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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Christmas video is always a surprise you don't need to be worried about it
  2. One week more, next Sunday will start the party again
  3. We had four possibilities: - He is removed forever (the common one with redundant models) - He gets a new model (the other common option with unique models) - He returns with the same model (Maneaters) - He returns without a model (Fatemaster) The Skarsnik model is a redundant one in the old Battletome so it is very easy to think that the first option is the correct this time.
  4. They were squatted for months and more the half of the Maneaters are not back EDIT: Fatemaster didn't come back and it is in the Tzeentch book
  5. Plastic kits are repacked, resin models are squatted.
  6. Hello darkness my old friend... 🥲 Edit: I think GsG are coming before BoC
  7. and Gitz? I want to know! The Moon is not answering me!
  8. These three are from a Catachan's event model These two are artificial, they are not Seraphon feathers
  9. The Fungoid Cave-Shaman have nails too. FeC use human weapons.
  10. We usually get news the Christmas Day: 2021: Eldar vs CSM 2020: Sisters vs Dark Eldars and Mortal Slaanesh 2019: Tzeentch vs KO and Dark Angels
  11. No longer available online is different to Temporarily out of Stock online. The first one is used when a Product Code is not going to continue and the second one is used when the Product Code is out of stock and will continue in use. All these Gitz units are going to have a new Product Code and if we discard a new model that means a repacking of these kits
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/12/09/grinkraks-looncourt-continue-their-madcap-mission-with-a-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-warscroll/
  13. The ability has the same name so it is very possible
  14. 190 pts I think they are fine and playable. They are not a must-have but I think they can be played and be fine.
  15. "the new year we’ll be joined by the Beasts of Chaos and the Gloomspite Gitz, and there are plenty more battletomes on their way – including the hotly anticipated Cities of Sigmar"
  16. The other humanoids like Astra Ogryns are highly possible in the new Cities if I'm not wrong. Am I right @Whitefang?
  17. The Cities point is not 100% accurate. Am I right?
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