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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. 5d6 damage is closer to what I'd expect a Mega to do. Not 2.
  2. A rumor with actual teeth or just some elf players bemoaning their current lot?
  3. And it's true for every warmachine in AoS. Nobody takes any of them. But hey, maybe the Ironblaster, the CANNON OF THE SKY TITANS, will do more than D6 damage this time around.
  4. Players generally don't like: - Removing their cool models from the board before they had a chance to do anything (hyper damage or ranged projection) - The loss of self-determination (non-interactable or "shutdown" mechanics) NPE results from an overflow or cross-contamination of these instances.
  5. Honestly it's Tzeentch that should have tons of anti-ward abilities.
  6. A couple models for a niche parody game isn't what I'm looking for.
  7. Speaking of which, where are the badass female Ogres, GW? What's your excuse this time for leaving women out of the lore?
  8. I hope they change literally nothing about Blackpowder's Buccaneers. That dude and his petting zoo are underrated as heck.
  9. I hope I like the battletome's rules as much as its cover art. Please let Gutbusters be good this time around.
  10. GW really trying to keep AoS under the staircase this year. Can't let the neighbors see it in front of 40k and HH.
  11. I am reminded of how absurd the GW "international tax" on their currency is. If I could buy stuff in the US that cost as much as the stuff discounted in the UK, I'd be buying models left and right.
  12. GW: And here at last, it's an Ogre Hunter! Ogre players: But we've already had an Ogre Hunter. GW: You've had one Ogre Hunter, yes. But what about second Ogre Hunter? I do like him though. Pour one out for Gitz. Guess they're going back in the closet for another year.
  13. I mean, that's their fault though. That stuff should still be readily available. It's ridiculous that the biggest miniatures company in the world can't keep their products around for more than a couple years.
  14. We already had a new hunter model with the Underworlds warband. Of all the models that could be resculpted or reimagined, ogres didn't need this one. But I'm sure it'll look cool and I'll want it, because it's an ogre.
  15. Maybe because none of his posts ever have any hint of ribbing or sarcasm and he constantly spews all kinds of random information he gets/makes up. Whether anything he says ends up being true or not (usually not), I never trust a thing that dude says.
  16. The true shame of it is that all three (Gitz, Ogres, and Giants) desperately need new battletomes. Maybe they should write better Destruction tomes and stop constantly thinking of them as the "lolrandomisfun" allegiance.
  17. Let's hope there's more to the Tzeentch book than meets the eye on their new scrolls. The Kairic acolytes and Tzaangor are VERY meh. Not quite bad, but close. I don't know what universe those Tzaan Hosts are worth 200 points.
  18. I think the obvious choice is to play them outside of Blessed Sons. As soon as they become battleline they become Veterans, which means bounties doing double damage against them. The virulent ability is fun and forces your opponent to spread out a little bit or risk catching maximum Ebola.
  19. Remember when battle boxes were like $160? The GW greed hath ascended.
  20. I am annoyed that chaos familiars finally return only to be locked behind their stupid subscription service.
  21. We surely don't have enough Chaos sorcerer models to go around.
  22. Honestly, almost every faction should get a small kit boost like the one Sylvaneth received. Two entirely new units and a hero. Maybe even sans the hero, most armies have enough of those.
  23. *IF* we get a new ogre butcher model, it would be in an Underworlds/Warcry warband. And of course they wouldn't reveal a new warband by way of PDF.
  24. I think you see Purposefully Vague Marketing Box Graphics (tm). They mean nothing other than "here be product."
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