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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. It is Open Play 2.0. Mordheim rumours are like Battlefleet rumours.
  2. It is a rebox right now. You can buy a few of them right now
  3. Rumored schedule: - Core Rules pdf released on first June week - Prerelease second June week - Release last June week + Spearhead pdfs - Index first July week
  4. Because doesn't exist a Vanguard Ironjawz to be reboxed and an Ironjawz Spearhead box was not announced either
  5. Spearhead is a game mode for playing buying only one box. That's not possible right now and a Spearhead before the new edition is almost impossible
  6. Good to see that Behemat followers are gonna have their own Sperhead rules.
  7. I think it is okay you give your opinion. Rumours doesn't imply be in a wave of postivism. That's a forum, and give opinions and discuss them must be the first objective of each of the members of the forum.
  8. It is impossible. If they sell them in smaller sets then it would be because are new models
  9. Spider Incarnate of Ghur. IT'S HAPPENING! hahaha
  10. I just compared the Void Dragon lighting and the Lumineth Endless spells
  11. Looks like "chinese plastic" to me. New terrain, Endless or Incarnate?
  12. It was the same with Dominion. I think the name was revealed the same day of the unboxing or a few weeks earlier
  13. But they need to repack all the Orruk Warclans kits too and they are not doing that
  14. Yeah, if you check each warehouse you will see different Spearhead/vanguards and a few sold out vanguards waiting to be removed from the store because they are Sold Out.
  15. I am happy to know that Warclans will stay a bit more. Thanks Vanguard to confirm that
  16. DA LIST updated. Only Dwarf, Kill Team, Warcry and Dawnbringers on the near radar. My bets is Dawnbringers next week or It could be showed the same weekend than the next edition box.
  17. They have started with news one hour earlier than usually so maybe today is the day to close Dawnbringers
  18. The sales are too dispar right now. - Khemri and Bretonnia sold well at first. - O&G doesn't do it that well and it takes more time to sell the first batch of stock. Although the second wave is doing a bit better with the Orcs boarboyz being a real best seller. - Resin new models are selling as well as other Forgeworld resin models. The game is doing okay. The old kits sales are so dispar and we can expect something similar to dwarfs or chaos, meanwhile elf sales will be better. Is the game is outselling other games? No, it is not. The community is supporting 3D so much and that implies zero to GW. We need to wait to see how it will work when new factions arrives in two or three years.
  19. Sneaky Snufflers Sporesplatta Fanatics Gobbapalooza Loonboss Squig Herds Dankhold Troggoth Only two models left from this piece of art. *wink*
  20. I am still thinking that his reference to the Cogfort was to mocking the 4chan "leak" that doens't make any sense
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