed(+1 attack for a cp) and a filler cairn wraith. 

    I think that 240 rasps is a little too much but I think that 200 rasps (so you have 280p more to spend on heroes) could be doable and a quite unique list. I would say that ~60 raps are closer to the average (thats what i run at least) with 40 +10 +10. 

    As for a game plan, your opponent will cry blood trying to shew through 200 rasps. And if you are first to an objective can you hold it quite easily by having so many models. The problem as i see it comes from lack of speed and initiative. Rasps are not that fast but this can be solved by hiding them and deepstrike instead. The problem then is that it's very hard for you to have low drops (battalions only include 2 units of rasps) and therefore you can seldom choose the first turn. To summarize, if you reach the objectives fast you probably win but against a mobile low drop army that reaches objectives fast and can screen of your deepstrike could be hard to face. 

  14. 29 minutes ago, Kramig said:

    Thank you! 

    What about tzaangor? I remember they were used very much at the beginning 

    Tzaangor Enlightened on disc are quite good, i think, don't know how they feel after the point change a while ago but they are crazy fast and can do some damage. With a bray shaman they move 19" 🤯. But I haven't played them either. 

    I have alot of brayherd and warherd and from those can I recommend Bestigors (i have 70 in my collection 😇) and Ungor Raiders. I also like putting a lonely doombull next to the herdstone where he can sacrifice himself for summoning points. He costs 100p and have 8w compared to a bray shaman (100p) that sacrifices 10 Ungors(60p)

  15. 3 hours ago, Kramig said:

    hello everybody! I am a slave to darkness and khorne player. I have been thinking about starting beast of chaos since much months. So, before starting, I need one info from you: 

    what's beast of chaos play style? horde? is it possible to avoid big size units? 

    Thank you!


    A typical way of playing BoC is to swarming the objectives and put your other things in the way so the opponent have a hard time reaching the objectives, even if they kill everything they touch. 

    Few things in this army are killy and you need to focus on the objective game to grab as much point as you can before all your stuff dies. 

    Hordes are the usual way to play and going a more elite army would I say is hard, especially if you are looking at Bullgor and dragon ogors. Bullgor have high damage but few attacks that hits on 4+, bad save(like most things in the army), slow compared to brayherd and they have almost no synergies. Dragon ogors lack the damage output instead(never played them though). 

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  16. 46 minutes ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    He needs to suffer the mortal wound. If it gets negated with a ward save then he hasn't suffered the mortal wound. A similar example would be Arkhan the Black's Curse of Years spell. Originally it wasn't FAQ'd that ward saves could stop the amount of dice that rolled, so if you roll three 6s, you then roll 3 dice to fish for the 5s. Then the FAQ change to mortal wounds suffered, so if any of those three 6's that were rolled were saved using ward saves, then you roll less dice, so for example if you rolled three 6s, they save one of them, you only roll two dice to fish for the 5s. The same principle applies here. It's mortal wounds suffered in order to get the casting bonus

    Yeah of course, the thing I aimed for is in regards to the deathless spirit and if you must take the deathless spirit roll. I play it as I must roll for deathless and if I roll a 6 the wound is negated and that means the ability did not work. I was just curious if this is the same interpretation as you guys. 

  17. How do you guys play Reikenor corpse candle ability with deathless spirits? 

    The corpse candle ability suggests that the model need to have taken the wound to work. 

    "if the mortal wound was suffered by this model,..." 

    While deathless spirits more or less say that when you allocate a wound or mortal wound, roll i dice, on a 6 ignore. (I'm out traveling so can't quote directly) 

    My  interpretation is that deathless spirits isn't optional and therefore can Reikenor, on a 6, manage to ignore the damage leading to the ability not working. Is there anyone who interpret this the same? 

  18. 2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well I mean it is still a 25wound unit with a 6++.

    So it is definitely still a great option to have.

    Just want to point out that the 6++ only works on the pinks making it far less efficient. I have a friend who plays with a gaunt summoner in StD and the horrors die quite fast due to almost no save (6+).

  19. 1 hour ago, cyberhawk94 said:

    They are? Im just getting back into Sigmar and only just this week looked up all the realm rules and stuff

    Yes, this is new and came with the new GHB20, the old malign sorcery book is replaced by the new stuff, new artifact/spells/realm rules, in the GHB20. 


  20. 58 minutes ago, cyberhawk94 said:


    • Do I need Cogs with this? I dont fancy trying to find the points for a Tzaangor Shaman to reliably cast it.

    What do you think? 

    I dont remember exactly what was in my list (can look it up later if you wish) but i know i had 7 units of bestigor, 7 chariot, Tzaangor shaman, cogs and some bray shamans, i think i run a doombull for summoning (he was hurting himself). I liked to ambush all chariot + a unit of bestigors to max out  the ambush. To me cogs was really crucial and i managed to get that roll of 7 (+2) very often (with the built-in rr-charge from the chariot) to get the charge. Tzaangor shaman felt lika a must as well to cast cogs reliable. 

    Mw when they die is nice but this cant be your only plan when playing because some lists just laugh at that. I faces a CoS list with 30 Phoenix guards, 1 anointed on frost Phoenix, 1 hurricanum and a celestant prime(drops down later so hard to chase). In that list there were no good target to focus the mw more than an unimportant battlemage. 

    The strength, according to me, is that you can swarm your opponent and tie them into weird combats(charge both flanks of a big unit to not everyone can fight) 

    And alot of bestigors are great as well! 

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  21. 8 minutes ago, Charly2912 said:

    I think its kind of odd that a Huskard on Stonehorn with the alvagr Rune Tokens can reroll only the hit and wound rolls of his punches and kicks 

    Haha yeah, that's quite awful indeed! 😂 

    Its a shame that our artefacts are so restricted to the different heroes, the rune would be kind of great on a tyrant for example, but it is what it is. 

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