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Everything posted by Eevika

  1. I dont think a mistake like that would get into the book and all the list builders with out someone questioning the 6 in the box thing.
  2. You play them as 5. No one knows why GW put 6 in the box.
  3. What artefact would you run on the Troggboss? Do you think Ragegrip is a good idea?
  4. Ok based on all the talk here and in other groups I have made a list I'm going to run in a one day tournament next month. It's currently looking something like this. Dankhold Troggboss 300 General Rageblade Pulverizing Grip Troggoth Hag 380 Gryph feather charm Madcap Shaman 80 9x Fellwater Troggoths 480 6x Fellwater Troggoths 320 60x Stabbas 360 Morks Mighty mushroom 80 Loonshrine 0 This comes out to 2k points on the dot with 152 wounds. I think the list seems pretty solid right now but if you guys have any recommendations on what to change I happy to hear them EDIT:Realised I dont have two artefacts with out the battlion
  5. Dankhold troggoth has almost no place in any competitive list. Mangler is 20 points more and a lot better
  6. Wow for some reason I thought you can ally anything in the monster of destruction compendium into any destruction army. Made sense in my head but I dont make the rules now do I
  7. Yeah but everyone can ally him. If they gave it Gloomspite Gitz keyword not everyone could ally it
  8. Dread Maw is indeed awesome but I really like how it can be used by all destruction armies. Would be a shame if it was restricted to GG
  9. I'm very happy hearing this as I'm finishing the paint job on my hag and have 9 more fellwater troggoths waiting for painting 👌🏻
  10. Probably for being competitive basic grots are the best option. It has been discussed a lot here that the netter frontline with troggoths behind will most likely be the best troggoth list.
  11. How many things have 2+ armor save? I dont think I have ever played against such a thing
  12. You can optimize your Troggoths. Whats the best way to actually debuff the enemies to never hurt your troggoths? How do you optimize spellcasting in a troggoth list and get your enemies off of objectives with spells like Banishment? Taking grots is too easy you have to think outside of the box.
  13. I'm just joking. He said its's necessary to take 60 grots just because of the loonshrine but I dont think thats very true as you still only have a 50% chance to return the unit.
  14. You are talking about playing a Troggoth list. It's not like we are trying to actually have the best army here. for the prize of 60 goblins you can run 6 Troggoths + an endless spell if you want to. I know what I'm choosing
  15. Oh yeah pre orders up on NZ site Dankhold Troggoths are on 60mm bases!
  16. Get your gobbo ass outta here. Loonshrine makes Troggoth not scared thats good enough.
  17. Fimir Trolls with Gordrakk?? Something like Gordrakk 580 Fimirach Noble 140 Dankhold Troggboss 300 3x Fimir Warriots 140 3x Fimir Warriots 140 3x Fimir Warriots 140 Dankhold Troggoth 220 6x Rockgut/Fellwater Troggoths 320 Comes around to a nice 1980 points for a good swamp themed GA Destruction army
  18. I was really exited for a Gordrakk Troggoth list untill I realised this sad fact that it doesnt work It had the potential to be so great
  19. You can only make troggoths battleline in a Gloomspite Gitz army and when you run Goddrakk you have to play GA Destruction
  20. It's just a part of the Gloomspite Gitz allegiance so we do get it. It has a nice 12" bubble where you dont take battleshock tests
  21. I'm currently painting those saggy mammas and they are truly wonderful.
  22. Yeah there will not be a GW Troggoth hag for at least a few years. I already have almost everything for my army so no proxying
  23. Thats some really interesting math right there. I actually really like the idea of running the RageGrip so I can very easily break congo lines and make my enemy suffer by having to sacrifice his models
  24. Ironjawz can take moonclan as allies so anything with that keyword should go with Ironjawz
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