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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Just say they're using the other weapon option. It's fine. Nobody cares. We aren't 40k players.
  2. I wish Bonds of Battle was just a core rule and we did away with weapon ranges. Measuring ranges every combat always takes a not-so-insignificant amount of time. It would also fix the ever-present 32-40mm infantry problem.
  3. My personal ideal of what Ogres should be disagrees.
  4. Ogres just need to have 2" reach or their coherency rules adjusted. Their issues shouldn't be addressed by a 6-month long special GHB rule. If it's less than 4 wounds, my Ogres continue their damnation in the closet. If it's 4 or less, cool, I might bring them out for a few games...but their rules are still pretty awful right now.
  5. This is basically why I've stopped playing my Gutbusters until something big changes. That and they have no rend in a game of multitudinous save stacking.
  6. More ways to shift my entire painting process to using contrast paints exclusively is good by me. That Sigvald Burgundy is appropriately beautiful.
  7. Yeah I know what primer is, haha. I didn't know that's what some people considered a "base coat". I kind of always assumed people just meant it was the base layer you put down over primer. I guess it's a malleable term.
  8. I may be an idiot, sorry, but what does that actually mean? Isn't that basically what contrast is? Isn't the first coat you put on a model technically a "basecoat"? Is it just highly opaque paint?
  9. Legion has been waiting for a new release for like 8 months. Really sucks.
  10. That's just GW artificially bloating the cost of HH. It's a game specifically targeted to those who have deeper pockets and are willing to dish out the dollars for no other reason than the perceived value of these plastic kits. They could sell everything at half the price and still be making profit. No one else thinks it's insane that you have to pay $40 for little special weapons to equip to your $80 tactical squad? Truly, WTF.
  11. The marketing storm to HH has drawn a wide net. People I know who don't even play 40k are interested in it. I'M potentially interested in it. But see if $300 boxes don't soon become the norm from what were once $170 ones. And it isn't COVID doing it.
  12. I've heard a rumor that the huge financial success of the Horus Heresy relaunch will help GW realize that they can hike their box prices to $300, make ungodly profit, and then slowly drain the amount of actual product in said boxes over time. Oh no wait, that's not a rumor, just the inevitable.
  13. I wonder if Lifetakers might have a use yet. I keep looking at their warscroll and if you're using Morathi, they'll have 16 attacks in the buff range. +1 charge. Potentially 2+/2+ -1 1. 50% chance to dip out of combat before being attacked back. In Hagg Nar or Khalibron they might be good for striking lone heroes or small objective camping units. Heartrenders are good because of the free move after shooting, but they're never going to kill anything. Lifetakers might have a chance in the right build. I do wish they were a little cheaper though, they're so susceptible to getting blasted by a simple D3 mortals or handful of shooting attacks. If Lifetakers were 70 points, I think you could get some interesting things going and not feel bad about it (the points-to-wound ratio wouldn't be so horrible).
  14. The Broken Realms story was awesome--until the very end when all of the inter-Order conflict was basically retconned. And some stuff was just ignored completely, like Belakor's cursed skies or whatever. I like Kragnos in concept, but it should have been the long-running conflict of 3rd ed. A slow-moving, unstoppable god that only cares about the destruction of the realms, and everyone else trying to figure out how to stop him. Maybe the other grand allegiances even broker uneasy alliances to try and halt his progress? Imagine Order trying to broker with Chaos forces to save themselves from the rampage of Destruction. Anyway, at least we got some sweet models out of a narrative that largely didn't stick around for long.
  15. Because then people would have said "What, that's it? Show gameplay!" and still would have been upset. You only get one shot at a first impression. No need to squander it if they don't have to.
  16. No AoS game reveals sucks, once again, but we know Frontier (Planet Zoo studio) is working on an RTS, so we'll see it at some point. Also Boltgun looks sick. I'll never get tired of Doom-likes.
  17. Didn't Rob also say AoS wasn't getting anything else this year a few months ago? I tend to take what that guy says with a huge pinch of salt.
  18. Annoying to say the least. Especially when we know so many of our books are just sitting in warehouses.
  19. What about All-Out Slaughter? I'd be hitting that up every combat phase if possible.
  20. Agreed. Seraphon is the greatest sinner in the game currently. Scaly Skin alone is a stupidly powerful battle trait. Then you add their ridiculous amounts of synergy and high-efficiency warscrolls and you get a faction that overwhelms in both competitive performance and casual NPE.
  21. Considering we didn't see this warband in the upcoming StD leak, I'm hoping they have the Maggotkin keywords.
  22. I think Blessing of Khaine is going to be replaced in a lot of peoples' kits with Sacrament. I'd much rather get that +1 blood rites until the next hero phase.
  23. Do you guys think the Shrine is worth it? Don't know if its abilities really justify the cost when you could just take a regular Medusa. It does give her a little more protection from ranged firepower. Though the regular cauldron is so good now and Zanthar Kai gives battleline snakes automatically, so I feel like you just take that instead of any Medusas.
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