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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Probably not smart of them to spoil the ending of their final book before it's even out. There was literally no reason they needed to do it.
  2. Thanks GW, for consistently giving Destruction players nonsensical impairments just for the lulz.
  3. He only counts as 1 on objectives, will have difficulty maneuvering without fly, can't use allegiance abilities, and has no ward save. Let's be honest here, he's not a "competitive" pick. But I'm sure gonna have fun running him in and exploding things before he inevitably falls over.
  4. I'm guessing they'll have some sort of hobby-related shows as well. Content that doesn't cost as much to produce.
  5. I hope people aren't trying to judge the aesthetics of an entire miniature range based on two frames from a CG animation. Nah, nobody would do that.
  6. I would never read Warhammer Community/social media info to be anything but technically true.
  7. United Dawi would be the narrative progression everyone looks for in these games. It's an arc, not just for a single character, but for whole peoples. As mentioned, the dwarfs were divided ages ago--it'd actually be heartwarming to see them work together again. And of course there would be story reasons why they'd conglomerate. Of course they'd get new models. This isn't something that would just happen out of thin air.
  8. As a community we need to get these ideas out of our heads--these preconceptions on how the world of AoS "should be." The Mortal Realms are immense, mystical places ruled by physical gods, and we need to keep our minds open to that fact. Anything can and should happen in the Mortal Realms. If we start labelling what is or is not appropriate, we become exactly like all of those 40k people who won't let anything new happen because it "doesn't fit the lore."
  9. Sam (the AoS Labs guy) mentioned in his video that in 3.0 there'd be rules to try and prevent spamming units. A hard cap on using the same type of units, and some kind of system that limits unit size depending on how large other units are.
  10. After looking at the Ghur map in detail, I really want a sub-faction for the Breakface Mawtribe.
  11. Not a big fan of declaring battletomes "good" or "bad" before anyone's even seen them on a table. But that's just me. I think the SBG book has a lot of unique ways to play and some fun rules.
  12. This ability makes them amazing. It's essentially retreat and charge on a unit that gets double damage for charging. As long as they aren't 300 points, they're one of the best cavalry units in the game.
  13. It's definitely some new breed of greenskin. I wonder if the teaser image from the newsletter suggests there'll be three different subtypes within the faction. One type that's more chaotic/mutated, one type that takes "mongolian" cues, and one type that winks alot (or are cyclopean).
  14. I've been entreating for more Fimir for years. More than anyone here! But this isn't going to be a Fimir faction.
  15. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. That said, I own a Bretonnian army and still wish people would shut up about Bretonnia.
  16. I feel like the people who are actually upset about Stormcast are mostly 40k players with PTSD. They can't separate the fact that Sigmar's lads aren't the space marines of fantasy. Stormcast have but two main problems: 1) Their range is so expansive it's nigh impossible to figure out what you should buy. 2) So far the rules writers haven't honed in on how they should play on the tabletop. They should be absolute killers. The epitome of "elite" soldiery. Instead, all of their combat guys suck and the only thing they have going for them are bows.
  17. Who is this person in question? No one is as trustworthy as Whitefang!
  18. If it means the Warcom guys don't have to work over the weekend, I think it's smart to do a week-long event rather than a big Saturday/Sunday one. Then again, it may actually mean more work for them overall. But I'd like to know which they prefer.
  19. Kragnos is a beautiful lad and I can't wait to see the sneaky fellows who built his little totems.
  20. That's the Soulblight centerpiece model. It's not a conversion.
  21. I'd kill for a respectable mixed Destruction allegiance.
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