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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. The Spearhead card system looks ways more fun than the battle tactics mechanic in full games. Maybe we should all just use the cards instead?
  2. I've started to wonder if the new Rat Ogres will still be in units of 2 or if they've moved to 1 or 3 models per unit.
  3. No one is running around without wizards or priests. And it's not much of a cost. Having another "unit" that can fly around, get in the way, and force combats is huge. The enemy then has to dedicate their own spell casts or attacks to eliminating it. Having a free bonus tactical resource at your disposal is just a net positive.
  4. This does seem to penalize anyone who didn't buy the big box of endless spells. This is basically telling me I have to buy them for my armies without personalized endless spells whether I want to or not.
  5. The end of the Prosecutor article says they will be showing off some of the GHB rules "later today". But I thought they were usually done updating the community site by this time in the day.
  6. Those new Prosecutors are the best minis they've shown so far.
  7. Give us the core rules already! My patience gets thinner and thinner every time we have to suffer through these multi-month social media teases.
  8. I'm now waiting for the article that tells me how I can modularly delete Battle Tactics from my games.
  9. I have not hid my distaste for BTs in the past, and I had hoped they were implementing a different system with 4th. It seems they're almost exactly the same. This genuinely crushed a lot of my hype for 4th edition.
  10. What do people think the over/under is on the core rules being leaked from the book before the May event? If people will be demoing 4th by that time I imagine we'll know everything by then anyway.
  11. I'd be fine with GHBs just being mission packs with no extraneous rules changes. Especially so if they add battle plans for team battles or FFA.
  12. Which is the absolute worst way to balance the game. "Have free victory points" feels good for nobody. The player doesn't feel like their army is any stronger, and the opponent feels like they're being cheated.
  13. Real terrain rules are nice. I already don't like the Seasonal rules dumping more complexity onto our newly simplified game. I loathe battle tactics still existing. Unless they completely revamped the way they work and are chosen, that's a pretty big knock against 4th for me.
  14. Waiting another two months will be agony. As soon as we get the full core rules I want to just start playing.
  15. Ah, that's an interesting theory I hadn't heard yet. Unfortunately it doesn't follow, because the Slaughterpriest has the same 5+ Save in 4th that he currently has in 3rd.
  16. How do you mean? If it's just an indicator of a 4th ed warscroll then why bother? 4th ed scrolls are significantly different in layout and color anyway. Why would a randomly filled in value with a random color be a marker for 4th edition? But you also have to reference Health and OC in the enemy phases as well. What if you get spells cast on you? Health check. None of the other stats are colored. And like I mentioned, white text on green is much less readable than white on black.
  17. I'll ask this again to get back to rumors, but what the heck does the green fill color mean for the Save value? Does it mean anything at all? Some people suggest it makes it "easier to read" but I disagree; it's not more legible than white on black. Why only the Save value? Why was no other stat colored? If you were to color a value green, the first instinct would be Health. Health is always green in games. From a purely visual aesthetic, it looks bad. None of the most common answers people have given make sense to me. Either there is some hidden meaning we're not aware of yet, or it was a pointless, incohesive whim of graphic design. This is like my white whale of AoS 4th.
  18. It's easier to find criticisms than compliments. I think it all looks good, and prayers could be a fun mini-game.
  19. Well Lumineth might have something that gives them more options. But we all shouldn't suffer for the crimes of Elf Wizards.
  20. I'm not sure why you guys want to memorize multiple spell lores for multiple heroes in a game. That's a nightmare to me and I'd probably swear off magic forever. I'm happy they stuck to one lore per army.
  21. 1) Roll a D6 Chanting Roll 2) Gain that many RP unless it's a 1 (then you lose D3 RP). 3) Decide whether you want to "Cast" the Prayer with your points 4) If you do, cast the prayer and lose the RP cost. If not, keep the points. You can decide to hoard RP for better effects.
  22. They should have showed us the Clanrat warscroll with the Skaven history article.
  23. Those Kroxigor are awesome, beefy as hell. Now gimme 6 Health Troggoths!
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