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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. I've played more than a dozen 3.0 games at this point, and unfortunately it doesn't fix the fundamental issues with AoS, which are the clear have and have-not battletomes. Generally, the rich got richer and the poor mostly stayed where they were. Until the rules writers figure out that writing books like Seraphon's or Lumineth's are inherently damaging to the community, we're going to continue suffering through non-games between higher or lower "tier" armies with massive rules disparities. This isn't a "meta" problem; it's an army design problem. The less we obsess over tournament statistics and the more we talk about the casual games 90% of people are actually playing, the clearer the true issues of the game are going to shine through. It sucks having to hear yet another player talk about wanting to quit AoS because they played multiple unwinnable games against an egregious faction.
  2. Hypocrisy has always been part of the GW "charm."
  3. I still don't know why any "reliable" leaker would come out on 4chan. I trust absolutely nothing that comes from that cesspool of children, bigots, and trolls. If a leaker wanted to be trusted, they should do it on a less infamous platform. Anonymity is still possible elsewhere.
  4. 40k continues to be obsessed with different colors of Space Marines. More news at 11.
  5. Exactly why I started a news thread 😉 But yeah, it's not gonna help if it's not enforced.
  6. How is no one talking about the fact that the one SoB battle tactic is called "Manskittles"?
  7. Warclans rules preview https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/13/mob-em-skewer-em-or-zap-em-three-ways-to-waaagh-in-the-new-orruk-warclans-battletome/ I really like the Beast-Skewer ability. It's much more reliable than the stinky "D6 damage" most artillery get.
  8. This is the truth behind the veil of hope. Such as it is--such as it ever was.
  9. Stormcast preview: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/12/build-all-dragon-armies-and-other-fierce-forces-with-the-new-stormcast-eternals-battletome/ And Sons of Behemat are getting battletome updates (tactics, strategies, core battalions...) in the next White Dwarf: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/12/the-sons-of-behemat-receive-a-gargantuan-battletome-update-in-this-months-white-dwarf/
  10. I may be biased as a Destruction player, but I can't help but feel like those dragon rules are better than any of the ones previewed for the Kruleboyz--whose rules thus far have been a resounding "ok". That is my visceral, havenofurthercontext crybaby reaction.
  11. Unless the third Kruleboy subfaction is magic focused, which I suspect it might be just based on the old teaser shield faces we've seen. Also, Warhammer Community's tendency to only give us half of the story could come into play here. I wish they'd just show us the whole warscroll for these things like they did for Kragnos.
  12. It's really bizarre that his warscroll spell is the same as a normal Swampcalla Shaman. Da Black Pit is a tasty spell, but only if he gets some kind of +1 to cast or reroll. So far there isn't anything that screams "super powerful caster." If he's a cheaper monstrous hero, that could be a big boon.
  13. The latest news is that we continue to suffer. No AoS this week--again.
  14. My heart goes out to our Australian/New Zealand folks. The warehouse closure sucks bigtime.
  15. To maintain some illusion of officiality, I'm sure.
  16. Like I said, it's up to the community to make it work. The whole idea is to get more organization in the conversations you want to be apart of. Prior, the Rumor Thread was a total mashed potatoes of ideas, off-topic, news, and other random conversations. It was incredibly difficult to parse, and honestly not worth the effort--I wasn't even reading most people's discussions because it was so all over the place, and all I really wanted was to see if anyone had heard any true rumors. But as you mentioned, I'm not a mod, so you can do whatever you want. If people like the idea of a separate news thread and would like to cooperate in the endeavor, they can. It probably won't be perfect, but I think it's better than what we had before.
  17. Well I'm not the arbiter of what people should do--I just make suggestions. If everyone thinks rumor engines should go to the other thread, so be it. I just think they're more in line with official news than anything else.
  18. I'd say they're official sneak peaks more than anything, so probably here. They're not really rumors, despite the name. Discussion of news and 'rumor engines' tend to go hand-in-hand anyway.
  19. Just a little reminder that we have an actual news thread now if you guys want to talk about those sweet dragon-lads.
  20. Had to be prepared. It's awesome that you can make a whole army of dragons if you so please. I'm quite envious of Stormcast players about now.
  21. Just to let everyone know, I've taken the advice of some members here and created a Warhammer News Thread. Please take a look, and maybe we can create an easier way to access the information and conversations we really want to engage with. It won't work without your cooperation! Thanks.
  22. In an effort to clearly partition official news topics from leaks and rumors, I give you The Warhammer News Thread. Feel free to discuss official announcements, Warhammer community posts, model reveals, company news/revelations, potential release dates for confirmed products, etc. All unofficial rumormongering and leaked models/rules for unreleased products goes to The Rumor Thread. Examples: A) An official Warhammer community post revealing Dragons. You can discuss the Dragons here. B) Company financial reports are released. You can discuss corporate liabilities here. C) Someone on Youtube/Reddit/Twitter says Chaos Dwarf models are coming and/or shows potato cam leaks. You can discuss those at The Rumor Thread. Enjoy.
  23. No...they're doing it because they can't rewrite every battletome all at once. You know that human beings write these rules right? The reality of publishing is that new books for factions that might need help could be a year or more away. This is the stop-gap between now and a full rewrite of some form. It's a good compromise. Plus, they've been doing this for AGES. Gloomspite got much needed subfactions and it was great. This is one of the least egregious things the company does, and actually makes sense from a pipeline perspective. Don't like White Dwarf and just want the rules for free? Then just get them from someone online. Once again I really wish we had a "warhammer community news" thread separated from rumors; because all I want are actual rumors at this point. No bickering about faction releases, nothing news releases, company policies, or whatever else. It's tiresome, and I just don't care. But I do care about secret models and rules.
  24. Let's be real guys, if there are important updates in a White Dwarf, most people are just going to read about them online and that will be that. No need to panic. At worst you'll have to write down the rules off of a high-res youtube video screen cap.
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