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Everything posted by Jetengine

  1. If the Skaven vs FEC box is the same price as Wrath and Ruin (£95) then its going to be a ludicrously good saving with the Skaven side being £80 and £120 for the FEC. Literally 50% discount.
  2. The easiest option is to merely fuse Gitmob and Greenskinz together. Add in new/Different mechanics and we're golden.
  3. The latest Skarsnik sculpt has a profile in the book, albeit he's a generic unit and/or hero.
  4. The 80 day countdown is to the 'arrival of the Warmaster' (a new Abbadon model)
  5. As a Spiderfang player my wallet will depend entirely on whether Gloomspite are a LON fusion or just a new faction.
  6. Which is nice considering of my 3 factions the one with most attention is Dispossesed lol
  7. As a Spiderfang player I just want to know whether my faction is being fused LON style or ignored and left as is.
  8. Even with the release though I'll still need to see rules etc frankly. My 2000 odd points of Spiderfang want to be folded in, not merely made allies.
  9. Please dont put the new sourbreaths on 50mm I've just based mine dammit !
  10. So if MSU is the standard loadout to avoid battleshock shenanigans do you turn the 3 ogres into the full command ?
  11. What is an ARPG ? As for rumours tons of Gobbo and Troggoth stuff got 'not availabled' on the UK website.
  12. So I heard that if Conquest (40k Hachette Magazine) does well in Spain they'll then move on to America. If that does well rumour is they'll start an AOS one. I'd assume it'll be Stormcast and Nighthaunt.
  13. High Elves dont really exist anymore, neither do Dark or Wood. Their all just Aelfs specialising in certain things or roles.
  14. I can see that. I mean my two other factions have pretty clear strengths with which to work with. Eldritch Council - Magic and Elite Infantry Spiderfang Grotz - Venom Mechanic and Behemoths.
  15. I know our issue is magic, mobility and lack of MW output, KO is that their entire playstyle got nerfed, whats the Fyreslayers problem ? Other then being a horde army priced like an elite army ?
  16. Spitballing a 1000 pt list. Nothing competetive but just want some thoughts. Alleigance Order General - Warden King w/ Inspiring and Hoarfrost Runelord 30 Warriors w/Hammer and Shields, Clan Banner 20 Longbeards w/ Great weapons, Shields 10 Irondrakes w/ Grudgehammer 1 Cannon
  17. Stick with 20 then, its the max you can take and its still quite viable as a fast moving assault or objective holder. Especially since iirc Night Gobbos aren't exactly speedy. On another note, whats the thoughts on Trolls in a Spiderfang force ?
  18. Well you can only get 20 in as allies anyway however 20 is ok. 30 is better since its a ridiculous horde. However be aware that any more then 10 is a pain to manouver due to the odd base size.
  19. Interesting. I've been considering vanilla Ogres for a while now for a 3rd/4th force. It helps that theres a low model count lol. I'm mixed on the plastics though, I'm considering using Warmonger miniatures Great Orcs (essentially Ogres) whom are all wearing Landschnekt gear.
  20. So Gutbusters strength is.....grots ? Since their a cheap chaff unit you throw on objectives ?
  21. Stupid question. Is it just me or are Gutbusters doing better in game then BCR ? If so why ?
  22. I dont expect anything AOS related till Jan/Feb. November will probably be LOTR related (Hobbit book is on sale, more models reintroduced or released) whilst Christmas will be 40kQuest and Bundles.
  23. One of the more interesting things I find about this faction from the few games I've played is that its all about timing and targets. You've got to be agressive with your Riders since their shooting isnt great (its more of a neat addition that can ping an odd wound off) and their saves are bad, the extra wound doing a better job lol. But you have to pick targets that your sure you can delete in a turn or two since due to said poor saves and awkward base sizes protracted combat leads to dead riders. Big Bosses are generally support since their better in combat but their command ability is a lynchpin so you dont want to throw them in willynilly. I haven't used an A-Rock yet (Only smaller games atm) but their of a similar principle to the Big Boss only MUCH more durable thanks to 14 wounds.
  24. I suspect Darkoath will fill a different niche to Khorne Barbarians. Just the fact they have magic and ranged alone does that. I mean Chaos afaik (6th ed onwards) only ranged was magic gubbins (including daemon allies or spawn vomit etc) or the Hellcannon. Adding javelins or bows makes things very different.
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