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Everything posted by Skoll

  1. the weapon range choices seem bizarre at times. like enlightened having 2 inch range, but bullgor great axes having 1. oh well such is life
  2. has anybody dont a comparison of skinwolves vs two axe minos ? I want to say the skin wolves come out ahead
  3. I'd hope we see some khorne beastmen to slot in at some point. Enlightened being better in combat or at least more reliable than bullgors is a little frustrating. or at least skin wolves.... they fulfill that glass canon role better than bullgors I feel.
  4. I only take 6 bullgors for stacking buffs on them and contacting multiple units at once, the hope being they break more than their points worth even if they die to a man.
  5. Id have made a comment about having to go ham instead, sadly ham is not made of cows
  6. Clearly the way to make bullgors work is to drown your opponent in them. 1600 points is 30 bullgors , just push through with sheer beef
  7. I understand what you are trying to say, however I agree with swamp heart in that we should voice our concerns and not engage in a circle of boundless positivity ,as only by voicing concerns can we expect to cause any modicum of change. Further more sadly the bonuses the bullgors have are all in the utility department not in the area that would allow them to function as a hammer unit. Assuming all attacks hit, a bullgor unit would then cause an average of 2 mortal wounds (4 with the artefact on the doombull). But that's only if they hit with every attack, the reality is that a 3 man bullgor unit will cause a single mortal wound in a combat phase and find any debuff to hit absolutely crippling, so even their one offensive aspect is lackluster. I've brought this up, because I am a less experienced aos player and want to see if it is a concern that can be addressed , because our book seems to not address it. However the replies seem to arrive at the same conclusion I found, which is the book wont fix it and our allies wont fix it, the unit is better served in a BoK army than in a BoC one. I am also interested in skinwolves and who I have to harass for FW to print a viable monsters of chaos matrix
  8. Dont get me wrong, I am sticking with bulls because I like them no matter how good they are, I've been using the minotaurs since fantasy days and I'll be damned if I take the little beasties instead of them now. However with the wealth of -1 to hit penalties going around I feel the bulls should have at least been 3+ to hit, or there should have been a way to give it to them inside the BoC book. I played a game recently where my 6 man unit of great weapon bullgors charged Durthu , with +1 attack from gavespawn skill, +1 to wound and rerolls to wound from brass despoilers. He got his stomp off, and they absolutely bounced off of him, sure I rolled relatively poorly, but that was something that felt like it should have been a sure thing, specially on the turn they were basically blowing their load. The spike potential of the bullgors is huge to be sure, but when compared to something like orruk brutes, who have huge damage potential as well , but are incredibly more consistent and yet somehow easier to procure buffs for, I get a little sad
  9. As far as I am concerned, BoC are not allies to BoK, the FAQ allowed the battalions to have the additional words and the BoK ally list to include BoC but BoC ally list only includes Slaves to darkness . But id be extremely happy to be wrong
  10. I actually have something extremely similar written out. But I arrived at the same concern you did, with 400 points being way too much to spend on battalions. I however went for additional bull gors instead of the extra slaughter priest(I figured 30 inch bubble should be enough for the blood secrator). Kept my blood warriors at 5 and dropped in a khorne prince (as I felt there was no suitable combat general ). I figured I'd play the reavers and warriors as pseudo screens and chaff, and rely on the bulls to do the legwork. However I'd toyed with the idea of eschewing the brass pilgrims battalion altogether , and perhaps attaching say another bloodsecrator (I've seen a huge argument about the stackability of the buff ). I truly wish bullgors were just general battleline as long as a doombull was the general, as I'd more than be willing to give up BoK command traits and relics to not have to take additional battle lines.
  11. I've been looking at that specifically, and it does feel that the bullgors are overall better in a blades of khorne army than in a beasts of chaos army. The extra attack from a blood secrator alone + slaughter priests bonus do wonders to truly make them into decent combat units. It is honestly a crying shame, that I cant ally those khorne characters that bring bullgors online in a BoC army, but i suppose at that point, bestigors would still be able to benefit from those buffs and be better point per point. I see value in the doombull, and while he is relatively cheap, I am saddened that something that should be a center piece model has such few attacks, but I guess we can afford 2-3 doombulls for every vampire on dragon or maw crusha on the other side
  12. So I've been lurking for a while and what I am seeing seems to be a consensus that bullgors and perhaps warherds in general are a sub par option in the book. There seems to just be an overall lack of way to either buff their ability to stick their hits . Am I missing something or is that overall the feeling here.
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