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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Agreed. The random movement really kills it, and you'll never know how far it's going to get to move. We've seen something like this spell before with Mork's Mushroom, but that one does mortals on 5's, and targets individual models, and ranges at 6D6. I doubt anyone is going to take these very often unless they're at most 50 points or below.
  2. Well the preview showed a squig hopper, so I doubt it has to do with the spiderfang. I don't think it'll be new shaman or foot Loonboss sculpts, we already have a dozen and one ways to get those models. I'd bet a big handful of dosh on the box including a new Loonboss on GCS. No need to change the warscroll and we get an updated sculpt for a model that desperately needed it (and that plenty of people are using for their squig armies). For me, the box would be an instant buy if it included any Rockguts. Doubt it will though.
  3. He's the god of anarchy, they could theoretically bring him back with whatever name they want and it'd still fit. I don't expect it to happen, but it would still be cool.
  4. After reading about how Malal is a renegade Chaos god of anarchy, how dope would it be for him to come back as a new Destruction force? And maybe he brings some Fimir with him...hmmmm?
  5. It's not my fault GW refuses to put Skaven into 40k.
  6. As an aside, I'm sort of surprised they haven't yet invented a 5th Chaos god (Horned Rat doesn't count), if only so they can double-dip on the AoS+40k action.
  7. I believe one of the guys at WarhammerWeekly said during the reveal the GW guys said what they were showing "wasn't everything." Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I believe we'll get some Slaanesh mortals. After all, we know at least some are coming to Warcry.
  8. It's only March. There's more time for the year to happen.
  9. I think it was silly for people to expect whole new units for the Fyreslayers update. Look at Skaven, FEC, and BoC. All got new tomes, spells, and terrain. That's about it. Skaven and FEC each got one new hero, but I wouldn't consider those game-changers. Old armies are mostly just getting rules updates so they can compete with other factions. Doesn't mean they won't get new models in the future, but right now we're in the "Elevator Arc." Gotta get everyone on the same level before we start doing anything truly crazy with them.
  10. Still experimenting, but this has been what I usually run. Trogboss as general with loonskin. Fungoid (or Madcap) Shaman Loonboss Troggoth Hag 10 Boingrots 40 Grots 3 Fellwaters 3 Rockguts 6 Squigs 5 Loonsmashas I recently came into possession of 40 more grots, so those are a possibility now. I've also been thinking of adding Skragrot in some fashion. But without Skragrot, I could use the second artifact to give a Gryph-Feather to the hag and the Mommet to a madcap shaman.
  11. So I run a mixed force of some grots, troggs, and squigs. Without any real battalion to grab, would it be worth it to take the Squig Stampede battalion with only 10 bounderz, simply to get the extra Artifact?
  12. Remember folks, don't believe everything as soon as it's posted. Wait at least 10 minutes.
  13. Sounds like you might be putting too much pressure on yourself and others for perfection. But to each his own. I'm a copy editor and I couldn't give a darn how other people pronounce their P's and Q's, as long as I'm not hired to fix it. Warhammer Weekly is the piece of media I look forward to most every week. The latest bit about Tom's "5th dimensional chess" conspiracy theories killed me.
  14. I'm curious what rumor engines are left that haven't been 40k. Really thought these two would be from Darkoath.
  15. She looks like a grandma. We need more grandmas battling in the mortal realms.
  16. Wow those Judgements. The axe at D3 mortals to anyone it passed across + D6 mortals to anyone within 3" + -1 to hit for non-Khorne units around it. And then the skulls at -2 to cast within 12", instant unbind on 8's + D6 mortals. And then remember there's no counterplay to these things, you don't get to control them if you take the first turn in a battle round, and you just have to hope the opponent rolls them off the table. Of course Khorne would get the best magic in the game. These are going to be silly.
  17. I really like those weirdo bearded imp things. I wonder if they're part of a warband or some kind of unaligned threat.
  18. It'll be the rerelease of an old Stormcast chamber.
  19. Somebody on Facebook said they wanted to know more about Warcry, to which the Warhammer Team responded with "maybe you will, very soon..." Still some hope for a Warcry reveal tomorrow.
  20. Hot take: Sigmar regrets crafting a chamber of warriors from the souls of Settra (maybe this is only alluded to) and his followers, who refused to serve (get it?) OR were defective in some other way, thus, he trapped them in the Stormvaults (where maybe now they've gone crazy or something? I dunno). Those gryph hound statues are clearly Egyptian-inspired, and you'll notice the skull patterns around the ceiling wall, yet the symbols on the floor still retain the aesthetic design of the Stormcast.
  21. I can't believe 40k is getting new ogors before we are. 😄
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